

Applicants for the class of 2027 , matriculating 2024

447 applicants for the 2023 - 2024  cycle
8 / 95  , 31 rejected, 60 waitlisted, 131 withdrawn
25th, 50th, 75th refer to percentiles from last year's admitted class
25th, 50th, 75th refer to percentiles from last year's admitted class
25th, 50th, 75th refer to percentiles from last year's admitted class
25th, 50th, 75th refer to percentiles from last year's admitted class
25th, 50th, 75th refer to percentiles from last year's admitted class
25th, 50th, 75th refer to percentiles from last year's admitted class
25th, 50th, 75th refer to percentiles from last year's admitted class
25th, 50th, 75th refer to percentiles from last year's admitted class
Previous year ABA 509 data
Percentiles 25 50 75
LSAT 160 164 167
GPA 3.57 3.74 3.86
Miscellaneous Count Percentile
# Applications 2336 73
# Admissions offers 810 -
Class size 181 57
% Accepted 34.7% 66
% Yield 21.7% 15
LSData Percentiles 25 50 75
LSAT 160 164 168
GPA 3.47 3.7 3.86
LSData Averages Rejected All Accepted
LSAT 158 164 167
GPA 3.35 3.63 3.74
Softs Tier 3.24 Tier 3.27 Tier 3.27
Scholarship - - $33,707
Days from sent to decision 101
Days from UR to decision 29
Interview invite rate -
Interview conversion rate -
URM LSAT differential -3.53
URM GPA differential -0.01
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School applicants

Name Result Last seen GPA LSAT GRE URM WE Scholarship Sent Received Complete UR UR2 Interview invite Decision
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Name Result Last seen GPA LSAT GRE URM WE $$$$ Sent Received Complete UR UR2 II Decision
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School finances

University of Washington Law school
Elle Woods went here, 'nuff said.
15th percentile
In-state tuition
16th percentile
Bar pass rate
79th percentile
Salary, 25th %
79th percentile
66th percentile
PI Salary
93rd percentile
Employment rate
62nd percentile
Grads with debt
26th percentile
Average debt
52nd percentile


All the fields below are editable

Total CoA
Default for University of Washington is $39,824
Scholarships & grants
Post-grad income
Default for University of Washington is $78,000
Post-grad living expenses
Est. loan interest rate

[IMPORTANT] These estimates are for high level planning only. Things like summer jobs, when you spend your savings, and other financial decisions will impact exactly how much you pay.

Calculations assume a 10-year fixed rate loan.

University of Washington Breakdown


Total cost of attendance$315,000
$105,000 x 3
Total scholarships$75,000
$25,000 x 3
Debt after three years$230,000
Assuming 10-year fixed rate loan
Total repaid@5.0%$11,500
Interest paid$11,500

After graduation

Annual breakdown
Post-grad income$180,000
Income taxes$60,000
Living expenses$60,000
Loan repayment$2,000
Annual discretionary income$60,000

Monthly breakdown
Post-grad income$180,000
Income taxes$60,000
Living expenses$60,000
Loan repayment$2,000
Monthly discretionary income$60,000

Hover over purple text for more info.

Data is sourced from ABA 509 disclosures and USNWR.

University of Washington

Chat for University of Washington
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got in! they said we still have time to apply for the scholarship
also does anyone know when ot where to find the fin aid
has anyone heard back from WL recently?
Have not heard back from the WL
I just got in off the WL!
I have not heard from the waitlist and seems as tho there was a wave today ;( not trying to lose hope yet
just got off!!
what are ur stats? also do y'all think there will be a second wave its my dream school
Does anyone know how long it takes to get out student ID to pay the deposit?
I received my email with the deposit information yesterday.
[] KaChan
@Sadcatgladcat: congrats on getting in! Are you gonna attend?
I know I am a stretch...but still no word from waitlist.
@KaChan: thank you! no I'm not, I just withdrew.
Did anyone receive an email today asking for you to confirm that you want to remain on the waitlist? Friday the 14th. Not sure if this is a feeler or not?
I have not gotten one. Will they send them in waves
I'm not sure that it was anything significant.
I have not, but I did send an email to the team letting them know i am still interested on Thursday.
sounds like they are swamped (Bri, assistant dean is out on med leave), so it's taking longer than they thought.
omg thanks for letting us know! imma stay hopeful and send another loci
anyone get the reconfirmation waitlist email today hoping for an a soon
I got the email. I think there will be a few more A's this week/next, and then a huge gap of silence before end of July. From what someone told me, this year has been frustrating because a lot of people are waiting until the literal deadline day before withdrawing, even if they know they will withdraw far sooner. Everyone is waiting on that 1 school's WL, and it's trickling up. On top of that, rumor has it most (if not all) a's since May 1 have not received their merit/need-based aid packages yet, and therefore can't be held to a decision.
I was admitted off the waitlist on 06/01, and financial aid said no money was left, but I submitted a reconsideration anyway.
I also got that reconfirmation email. I was hoping it was going to be an A, my heart skipped when I saw it was from UW haha. Fingers crossed for us all!
Would you guys say that last weeks feeler + today's reconfirmation email should be taken as a positive sign? Or is it likely everyone on the WL got these?
I did not get a reconfirmation email last week but I got the email today say my confirmation on the email remains. UDUB is my top school so I hope its a good sign
@mamabigbucks: makes sense. maybe that's been a big holdup, telling people there isn't any money and giving people a chance. here's hoping to some news for everyone ahead of the 4th.
Hump day and no movement yet it seems... Manifesting tomorrow!
is there some sort of admitted students discord for uw
7/21 - putting date for anyone coming back later. reached out again, no movement, no timeline for news. Person said they should know more by 8/1.
7/23 - I just got an email saying my app status has been updated. The waitlist message is no longer there. “A decision has been rendered” message is. Crossing my fingers that it’s an A but I guess it could just as likely be a R.
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