



Live updates

Live updates shows all decisions in real time.



Daily total: 237 · 32 · 28
17:57 🥳 - BeneaththeWheel@UofA
17:49 🤞 1 - DiligentSilverFox@NYLS
17:46 🥳 1 - TheBrunetteElleWoods@DU
17:43 🥳 1 - HuskyFrighteningOgre@UH
17:43 🥳 1 - ColossalAcousticCat@UNT
17:42 🥳 1 - GustyNeedlessCaterpillar@CLS
17:42 🥳 1 - korwamei@CLS
17:37 🥳 1 - BlackLawBarbie214@UNT
17:23 🥳 - SlimSatisfyingPug@DU
17:20 🥳 - gallaghergirl18@UMich
17:14 care 1 - BrainierJet19@UCLA
17:13 care 1 - BrainierJet19@UMich
17:09 🥳 - MuteLargeClam@GW
17:09 care 2 - BrainierJet19@UVA
17:06 🥳 - gilguskhan@UCI
17:02 🥳 - jango280@UMD
17:00 🤞 1 - Dontevenworryaboutit@UofA
16:57 🤞 - NoisyIrateLoon@UofA
16:48 🥳 - Basketball113@UMD
16:46 🥳 2 - HopefullyInLawSchool@UofA
16:45 🥳 2 - FascinatedVagueElephant@CLS
16:44 🤞 1 - SensitiveSplitter@UofA
16:41 🥳 - LSATQueen@CUNY
16:40 🥳 1 - DeafeningFancyGorilla@CLS
16:40 🥳 2 - AbjectNiceCrow@CLS
16:38 🥳 - LSATQueen@UMD
16:36 🥳 - SkrtSkrtJoe@UIC
16:28 🤞 - shaynah@Fordham
16:28 🤞 - shaynah@BU
16:27 🥳 1 - shaynah@CUBoulder
16:26 🥳 2 - shaynah@Tulane University
16:26 🥳 - shaynah@UCHastings
16:13 care - peachrings@UVA
15:53 🥳 - VagabondSadAlligator@UMD
15:48 🥳 1 - CosmicDiablo2@UCI
15:44 🥳 2 - FriendlyApplicant@NYU
15:40 🥳 2 - AhsokaTano@UCI
15:38 🥳 2 - babyblues@UCI
15:07 🥳 - LazyFumblingBulldog@UH
15:03 🥳 - mmggff@Temple University
14:58 🤞 2 - RoomyWantingPirate@UVA
14:55 🥳 - BigCountry96@UofI
14:43 🥳 2 - BreakableNeatDragon@UCI
14:40 🥳 2 - swaney7@UCI
14:38 🥳 2 - AloofRaspyMoth@UMich
14:37 🤞 - Audacious-Hunter@UMN
14:31 🥳 - slothmanwunn@UIUC
14:30 🥳 - slothmanwunn@UWisconsin
14:30 🥳 1 - MightyNutritiousBarnacle@UCI
14:28 🥳 1 - sage-131313@UCI
14:27 🥳 1 - dieg01@USC
14:25 🥳 1 - chairsniffer@UH
14:21 🥳 1 - girlwiththe@UCBerkeley
14:20 🥳 6 - sego@NYU
14:19 🥳 - 422-bakery@UCI
14:18 🥳 - InstinctiveSquid@UH
14:14 🥳 - Liverpool1195@UH
14:09 🥳 1 - FiveMacabreCattle@UCI
14:07 🥳 - DSan@UTKnoxville
14:05 🥳 1 - Banana-Splitterr@UCI
14:04 🥳 1 - Envirolaw9898@UCI
14:03 🥳 1 - AnonApplicant1337@UCI
14:02 🥳 1 - MartyDog@UCI
14:02 🥳 1 - Kittylawyer18@UIC
14:01 🥳 1 - BigOzzie@UCI
14:01 🥳 1 - SparklyPurpleCow@UCI
13:59 🤞 - FiveMacabreCattle@NU
13:59 🥳 - aavora@ASU
13:58 🥳 - shaynah@GW
13:58 🥳 - shaynah@UMN
13:52 🥳 - bigfatsloth@UH
13:40 care 1 - Maxmax@UTKnoxville
13:40 🥳 2 - redpink12@NYU
13:38 🥳 - sotoeisenberg@UWashington
13:29 🥳 1 - KindAmusedLeek@UMD
13:14 🥳 1 - ScreechingDapperRat@NYU
13:14 🥳 1 - Rhannah-R@UCLA
13:11 🥳 1 - Atticus-Stench@UVA
