

Law School Admissions Reddit

Law School Admissions on Reddit is a forum for people who are interested in law school admissions
Apr 2, 2023

Table of contents

  1. Why Reddit?
  2. 5 things you should know
  3. Positivity and community
  4. Reliable information
  5. Common knowledge and common sense
  6. Obsession and neuroticism
  7. People lie
  8. Related Articles

Writer's note: I love r/lsa and spent endless hours there while applying. The subreddit holds a special place in my heart. Despite the concerns I bring up in this article, I still think it's one of the beautiful hidden corners of the internet that one occasionally stumbles upon.

Law School Admissions on Reddit is a forum for people who are interested in law school admissions. The law school admissions subreddit, r/lawschooladmissions or r/LSA, is the main social media location that law school applicants visit to learn about law school and share ups and downs with fellow applicants.

It is a place where people can ask questions and get advice from others who are applying or have recently applied. The subreddit allows people to share their experiences and stories about law school admissions. At LSD we are working on providing as many of the big points as possible so you have a trusted point of truth, but r/lawschooladmissions is still a great place to find old posts (since LSD chat only goes back 200 posts) and find some of those less common questions.

Why do people use Law School Admissions Reddit subreddit?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to use Law School Admissions Reddit (or any other online forum) will vary depending on your individual needs and goals. However, if you are seeking advice on your law school applications, then Law School Admissions Reddit can be an excellent resource. It can also be a little draining because people will be ahead of you in the process and doing more than you. Which might make you feel like you aren't doing enough.

Here are the top 5 things you should know before you check out the Law School Admissions Reddit page.

These will help keep you sane and make sure that you get the most from the subreddit.

  1. It can be a source of positivity and community
  2. r/LSA isn’t reliable as a source of authoritative truth
  3. Law school admissions is a black box
  4. The average user doesn’t know how the admissions committee thinks
  5. There is value to common knowledge
  6. It’s easy to obsess and get neurotic (oh boy is it easy)
  7. People lie on the internet

It can be a source of positivity and community. Getting support from others going through the same thing is the best of Reddit

r/lsa is a great source of positivity and community because it allows users to connect with others who share similar interests and are going through the same law school application process. It gives users a place to share their thoughts and feelings on a variety of topics. In addition, the community is generally (like 99% of the time) very supportive and helpful. If you ever need advice or want to discuss something, you can be sure to find someone on Reddit who will be more than happy to help you out.

Do not rely on r/LSA as a source of authoritative truth.

Law school admissions is a black box. The average applicant doesn’t know how the admissions committee (adcom) thinks. Even someone with adcom experience doesn’t know what it is like at every school. We know that GPA, LSAT score, and personal statement are important factors in the admissions process. But we don’t know exactly what the committee is looking for when they read applications, and we never will. Once someone leaves the adcom, the mentality necessarily changes, so even advice from a prior HLS adcom member is outdated and partially irrelevant. Someone writing on the law school admissions Reddit page is unlikely to have the same mindset as a current adcom.

Adcoms are made up of law school staff and faculty who evaluate applications. They are a diverse group of people who have their own opinions and biases. They might be looking for a certain type of student, or they might be trying to fill a quota. The bottom line is that there is no single correct answer to many important questions. Someone who speaks confidently on the topic may be speaking with the best intentions and experience, but very likely are not 100% correct.

The lack of transparency in the application process is something that all applicants go through and is super frustrating. It's hard to know what to do to improve your chances of getting into law school. r/LSA is a great place to commiserate and share your frustrations and successes. It is not necessarily the place to find definitive answers because those answers may not exist at all. The best thing to do for your YLS application, might hurt your chances at Ole Miss Law School.

Despite some reservations of fact, there is value to common knowledge

Despite the last section, knowledge on r/LSA is not completely unreliable. In fact, there is a lot of value in common knowledge and common sense. Some questions do have a correct answer. For example, should I seek out the personal phone number of the head of admissions to plead my case and strengthen my app? The answer to this question is no. No, you should not. And Reddit will make sure you know that this is a terrible idea

It’s easy to get wrapped up in the quagmire of applications and do silly things. r/LSA’s shared knowledge can serve as a touchstone and as a source of common sense. Even though it may not be 100% reliable, common sense is still incredibly valuable. Especially when you have been reading the PowerScore bible for 4 days straight and your brain is mush. But it’s unlikely that a Reddit user will be able to tell you the exact personal statement topic you should write about in order to be admitted to Harvard Law School.

