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I was so happy when I learned LG was going away, was legit missing more on LG than the rest of the test put together when I did my diag
yeah i don't believe i would have come anywhere close to my PT average, let alone my existing score, with LG on the test
But there are also plenty of people out there who were hitting -0 on LG and relying on that to get a high score
So overall scores will stay the same or slightly increase, but it just depends on what your individual strengths are as to whether you benefit from the new format
I was consistently -0 in LG but test day LG is always harder and way more stressful
Maybe this is a dumb question but does the amount of times you take the LSAT matter
like if you only take it once is it looked upon favorably
@SickToughBulldog: yes and no
One take great score is looked on favorably from what I have heard
I think if you took it 5 times and scored 120 4 times and 180 once, they might see the 180 as a fluke
@TurboSplitter: did he die while active duty or on active duty orders? You should be able to apply on va.gov or call yourself and they will be able to tell you if you have any. If the benefits are transferred to you. I do not believe you age out but depending the time/type of service and if they had been previously used they do expire for the veteran and dependent after 10 years. It didn't become a forever GI Bill until recent
i think multiple attempts with a clear upward trajectory is still rather favorable. multiple attempts with little to no improvement probably wouldn't be seen favorably
I know people who took the test 5+ times and got into great schools so I don't really think it matters all that much
Yes he died on active duty, it's more a question as to whether or not the Fry Scholarship and GI bill can both be used separately
My mother swears up and down he transferred his GI Bill before he died
do we have any intel on waves today people
But she's got some VA login stuff to sort out before I know for sure, if I do have the GI Bill, 90% of my stress goes away lol
Yes they can be used separately, the can not be applied at the same time. Getting that letter of eligibility will be a process if there is a VA hospital or office close by you can contact their survivors office who can get you a representative that will streamline the process over doing it alone
Okay awesome, thank you!
live near a military base so we have tons of VA offices
There are A LOT of groups/organization that will also aid you in finding scholarships and grants to cover additional cost. If you live near a base they should have a Gold Star Family office which would be your best source.
anyone know if UGA releases decisions at a certain time or could it be anytime throughout the day?
@TurboSplitter: Gold Star family is a DoD/Federally mandated and civilian/community supported organization. I would definitly hit them up for more expert and direct guidance. https://americasgoldstarfamilies.org/what-we-do/scholarships Each base has a builder or office for them and calling the DPS or MPs office to get a temp pass for it is easy.
Thank you so much, I'll definitely look into that
i def wouldve done better without LG but i also straight up didnt have the time to retake because i was working full time and also finishing classes
so it is what it is
my summer schedule for two months was work 9-5 and then class 6-9pm 4x a week
@WonderfulFascinatedKoala: The two UGA waves so far have been at different times on different days
One Monday afternoon at 3:30 and the other Tuesday morning around 9-10ish
I think the second was just a Monday wave that got delayed
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