13:08 🥳 1 - blackellewoods7@UMD
13:07 🥳 - jash28shah@CLS
13:04 🥳 - AmbitiousSpottyGolem@NYU
13:04 🥳 - Fama@IU
12:57 🥳 - ShinyLargeCrocodile@GU
12:57 🥳 - swaney7@CUNY
12:56 🥳 1 - Jimmyducats@GU
12:51 care 1 - PG6@ASU
12:49 🥳 - WoebegonePoliteFly@UMD
12:43 🥳 1 - LavaLump@UMich
12:43 🥳 - IckySoreTerrier@NYLS
12:36 🥳 - IckySoreTerrier@UNH
12:32 🥳 2 - CharmingGibbon@NYU
12:22 🥳 1 - Maxmax@CUBoulder
12:13 🥳 1 - AttunedBat@BU
12:12 🥳 2 - PlasticShiveringGibbon@CUNY
12:10 🥳 1 - Randomthoughts229@UH
12:08 🥳 3 - DeterminedThinRhino@NYU
12:08 🥳 1 - OssifiedFeignedChipmunk@L&C
12:05 🥳 1 - Tarra@CUNY
12:03 🥳 - projectzeus@CUNY
12:01 🥳 - RangerLaw21@UH
11:54 🥳 1 - bluehightops@UMich
11:45 🥳 1 - KnownPlantWalrus@NYU
11:39 care 3 - iamabaddie@UCLA
11:28 🥳 2 - StimulatingIdioticWretch@UH
11:26 care 12 - Chortle57@HLS
11:21 🤞 2 - GentleWholechilla@UCBerkeley
11:21 🤞 1 - GentleWholechilla@UVA
11:16 🥳 2 - VerdictPending@UMich
11:16 🥳 2 - CivisRomanus@UMich
11:14 🥳 3 - CeramicDonuts00@NUSL
11:14 🥳 1 - EspressoKitty@UH
11:10 🥳 6 - SomberRapidPelican@UMich
11:08 🥳 1 - Thataintme@UH
11:03 🥳 6 - MittenStateMaverick@UMich
10:59 🥳 - MapleSyrupDrinker@UH
10:53 🥳 9 - NorthtoLaw@NYU
10:52 🥳 - cecea99@GU
10:44 🥳 - GiftedAmbiguousShark@UH
10:36 🥳 - jango280@UH
10:34 🥳 - KindlyStormyAnteater@UH
10:23 🥳 2 - comet@'Bama
10:22 🥳 1 - comet@BU
10:21 🥳 2 - comet@Vandy
10:20 🥳 - comet@UMN
10:18 🥳 2 - comet@Cornell University
10:18 🥳 - AnxiousLemming@UH
10:17 🥳 1 - comet@UCLA
10:15 🥳 1 - comet@UCBerkeley
10:14 🥳 2 - DelightfulRice@NUSL
10:13 🥳 - comet@UMich
10:13 🤞 - comet@NU
10:12 🤞 - EtherealAngelClover@UVA
10:12 🥳 1 - comet@NYU
10:12 🥳 - NimbleAccidentalCorgi@UH
10:11 🤞 - comet@UVA
10:10 🥳 2 - comet@HLS
9:58 🥳 - AutumnSunrise@Brooklyn
9:54 🥳 - thebourgeoisie@UH
9:52 🥳 - harveycosby23@UH
9:39 🥳 - MickleMight@UH
9:23 🥳 - WistfulRaindrop@UH
9:22 🥳 - StudyingDoggedly@UH
9:21 🥳 - DecentPegasus@UH
9:19 🥳 1 - JK1710@UH
9:19 🥳 - ToekneeChestnut@UH
9:16 🥳 - AnxiousBlobfish@UH
9:15 🥳 - WholePatheticLemur@UH
9:08 🥳 1 - AliveCreepyCapybara@USF
9:01 🥳 - TestyAbsentZombie@UH
8:54 🥳 1 - WOODCHOP27@IU
8:46 🥳 - NJhoosier1918@IU
8:05 🥳 1 - StormyKnownTomato@W&L
8:04 🥳 - StormyKnownTomato@UNC
5:38 🥳 - sotoeisenberg@L&C
5:01 🥳 2 - Erickstiano@UCLA
5:00 🥳 1 - Erickstiano@UCBerkeley
4:08 care - how@UCBerkeley
0:58 🥳 1 - HoneyBadger1315@UCBerkeley
0:49 🤞 - peppertheeggs@UVA
0:35 🤞 - SpecialManyCoyote@BU

Aggregated decisions

Aggregated decisions only shows decisions with an associated date.
