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22:12 care 1 - hopefuldragon@ND
19:33 care 2 - likeasecretbird@UIUC
17:14 🥳 2 - PluckyCleverDormouse@UPenn
14:23 🥳 2 - emokidatheart@ASU
13:37 🥳 2 - concorde@ASU
13:26 🥳 3 - initiallaw@ASU
13:14 🥳 4 - WorthlessAttractiveZombie@ASU
11:25 care 3 - SaulGoodman36@ASU
10:44 care 4 - Abistotle@ASU
0:40 🥳 2 - Rightfullytherlauren@UVA
13:17 🥳 2 - illegallybrunettebarbie@Belmont University
11:01 🥳 2 - Lordolsonjr@ASU
10:57 care 2 - Lawhopeful1219@NYLS
20:45 🥳 1 - k8s3@Mizzou
18:29 🥳 1 - UttermostGullibleLynx@'Bama
18:18 🥳 1 - FormerLN@Mizzou
14:53 🥳 9 - BjornOfDurania@UVA
9:29 🥳 4 - MambaOut@ASU
18:46 🥳 6 - AcousticUnequalYak@UVA
10:14 🥳 12 - AssortedTiredKingfisher@UVA
22:12 🥳 3 - azalika@ASU
19:14 care 6 - HesitantJuvenileLeprechaun@SLS
17:45 🥳 2 - JohnnyRigs@GULC
16:08 🥳 1 - CooperativeGloriousSeal@ASU
15:49 🥳 2 - DerangedTenderChimera@ASU
13:29 🥳 9 - MiniatureFriendlyHeron@UVA
23:48 care 2 - Trojans5411@SLS
23:48 🤞 3 - Trojans5411@USC
23:19 🥳 1 - LionelHutzAttorneyAtLaw@UWashington
13:55 care 1 - codysmom@SLS
13:55 🤞 2 - codysmom@CLS
13:54 🤞 2 - codysmom@UCI
13:54 🤞 1 - codysmom@USC
22:51 care 1 - ichoosebust@UCBerkeley
22:07 🤞 1 - TheTeranceMannOfLaw@ASU
21:32 🥳 1 - BlueVampire@ASU
20:33 🤞 1 - Zwglanz@ASU
18:07 🤞 1 - Manysko@ASU
16:49 🥳 1 - herbertsburner@WFU
16:15 🤞 1 - EarsplittingYieldingGoat@ASU
13:50 🥳 1 - NeedsMoreTeapots@Mizzou
13:34 🥳 1 - MarioKartMaster@ASU
11:54 🥳 1 - nathanwithak@HLS
1:39 care 1 - TennisTheBall@NU
1:38 care 1 - TennisTheBall@CLS
1:37 care 2 - TennisTheBall@NYU
1:35 🤞 1 - TennisTheBall@UVA
21:06 🥳 1 - CowboyMaple@UWashington
18:17 🥳 1 - folklorebytswiftlover@Loyola University—Chicago
18:17 🥳 1 - folklorebytswiftlover@Fordham
18:17 🤞 - folklorebytswiftlover@USC
18:17 🤞 - folklorebytswiftlover@UC
18:17 care - folklorebytswiftlover@CLS
23:54 care - TritonDude@NUSL
14:47 care - BlueSquirel@UMich
14:47 care - BlueSquirel@WUSTL
14:47 care - BlueSquirel@UC
14:47 care - BlueSquirel@UVA
21:25 🥳 - ClutteredDistinctManatee@YLS
20:36 🥳 - PaleUglyPebble@UMich
12:58 🥳 1 - Hudson951@USF
12:58 care - Hudson951@UCHastings
17:42 care - Hudson951@GULC
17:42 care - Hudson951@GW
12:58 🥳 - Hudson951@Fordham
12:58 care - Hudson951@USC
12:57 care - Hudson951@SLS
9:40 🥳 2 - Jalapeno@HLS
19:43 care - TritonDude@UCI
19:42 🥳 - TritonDude@UWashington
19:01 🥳 - miserableunistudent@USC
19:01 🥳 - miserableunistudent@Vandy
16:10 care - MiniatureMachoYeti@Duke
16:10 care - MiniatureMachoYeti@HLS
16:09 care - MiniatureMachoYeti@NU
16:09 care - MiniatureMachoYeti@GULC
16:09 care - MiniatureMachoYeti@Fordham
16:08 🤞 - MiniatureMachoYeti@UMich
16:05 🥳 3 - MiniatureMachoYeti@BC
18:59 care - Rootbeer@Vandy
18:59 care - Rootbeer@UMN
18:58 care - Rootbeer@GULC
18:00 care - ACoolHound@CUNY
17:58 🥳 - ACoolHound@NYLS
21:43 care - nugsnotdrugs@UNLV
21:38 care - YoungOptimalCoyote@DePaul
21:37 care - YoungOptimalCoyote@Wayne State University
21:37 care - YoungOptimalCoyote@OU
21:37 care - YoungOptimalCoyote@ND
18:50 care - Phantom@UNLV
9:19 care 1 - HelloIamwhat@SLS
14:40 🤞 - BlueSquirel@Fordham
