

Pre Law Majors

Does my major matter for law school?
Tags: prelaw, undergrad
Apr 2, 2023

As a young college student (or even high school student) contemplating a law career, it makes sense to start investigating activities and potential undergraduate majors that can enhance your prospects of law school acceptance.

As a general rule, doing well in college (getting good grades and participating in meaningful extracurriculars) is more important than what you major in. However, I know that many students like to think and plan ahead, so in this article I will break down some of the things worth thinking about if you are thinking about law school in the future. 

Is my major the only thing that matters when applying to law school?

Of course not. Grades matter, extracurriculars matter, work experience matters, and many other factors. What law schools really want to see in applicants are the skills necessary to succeed in law school and as a lawyer. 

Essential Skills for Law School Success and Legal Careers

While law school admissions teams do not seek a one-size-fits-all background, certain skills are worth developing.

For instance, lawyers must be proficient at locating and compiling information from various sources, comprehending lengthy, intricate documents, and synthesizing information. Presentation skills are also vital, as lawyers frequently need to contest decisions and construct persuasive arguments.

The American Bar Association emphasizes the following core skills for a successful legal career:

  1. Problem-solving
  2. Critical reading
  3. Writing and editing
  4. Oral communication and listening
  5. Research
  6. Organization and management
  7. Public service and promotion of justice
  8. Relationship-building and collaboration

How can you develop the skills that law schools look for?

A mix of extracurricular activities, such as interning at a law firm or participating in a school debate team or mock trial, and coursework can be beneficial.

Selecting the Optimal College Major for Law School

When choosing an undergraduate major to prepare for law school's demands, remember that no major should be disregarded.

As you ponder the ideal major for law school, keep in mind that it's a good choice to pursue a subject that genuinely interests you. This will make studying more enjoyable and help you achieve the grades necessary for increasing your chances of law school admission. 

There aren’t many bad majors when it comes to applying to law school. If the major you choose doesn’t directly apply to law school, then you may need to do an extracurricular activity, like Mock Trial, in order to show law schools that you have a real interest in being a lawyer. Additionally, the more work experience you have after college (meaning a longer time between college graduation and law school application), the less that your specific undergrad experience (and even grades) will matter to schools. 

If you do want to focus your undergrad studies on a topic that will help develop the skills that law schools look for, then: 

Here are some of the top college majors for law school:


Studying history allows you to grasp the development of certain laws and regulations. You may also learn about significant cases that have established precedents for future cases. Studying history helps you learn about the past and how it has shaped the world we live in today. It looks at important events, people, and ideas from different times and places. When you study history, you learn how to find and analyze information from sources like books, letters, and photographs to understand what happened and why it matters, which is a critical skill for a lawyer. Studying history helps you become a better thinker and learner, and it can give you valuable insights into how to make the world a better place for the future.

Political Science

Political Science (or PoliSci) helps you understand how governments and political systems work. It looks at the way people make decisions about laws, leaders, and policies that affect everyone's lives. When you study political science, you learn about different types of governments, like democracies and dictatorships, and how people can participate in the decisions that shape their communities and countries. This major can lead to many jobs, like working in government, as a journalist, or for organizations that care about social issues. Studying political science helps you become a more informed citizen and understand the world around you, which can be helpful in making a positive difference in your community.


Psychology helps you understand how people think, feel, and behave. It looks at the way our brains work and how our experiences and emotions shape who we are. When you study psychology, you learn about different aspects of the human mind, such as memory, learning, and relationships with others. This major can lead to many jobs, like being a therapist, a counselor, or a researcher. Studying psychology helps you become better at understanding yourself and others, which can be valuable in all parts of life, from school and work to friendships and family.

Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice teaches you about laws, crime, and how people who break the rules are dealt with. It looks at different parts of the legal system, like the police, courts, and prisons, and helps you understand how they work together to keep communities safe. When you study criminal justice, you learn about the rights of people who are accused of crimes, and how society can help them change their behavior. This major can lead to many jobs, like being a police officer, a lawyer, or working in a prison. Studying criminal justice helps you learn about fairness, safety, and how to make your community a better place.


English as a major focuses on reading, writing, and understanding different types of literature, like novels, poems, and plays. It helps you learn about how authors use words and ideas to create stories and share their thoughts with the world. When you study English, you also learn how to analyze texts, think critically about what you read, and express your ideas clearly in writing and speaking. Studying English helps you become a better communicator and thinker, which are important skills to a law student and lawyers.


Economics helps you understand how money, goods, and services work in the world. It looks at how people make choices about what to buy and sell, and how businesses and governments decide what to do with their resources. When you study economics, you learn about different ways to organize an economy, like capitalism or socialism, and how these systems affect people's lives. Understanding economics can be useful in many jobs, like working for a company, a bank, or even the government. Studying economics also helps you make smart decisions about money and learn how the world around you works.


Philosophy makes you think deeply about ideas and questions. It helps you understand how people have thought about big questions like "What is right and wrong?" or "What is the meaning of life?" When you study philosophy, you learn how to make strong arguments and use logic to support your ideas. This can be helpful in many jobs, like being a lawyer or a teacher. Studying philosophy also helps you become a better thinker and listener, which are important skills in life.

What about STEM majors?

Can you go to law school as a STEM major?