# School Date
1 CUNY 2025-01-15
1 University of Kansas 2025-01-15
1 University of New Hampshire 2025-01-15
1 Arizona State University 2025-01-15
1 Georgetown University 2025-01-15
1 University of Kansas 2025-01-15
1 Pepperdine University 2025-01-15
1 Florida State University 2025-01-15
1 University of Illinois—Urbana Champaign 2025-01-15
1 McGill University 2025-01-15
1 New York Law School 2025-01-15
2 University of Arizona 2025-01-15
2 Lewis And Clark College 2025-01-15
1 Chapman University 2025-01-15
1 University of California—Los Angeles 2025-01-15
1 Seton Hall University 2025-01-15
2 University of Virginia 2025-01-15
2 University of Virginia 2025-01-15
1 Samford University 2025-01-15
3 St. John's University 2025-01-15
3 St. John's University 2025-01-15
3 Nova Southeastern University 2025-01-15
2 Western New England University 2025-01-15
6 Temple University 2025-01-15
1 Santa Clara University 2025-01-15
2 Suffolk University 2025-01-15
2 University of Denver 2025-01-15
1 University of Nevada—Las Vegas 2025-01-15
1 Belmont University 2025-01-15
3 Duquesne University 2025-01-15
1 Appalachian School of Law 2025-01-15
1 Northeastern University 2025-01-15
1 Cornell University 2025-01-15
2 Temple University 2025-01-15
2 University of California—Los Angeles 2025-01-15
7 University of Virginia 2025-01-15
5 University of Illinois—Chicago 2025-01-15
1 Indiana University - Bloomington 2025-01-15
1 (Part-time) Seattle University 2025-01-15
1 Samford University 2025-01-15
1 New York Law School 2025-01-15
1 Southern Methodist University 2025-01-15
2 Campbell University 2025-01-15
1 Belmont University 2025-01-15
1 Hofstra University 2025-01-15
2 Texas Tech University 2025-01-15
8 Columbia University 2025-01-15
1 Tulane University 2025-01-15
1 Rutgers University 2025-01-15
2 University of Ottawa 2025-01-15
9 CUNY 2025-01-15
3 (Part-time) University of Houston 2025-01-15
20 University of California—Irvine 2025-01-15
1 Pace University 2025-01-15
2 University of North Texas at Dallas 2025-01-15
1 Stanford University 2025-01-15
1 Cornell University 2025-01-15
1 University of San Francisco 2025-01-15
1 University of Iowa 2025-01-15
13 Loyola Marymount University—Los Angeles 2025-01-15
2 University of California—Berkeley 2025-01-15
10 University of California—Berkeley 2025-01-15
5 Emory University 2025-01-15
14 University of Michigan 2025-01-15
43 University of Houston 2025-01-15
19 New York University 2025-01-15
2 Widener University—Pennsylvania (Commonwealth) 2025-01-15
4 Gonzaga University 2025-01-15
4 University of Arizona 2025-01-15
11 University of Maryland 2025-01-15
7 University of Tennessee 2025-01-15
1 Charleston School Of Law 2025-01-15
20 New England Law | Boston 2025-01-15
1 University of Tennessee 2025-01-15
24 St. John's University 2025-01-15
2 Boston University 2025-01-15
1 Santa Clara University 2025-01-14
1 Ave Maria School Of Law 2025-01-14
1 Willamette University 2025-01-14
1 University of Denver 2025-01-14
1 University of Montana 2025-01-14
1 (Part-time) University of Dayton 2025-01-14
2 Rutgers University 2025-01-14
1 Appalachian School of Law 2025-01-14
1 American University 2025-01-14
1 Barry University 2025-01-14
1 Columbia University 2025-01-14
2 University of Connecticut 2025-01-14
1 Georgetown University 2025-01-14
1 University of North Texas at Dallas 2025-01-14
1 University of Denver 2025-01-14
1 Northwestern University 2025-01-14
2 University of San Francisco 2025-01-14
1 Western Michigan University (Cooley) 2025-01-14
2 Tulane University 2025-01-14
1 University of San Diego 2025-01-14
2 Creighton University 2025-01-14