15:15 care - ballislife@NU
23:31 🥳 - CripTheLaw@ASU
16:53 care - MyStomachsInKnots@WUSTL
16:53 care - MyStomachsInKnots@UMN
14:15 care - MountainStar@GULC
13:35 care - mehenry@GULC
13:26 care - nervyera@NYU
13:26 care - nervyera@UVA
13:25 care - nervyera@UMich
11:36 care - 1459@AU
11:35 care - 1459@BC
10:55 care - LionelHutzAttorneyAtLaw@WUSTL
21:09 care - SmartBrevityEnthusiast@UVA
21:08 care - SmartBrevityEnthusiast@Vandy
21:08 care - SmartBrevityEnthusiast@USC
21:08 care - SmartBrevityEnthusiast@GMU
17:16 care - yellowtomato@BC
15:51 care - ronaldacunajr@BC
15:46 care - TorpidFriendlyMockingbird@UT
15:45 care - RainyGiraffe@BC
11:43 care - Polus@NYU
11:43 care - Polus@Duke
23:26 🤞 - nicholasleon96@USD
20:40 🤞 - SerendipitousOptimist@CLS
11:11 🤞 - FuturisticKangaroo@USC
11:11 🤞 - FuturisticKangaroo@CLS
20:46 care - NutritiousDisturbedGoose@UT
16:33 care - WaywardWhatnot@UT
11:06 care - ECM@UMich
11:04 care 2 - ECM@UPenn
0:28 🥳 - MarinaDelReysFavSon@UT
0:07 care - ballislife@NYU
22:34 care - prelalalaw@NYU
21:50 care - YaThatYeet@NYU
19:57 care - MagnificentDragon@Vandy
19:40 🥳 - misssatorugojo@ASU
18:47 care - EarningsCheck@NYU
17:29 care - InnateFancyAvatar@NYU
17:28 care - SunOffABeach@NYU
17:28 care - SunOffABeach@UPenn
16:57 care - Shrek4EverAfter@NYU
16:34 care - bss@NYU
15:56 care - Shrek4EverAfter@UPenn
15:54 care - InnateFancyAvatar@UPenn
15:47 care - bss@UPenn
15:35 care - Wrathfinder@Chapman University
15:13 care - Peanut1111@GMU
14:26 care - MountainStar@UT
14:26 care - MountainStar@UCLA
14:26 care - MountainStar@Duke
14:23 care - TorpidFriendlyMockingbird@OU
14:23 care 1 - TorpidFriendlyMockingbird@SMU
14:22 care - TorpidFriendlyMockingbird@ASU
14:22 care - TorpidFriendlyMockingbird@Vandy
12:59 care - luckyapp@Fordham
12:56 care - LionelHutzAttorneyAtLaw@Vandy
17:25 care 1 - InnateFancyAvatar@CLS
16:09 care - ChicagoActor@ND
15:56 care - prelalalaw@UCLA
15:46 care - BabyGuwop@Cardozo
15:46 care - BabyGuwop@Fordham
15:46 care - FranticSpiffySwallow@UMich
15:23 care - SunOffABeach@CLS
15:22 care - Shrek4EverAfter@CLS
14:39 care 1 - SunOffABeach@UCLA
14:34 care 1 - DJY1234@WUSTL
14:34 care 1 - SpecialSparklyPhoenix@Fordham
14:30 care - DJY1234@Fordham
14:30 🥳 1 - 2stupid4lawschool@CUBoulder
14:23 care 3 - iluvchrominsmush@UCLA
14:04 care 1 - prelalalaw@WUSTL
9:10 care - HystericalNuttySparrow@UC
2:33 care 1 - trees1234567@SLS
21:15 care - legallybrunette16@UCI
2:08 care 1 - trees1234567@UVA
2:08 care 1 - trees1234567@UC
0:13 care 1 - AsKthul@UC
22:08 care 2 - exercisingpatience@UC
19:28 care 1 - SunOffABeach@UC
19:19 care 2 - ComplexWorriedQuail@UC
18:17 care 1 - ballislife@UMich
18:16 care - ballislife@UC
17:28 care 1 - SixProudSwan@USC
17:28 care - bss@UC
17:28 care - SixProudSwan@NYU
17:28 care - SixProudSwan@UC
17:28 care - BurlySecretiveLionfish@UC
17:11 care - Senoritalimones@UMD
17:08 care - LionelHutzAttorneyAtLaw@W&L
14:40 🤞 - BlueSquirel@GULC
15:24 care - InnateFancyAvatar@UMich
14:46 🤞 - AnothaOne@UMich
14:41 care 2 - BirdLawyer27@Southwestern Law School
14:39 care 1 - BirdLawyer27@Cuse
14:21 care 1 - DJY1234@GW