Studying STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) can be a great choice for students planning to go to law school. While STEM subjects may not seem directly related to law, they can provide a strong foundation for a legal career in several ways:

  1. Critical thinking and problem-solving skills: STEM fields focus on logic, reasoning, and problem-solving, which are essential skills for a successful lawyer. These abilities can help you excel in law school and in your legal career.
  2. Unique perspective: A background in STEM can give you a unique perspective when dealing with legal issues, particularly in areas like intellectual property law, patent law, or environmental law, where technical knowledge can be beneficial.
  3. Strong academic record: Excelling in a STEM major can demonstrate to law school admissions committees that you are intellectually capable and have strong analytical skills.
  4. Interdisciplinary approach: Law is becoming increasingly interdisciplinary, and having a STEM background can help you navigate complex legal issues that intersect with science and technology.

Ultimately, the most important factor when choosing a major for law school is selecting a field that genuinely interests you and allows you to excel academically. Law schools accept students from a wide range of undergraduate backgrounds, so focus on finding a major that aligns with your passions and strengths. Passion about the subject will lead to success, and success will open doors for future pursuits like law school. 

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Windsor MIT '22, Harvard College Advisor

I am the half of LSD that didn't take the LSAT, or go to law school (Sorry about that). But I did go to MIT business school while surrounded by law students and lawyers, so I am somewhat qualified to talk about the intricacies of law school apps and finances.

Windsor (the dog) didn't write this but he WAS a Resident Tutor and career advisor at Harvard College with me, so deserves some credit.


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Depending on your stats the answer could also be option C, reapply next year for >50% at Tennessee/substantial $ at other good schools (most spend their scholarship budget by June 30th), but that depends on your situation and goals
Standardized info on curves is harder to find, but this says Elon curves to a 2.67 which is downright predatory https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_law_school_GPA_curves
appreciate it. i am well removed from undergrad and am pushing through for this year. have significant business experience and want to do corporate law and/or property. not educated on the curve and how that works, will look into that
questioning whether i go to school for free at a lesser school or pay some out of pocket at a better name for the same degree at end of the day, the numbers don't lie
@DisillusionedHomelessWalnut: The way the curve works is a below-median student at Tennessee (curves to a 3.1, so B/B+) can end up with a better GPA than an above-average student at Elon (curves to a 2.67/B-minus), so the student from Tennessee will have a better transcript *and* get better jobs on average than someone with the same class rank at Elon
Your real alarm bell is Elon's curve (linked here, p. 70 https://eloncdn.blob.core.windows.net/eu3/sites/996/2019/07/2017-2018_Academic_Catalog-and-Student_Handbook.pdf) *requires* profs to give 20% of first-year students a C-minus or worse, when the school's bar for "satisfactory academic progress" is a C+ average
ooooffff. thanks. i mean, full ride is cool and all, but damn
The only scenario where a school does something like that (curve to a 2.67, dismiss students below 2.25) is when they're admitting a lot of students who may not pass the bar, then flunking people out mercilessly so the school can keep its accreditation (ABA requires 75% of grads to pass the bar within two years, can't fail the bar if the school doesn't let you graduate)
the dean told me "no students had their scholarships reduced in the past three years, and to my recollection only one scholarship in 19 years has been reduced when a student was in good standing"
yeah, i get that and appreciate you validating that point. i like to think it really wouldn't apply to me and assume it happens due to the lower standards of admissions they utilize, but is it (full ride) worth the risk? that's the fly in the ointment
just trying to weigh all angles, seems like just biting the bullet and paying the modest amount to UTK is a smarter decision
end of cycle is for the birds, but i'm playing the hand i was dealt :)
In general you are going to be better off at a school that wants its students to succeed. UTK seems to fit the description - they are not in any danger of losing their accreditation, don't need to force people out. Elon very much does not, if their bar passage drops 2% they'll be in violation of ABA requirements so they won't give students any leway
i appreciate your insight, friend
im too lazy to provide the same level of detail as JB but I agree UTK seems like a better bet to actually achieve your career goals and set yourself up for success. I would understand being conflicted if it were like UTK vs Belmont or a lower ranked school that isn't considered predatory but because it's Elon that makes it more clear to me
thank you
the counterpoint bouncing around my head is basically "if i'm worth a damn, as i think i am, i'll be just fine no matter what the curve is" but you folks are nudging me in the direction of logic and common sense
plenty of the people who fall behind are worth a damn it's just that some schools are basically set up to screw people over
yeah. fall behind as in....miss homework? can't keep up with readings? something else?
kinda nervous coming in as an untraditional guy around KJD's, billy madison vibes over here
Re: costs, it's worth looking at costs all around, both schools cost (net tuition, $0 at Elon/$30K over 3 years if you're in-state at UTK) PLUS three years not earning money or advancing in your career, which is worth 6 figures if you make decent money now. $30K in tuition is a small share of total costs in this comparison
"Fall behind" in this context means law school curves are rigid, no matter how hard everyone studies half the class will be below-median, 25% in the bottom quarter, etc. It's not super predictable either, so a student above GPA or LSAT median could still end up bottom half or 1/4 of the class
gotcha. predatory in that instance is certainly appropriate
i am not kjd but im glad jb cleared that up for you lmao
And assuming similar class rank, UTK grads tend to do better in public data. Top students at UTK have a shot at biglaw (pays $225K), top students at Elon end up at small/medium firms (worse pay). Average students at UTK can get jobs at small/medium firms, average students at Elon are on the bubble for any firm job at all. Below-average students at UTK have a shot at firm jobs or other work, below-average students at Elon might not get jobs (or pass the bar, or avoid academic dismissal). That's the major advantage of well-regarded schools - more upside, less downside
but yeah just reiterating that you could be worth so many damns and still not do well because its set up for that
(This is ignoring public service/government jobs, because the stats there don't tell us much about the type of job - "super competitive Department of Justice job in DC making $90K" and "local government job earning $50K" both get lumped together under the "public service" label, but say v. different things about a school's job placement
really appreciate all the insight
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