1 University of Memphis 2025-01-14
1 Louisiana State University 2025-01-14
1 University of Wyoming 2025-01-14
1 University of Tennessee 2025-01-14
1 Gonzaga University 2025-01-14
3 Texas Tech University 2025-01-14
1 University of South Carolina 2025-01-14
2 Indiana University - Indianapolis 2025-01-14
1 Duke University 2025-01-14
2 University of Idaho 2025-01-14
2 George Washington University 2025-01-14
2 University of Iowa 2025-01-14
4 William & Mary Law School 2025-01-14
2 York University (Osgoode Hall) 2025-01-14
1 (Part-time) New England Law | Boston 2025-01-14
1 Barry University 2025-01-14
1 Illinois Institute of Technology (Kent) 2025-01-14
7 Emory University 2025-01-14
1 New England Law | Boston 2025-01-14
7 Cornell University 2025-01-14
2 Florida State University 2025-01-14
7 Seton Hall University 2025-01-14
2 Catholic University Of America 2025-01-14
10 University of California—Los Angeles 2025-01-14
2 Rutgers University 2025-01-14
1 Rutgers State University Newark (old) 2025-01-14
1 Texas Tech University 2025-01-14
4 Seton Hall University 2025-01-14
5 Belmont University 2025-01-14
1 Campbell University 2025-01-14
1 University of Arkansas, Fayetteville 2025-01-14
2 Catholic University Of America 2025-01-14
3 Brooklyn Law School 2025-01-14
1 University of South Dakota 2025-01-14
2 University of Connecticut 2025-01-14
2 New England Law | Boston 2025-01-14
6 Northeastern University 2025-01-14
3 William & Mary Law School 2025-01-14
1 University of Wyoming 2025-01-14
1 Saint Louis University 2025-01-14
13 Pepperdine University 2025-01-14
4 Southern Methodist University 2025-01-14
2 University of Detroit Mercy 2025-01-14
3 University of Michigan 2025-01-14
4 Charleston School Of Law 2025-01-14
9 Texas A&M University 2025-01-14
1 Northeastern University 2025-01-14
4 Brooklyn Law School 2025-01-14
1 Illinois Institute of Technology (Kent) 2025-01-14
10 Boston University 2025-01-14
2 Catholic University Of America 2025-01-14
2 Elon University 2025-01-14
3 Texas Tech University 2025-01-14
3 University of Michigan 2025-01-14
4 Cornell University 2025-01-14
1 Vermont Law School 2025-01-14
5 University of California—Los Angeles 2025-01-14
1 Southern University 2025-01-14
1 (Part-time) New England Law | Boston 2025-01-14
37 University of California—Berkeley 2025-01-14
9 University of Tennessee 2025-01-14
2 Drexel University 2025-01-14
11 Duquesne University 2025-01-14
22 University of Southern California 2025-01-14
11 University of Tennessee 2025-01-14
5 University of Connecticut 2025-01-14
5 Georgetown University 2025-01-14
6 Indiana University - Bloomington 2025-01-14
22 Cornell University 2025-01-14
8 University of Washington 2025-01-14
12 University of California—Los Angeles 2025-01-14
2 Duquesne University 2025-01-14
39 University of California—Berkeley 2025-01-14
130 University of Virginia 2025-01-14
2 University of Virginia 2025-01-14
9 University of Texas at Austin 2025-01-14
11 Lewis And Clark College 2025-01-14
7 University of California—Davis 2025-01-14
51 University of California—Berkeley 2025-01-14
150 University of Virginia 2025-01-14
1 Florida International University 2025-01-13
1 DePaul University 2025-01-13
1 (Part-time) University of Denver 2025-01-13
1 Albany Law School Of Union University 2025-01-13
1 University of Tulsa 2025-01-13
1 Harvard University 2025-01-13
1 Mercer University 2025-01-13
2 Vermont Law School 2025-01-13
1 University of Wyoming 2025-01-13
1 (Part-time) University of Hawaii 2025-01-13
1 St. John's University 2025-01-13
2 University of Denver 2025-01-13
1 Arizona State University 2025-01-13
1 Fordham University 2025-01-13