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Recent law school admissions decisions

Applying to law school is a stressful experience. You send your application to the admissions committee and then wait. And wait. And wait.

The recent law school decision tool helps to alleviate some of that stress. Law school admissions usually release answers in waves. The term wave means that many people find out about admissions decisions at the same time. By checking recent decisions you can see what schools have recently released decisions.

The Recent Decisions tool helps all applicants connect so that you can celebrate the successes of fellow applicants, and commiserate with struggles. Recent Decisions can help you know when to expect a law school decision. It can also help you prepare for the fact that a call from the area code of your dream school is probably the AdCom. It can help you sleep easy if a bunch of deny statuses came out and yours is still pending. It is hard to ever know.


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haven’t seen any suits
I think people assume i’m flirting with them sometimes bc i like using the heart reaction on imessage so much
like yeah i LOVED what u said
I already went UR at UVA
I’m cooked
heart emoji is generally flirt-neutral
more of ily bestie than anything else
Lychee is good but once you have good mangosteen you never want lychee again. Or soursop for that matter. Maybe dourians though.
fake ass fruits
When do first waves from t-20s start rolling out?
UVA has already started. We will wait and see about the rest @caring
I’ve had mangosteen too! don’t pit two queens against each other
you’re crazy if u think durian is better than soursop et al.
the texture on it reallyyy gets to me
Hahaha, I think they are both very different fruits but if I had to pick, I would still go durian over soursop cus I think there is better citrus out there than soursop. I think limes and lemons are better.
the superior semi-obscure citrus is pomelo
oh crap soursop is guanabana? that stuff is good
I used to eat a pomelo grapefruit every day lol
sorry if anyone is offended with me calling it a grapefruit
a superior grapefruit
yes indeed
does uva go immediately from completed to under reviewwe or does it only go under review if someone is actually reviewing
Mine immediately went to UR, then UR2 a day or so later.
gotcha thanks
No problem, good luck with them :)
you too!
I already got in lol
But thank
hell yeah congrats
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