

Class of 2026
First choice school:
History and Philosophy
User stats
Family medical adversity, prestigious research fellowship, worked through college
1-4 years
fundraising and gov't administration
Federal Clerkship and Appellate Litigation
Apps submitted
Scholarships Received
lawboy's wisdom for future generations

School apps

Result App type FW Resident Schol... Sent Sent raw Received Received raw Complete Complete raw UR UR raw UR2 UR2 raw II II raw Decision Decision raw
29 Boston College Accepted, Wi... RDregular decision $90,000 Feb 16 2023-02-16
27 Boston University Accepted, Wi... RDregular decision $75,000 Dec 13 2022-12-13
13 Cornell University Rejected RDregular decision
5 Duke University Waitlisted RDregular decision
35 Emory University Accepted, Wi... RDregular decision $138,000 Apr 08 2023-04-08
29 Fordham University Accepted, Wi... RDregular decision $120,000 Dec 14 2022-12-14
35 George Washington Un... Accepted, Wi... RDregular decision $120,000 Apr 08 2023-04-08
15 Georgetown University Waitlisted RDregular decision Nov 02 2022-11-02 Dec 16 2022-12-16
5 Harvard University Rejected RDregular decision
5 New York University Hold, Rejected RDregular decision Apr 20 2023-04-20
10 Northwestern University Waitlisted RDregular decision Feb 03 2023-02-03
10 UCBerkeley Rejected RDregular decision Feb 13 2023-02-13
14 UCLos Angeles Accepted, At... RDregular decision $60,000 Jan 23 2023-01-23
3 UChicago Rejected RDregular decision
56 UColorado—Boulder Accepted, Wi... RDregular decision $60,608
20 UGeorgia Accepted, Wi... RDregular decision $110,000
43 UIllinois—Urbana Cha... Accepted, Wi... RDregular decision $139,500
10 UMichigan Rejected RDregular decision
16 UMinnesota Accepted, Wi... RDregular decision $105,000 Apr 10 2023-04-10
22 UNorth Carolina WL, Withdrawn RDregular decision
16 USouthern California WL, Withdrawn RDregular decision
8 UVirginia Rejected RDregular decision Feb 20 2023-02-20
16 Vanderbilt University WL, Withdrawn RDregular decision
20 Washington Universit... WL, Withdrawn RDregular decision
40 Washington and Lee U... Accepted, Wi... RDregular decision $135,000 Apr 08 2023-04-08
45 William & Mary Law S... Accepted, Wi... RDregular decision $131,859 Oct 31 2022-10-31


General chat about the legal profession.
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Bad- Zoom did not work and they had to call me. While my camera was still on. I was looking for my phone and I lower my camera screen to see if it was behind the computer ( I am worried that the camera pointed at my crouch) also I can remember if I cussed while looking for the phone.
To be clear they could hear me but I could not hear them.
But they were nice and the interview continued as normal. So I may be overly worried.
that is such a tiny bad part do not worry ab that
technical issues definitely don't reflect poorly on u
The camera... that is what I am worried about and the cussing (I can remember if I did or did not)
I'd it went 12 times better than what you though so if ur saying it was good im sure it was GREAT!
lmao might make u memorable at least
At the end I was like there is nothing that could stop me from attending HLS [stuttering for a bit then saying] if I am accepted.
boutta show up on the first day of classes no matter what
shows commitment
When I had my HLS II, I thought I failed it hard but I got in, so I wouldn’t think too hard about it
It was funny. She gave me links for stuff I was interested in and gave me an update.
@SplitterNoQuitter: was it as bad as maybe cussing and pointing a camera at your crouch?
They told me they are interviewing this week and next, and hope that to have everything wrapped up by the end of the month.
Acceptances are coming out next week too.
My interviewer deffo understood HLS was my top choice. That was clear. Most of the questions focused on whether I would attend then short discussions about me.
"I know you give 24 hrs to accept, but I don't even need 24 hrs." they laughed.
@GreenJumbledScorpion: who did you have?
What is the best LSAT tutoring service?
Taking Blueprint for the regular course, but will need one on one tutoring as well
[] ararara
@ScandalousSeriousBaboon: Blueprint is awesome but fee waivers 7 sage/lsat demon are free! Could be that blueprint has a program for that as well now though.
[] ararara
With fee waiver approval from lsac*
@ararara: I definitely don't qualify lol. 2 years into a well paying job in California. Don't feel like I'm thriving, but on paper it says I am
that last part was so real
[] ararara
@ScandalousSeriousBaboon: they don’t just take pay into account! If you can show them some bills you have they’ll help you out!
@SquidwardsHouse: sam
[] ararara
@GreenJumbledScorpion: congratulations! Please update us with what happens!
did chag get into nyu
I haven been here in a while
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