1 St. Mary's University 2025-01-13
1 Western New England University 2025-01-13
1 New England Law | Boston 2025-01-13
2 (Part-time) Georgetown University 2025-01-13
1 Elon University 2025-01-13
3 Vermont Law School 2025-01-13
1 (Part-time) Temple University 2025-01-13
2 George Washington University 2025-01-13
2 Creighton University 2025-01-13
1 Ohio Northern University 2025-01-13
1 (Part-time) DePaul University 2025-01-13
1 (Part-time) Georgetown University 2025-01-13
1 Mercer University 2025-01-13
2 Belmont University 2025-01-13
1 Lincoln Memorial 2025-01-13
1 University of Missouri 2025-01-13
1 York University (Osgoode Hall) 2025-01-13
3 DePaul University 2025-01-13
2 University of Virginia 2025-01-13
1 Boston University 2025-01-13
1 (Part-time) Georgia State University 2025-01-13
5 University of Michigan 2025-01-13
2 University of Denver 2025-01-13
7 University of Washington 2025-01-13
1 Wake Forest University 2025-01-13
1 Texas A&M University 2025-01-13
1 University of the Pacific (Mcgeorge) 2025-01-13
1 Pace University 2025-01-13
5 CUNY 2025-01-13
2 (Part-time) Mitchell Hamline 2025-01-13
3 University of Virginia 2025-01-13
1 University of Minnesota 2025-01-13
1 Santa Clara University 2025-01-13
2 (Part-time) Georgetown University 2025-01-13
1 Baylor University 2025-01-13
2 California Western School Of Law 2025-01-13
2 Emory University 2025-01-13
2 University of Denver 2025-01-13
1 Indiana University - Bloomington 2025-01-13
2 Boston University 2025-01-13
15 University of California—Los Angeles 2025-01-13
1 Touro College 2025-01-13
12 Georgia State University 2025-01-13
3 Cornell University 2025-01-13
8 American University 2025-01-13
1 University of Southern California 2025-01-13
1 Nova Southeastern University 2025-01-13
24 Georgetown University 2025-01-13
12 University of California—Los Angeles 2025-01-13
11 Southern Methodist University 2025-01-13
10 University of California—Davis 2025-01-13
11 Illinois Institute of Technology (Kent) 2025-01-13
3 University of Cincinnati 2025-01-13
20 University of California—Los Angeles 2025-01-13
30 Georgetown University 2025-01-13
12 Southern Methodist University 2025-01-13
7 Temple University 2025-01-13
1 Barry University 2025-01-13
2 Georgia State University 2025-01-13
7 Arizona State University 2025-01-13
20 Southern Methodist University 2025-01-13
1 University of Minnesota 2025-01-12
1 University of St. Thomas (Minnesota) 2025-01-12
1 Loyola University—New Orleans 2025-01-12
1 Lewis And Clark College 2025-01-12
1 University of Oklahoma 2025-01-12
1 Washington University in St. Louis 2025-01-12
1 University of Pittsburgh 2025-01-12
1 Harvard University 2025-01-12
1 Syracuse University 2025-01-12
1 University of Michigan 2025-01-12
1 Georgetown University 2025-01-12
11 Arizona State University 2025-01-12
2 New York University 2025-01-12
1 Suffolk University 2025-01-12
2 University of Michigan 2025-01-12
2 DePaul University 2025-01-12
1 University of North Carolina 2025-01-12
1 University of San Diego 2025-01-11
1 University of Colorado—Boulder 2025-01-11
1 University of Michigan 2025-01-11
1 University of Colorado—Boulder 2025-01-11
1 University of Texas at Austin 2025-01-11
1 University of Iowa 2025-01-11
1 Wake Forest University 2025-01-11
1 Northwestern University 2025-01-11
1 Pepperdine University 2025-01-11
1 Florida International University 2025-01-11
1 Arizona State University 2025-01-11
1 Tulane University 2025-01-11
1 University of Massachusetts Dartmouth 2025-01-11
1 William & Mary Law School 2025-01-11
1 Washington University in St. Louis 2025-01-11
1 Columbia University 2025-01-11
1 University of Detroit Mercy 2025-01-11
1 University of Ottawa 2025-01-11
3 Fordham University 2025-01-11
1 University of Southern California 2025-01-11
1 Arizona State University 2025-01-11
1 Saint Louis University 2025-01-11
1 Loyola University—New Orleans 2025-01-11
1 University of Cincinnati 2025-01-11
1 Michigan State University 2025-01-11
1 University of Alabama 2025-01-11
1 University of Minnesota 2025-01-11
5 Albany Law School Of Union University 2025-01-11
1 University of New Hampshire 2025-01-11
1 University of Maryland 2025-01-11
1 University of Miami 2025-01-11
2 Fordham University 2025-01-11
1 Wake Forest University 2025-01-11
1 University of Notre Dame 2025-01-11
1 Brooklyn Law School 2025-01-11
2 Harvard University 2025-01-11
2 Georgetown University 2025-01-11
3 George Washington University 2025-01-11
1 Cornell University 2025-01-11
1 Barry University 2025-01-11
1 University of California—Los Angeles 2025-01-11
1 University of Colorado—Boulder 2025-01-11
2 Duke University 2025-01-11
2 Case Western Reserve University 2025-01-11
29 University of Michigan 2025-01-11
1 University of California—Davis 2025-01-11
1 (Part-time) American University 2025-01-10
1 Cornell University 2025-01-10
1 Northwestern University 2025-01-10
2 Temple University 2025-01-10
1 University of Virginia 2025-01-10
1 Brigham Young University 2025-01-10
1 Brigham Young University 2025-01-10
1 Temple University 2025-01-10
1 Hofstra University 2025-01-10
1 Creighton University 2025-01-10
2 Drexel University 2025-01-10
1 University of Maryland 2025-01-10
1 Barry University 2025-01-10
1 University of Colorado—Boulder 2025-01-10
2 University of Colorado—Boulder 2025-01-10
1 University of Washington 2025-01-10
1 University of San Diego 2025-01-10
1 University of Arizona 2025-01-10
1 Brigham Young University 2025-01-10
3 University of Texas at Austin 2025-01-10
1 Syracuse University 2025-01-10
2 Washington University in St. Louis 2025-01-10
3 Drexel University 2025-01-10
1 University of Iowa 2025-01-10
3 University of Notre Dame 2025-01-10
2 University of Louisville 2025-01-10
1 University of Notre Dame 2025-01-10
3 University of Notre Dame 2025-01-10
1 New England Law | Boston 2025-01-10
6 Santa Clara University 2025-01-10
9 University of California—Los Angeles 2025-01-10
4 University of Nebraska 2025-01-10
1 University of Wisconsin 2025-01-10
5 William & Mary Law School 2025-01-10
1 University of Denver 2025-01-10
2 University of California—Davis 2025-01-10
2 William & Mary Law School 2025-01-10
5 University of Minnesota 2025-01-10
7 Arizona State University 2025-01-10
1 George Washington University 2025-01-10
1 Wake Forest University 2025-01-10
6 University of Texas at Austin 2025-01-10
2 University of New Hampshire 2025-01-10
1 Belmont University 2025-01-10
5 University of New Hampshire 2025-01-10
2 Northwestern University 2025-01-10
8 Tulane University 2025-01-10
10 University of Southern California 2025-01-10
6 Northwestern University 2025-01-10
4 Northeastern University 2025-01-10
1 Quinnipiac University 2025-01-10
4 Ohio State University 2025-01-10
2 University of New Hampshire 2025-01-10
3 Duke University 2025-01-10
1 University of Michigan 2025-01-10
7 Fordham University 2025-01-10
1 (Part-time) Fordham University 2025-01-10
3 University of Oklahoma 2025-01-10
3 Arizona State University 2025-01-10
1 George Washington University 2025-01-10
5 Texas A&M University 2025-01-10
2 Boston University 2025-01-10
1 University of Houston 2025-01-10
1 Texas Southern University 2025-01-10
1 Willamette University 2025-01-10
1 Catholic University Of America 2025-01-10
1 Baylor University 2025-01-10
17 Fordham University 2025-01-10
1 (Part-time) Fordham University 2025-01-10
1 Mississippi College 2025-01-10
1 University of North Texas at Dallas 2025-01-10
1 University of Richmond 2025-01-10
8 Albany Law School Of Union University 2025-01-10
5 Suffolk University 2025-01-10
6 Wake Forest University 2025-01-10
1 Seattle University 2025-01-10
6 Harvard University 2025-01-10
1 University of Virginia 2025-01-10
1 (Part-time) New England Law | Boston 2025-01-10
1 University of North Carolina 2025-01-10
1 Elon University 2025-01-10
1 University of Missouri—Kansas City 2025-01-10
13 Wake Forest University 2025-01-10
12 American University 2025-01-10
6 University of Minnesota 2025-01-10
19 University of California—Los Angeles 2025-01-10
2 Fordham University 2025-01-10
15 Arizona State University 2025-01-10
7 Cornell University 2025-01-10
17 University of California—Los Angeles 2025-01-10
27 Georgetown University 2025-01-10
11 University of Colorado—Boulder 2025-01-10
173 University of Michigan 2025-01-10
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Recent law school admissions decisions

Applying to law school is a stressful experience. You send your application to the admissions committee and then wait. And wait. And wait.

The recent law school decision tool helps to alleviate some of that stress. Law school admissions usually release answers in waves. The term wave means that many people find out about admissions decisions at the same time. By checking recent decisions you can see what schools have recently released decisions.

The Recent Decisions tool helps all applicants connect so that you can celebrate the successes of fellow applicants, and commiserate with struggles. Recent Decisions can help you know when to expect a law school decision. It can also help you prepare for the fact that a call from the area code of your dream school is probably the AdCom. It can help you sleep easy if a bunch of deny statuses came out and yours is still pending. It is hard to ever know.




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just scrolled dude tex for you YP for sure, you got this! chicago coming your way
i do think it's kjd and the fact that you're young - it sucks that school don't see what you've accomplished at this age to be even more impressive, but you got this 100%
Thanks jack, you're too kind :)! I also don't think it helps how competitive this cycle is
but hopefully stuff will start picking up next week and we'll all get some A's
hope so for my sake too lol
me too guys
i got crickets rn
no VLS WL for me, i applied mid november. so either A or straight up R, we'll see i suppose. or the WL is rolling
i'm going to pray to anderson cooper tn
just got an email from my fav t100 that they received my application. ladies and gents let’s go to law school
uconn up top
@lilypadfrog: from what you've said, I feel like you'll def be getting NYU. A 176 LSAT + good work experience is really solid
@jackfrost11770: 🤞
thank you Tex I’ll try
maybe the t14s was the uconn we applied to along the way
literally this
anderson cooper i forgive that your supposed type is twinks 20 years younger than you it's okay king. pleas can i get into vandy please
im running the jackfrost for vandy campaign
anderson cooper is a twink who looks twenty years younger than he is so i think thats fair
some of you guys applying to jobs in law school
why did i click on that
cuz you love me probably
little baby glove how is the Covid treating you
i watched the whole thing. wtf
I only made it halfway
im dyingh
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