Additionally, Reddit isn't built to be a comprehensive source of truth because posts get buried over time. If you want to find information about law school admissions on Reddit, you have to be willing to dig through a lot of old posts to find what you're looking for.

r/LSA is a great community and a wonderful place to interact with other applicants. However, when it comes to data and information, Reddit is often not the best resource. If you're looking for something specific, it’s probably better to look elsewhere.

It’s easy to obsess and get neurotic

The law school application process is notorious for being competitive and stressful. It's easy to get caught up in the details and obsess over every little thing. With instant access to an entire community of other applicants (as well as over a decade of people who already went through it), it's easy to obsess and get neurotic. The pressure to get into a good law school can be intense, and it's easy to get caught up in the race to have the perfect application. Every little detail can feel like make-or-break, and it's easy to get caught up in the anxiety of it all.

You might start to feel like you're not good enough or that you're not doing enough to get into law school. This can lead to a lot of anxiety and stress. It's important to remember that everyone is different and that there is no one right way to get into law school. Take a break from reddit (and LSD for that matter) if you start to feel like you're getting stressed out. Talk to your friends/family/therapist (hell, feel free to email us), and get some perspective.

It's important to remember that the application process is just one part of your journey to becoming a lawyer. Please don't let the perspective of others get to you. Stay focused and keep your eye on the prize.

People lie on the internet

Many people lie on the internet. People may exaggerate their GPA, LSAT score, or work experience. They may pretend to have expertise or intimate knowledge of the workings of admissions committees. They may understate their GPA when they say they got into a T-14 to feel special. They might not have gotten in at all but can go ahead and post that they got into HLS with a 158 and a 3.3 and then proceed to tell you exactly how they did it.

At the risk of sounding like we are trying to be your Mom: Please use your best judgment when taking advice from others on the internet and take everything with a grain of salt.

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cryptanon HLS '22 & LSD creator

Tech-focused creator of LSD.Law. I built LSD while applying to law school. I saw unequal access to knowledge and built LSD to level the playing field and help applicants make thoughtful, well-informed decisions in the application process.


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@WaterBottle: Yup until tomorrow!
Stressing so much about the choice
that was me this morning with the toll @eve
it's not a fun one, if you need to lean on someone I gotchu <3 completely understand the stress
@Pongleton: By any chance did you use the toll to negotiate with SLS finaid? Do u have discord btw lol
@WaterBottle: nah since SLS is just need I didn't see the point and yes I do! it's pongleton (same as here)
@Pongleton: What did you decide?
@Eve: after some tears and a good amount of spreadsheeting/anxiety, I ended up turning down Penn... been a dream to go to SLS for a while and want to "bet on myself" to use my mentor's words :-)
@Pongleton: I like that
I'm assuming you're going sticker?
That's my consideration with HLS
still waiting on financial aid! but upon initial conversations I'd be taking out $170k. so I did a lot of worst case scenarios about salaries/LRAP/ what it would look like to pay it off this morning and decided I can live with those worst-case (and unlikely) options so it seems worth it
plus if I get super freaked I have the KD in my back pocket for another week
like u with CEHS
@Pongleton: CEHS already expired lmao. But realistically if I choose HLS now that's my final decision unless UChicago gives me a Ruby or I hear back from YLS.
ohhh gotcha! one other thing is I figured I'm most likely going to be median wherever I go. And I'm more risk-averse than debt-averse, so want to give myself my best shot to chase any crazy dreams I come up with and it seems like H/S would allow that a bit more than Penn
Agreed. And part of my rationalization for HLS is that when I’m years into my career making good money, I would look back wondering why I stressed so much over this decision that I paid back relatively quickly.
like if you have any unique or secret goals that would be your big passion if they happened, I think it's worth it to make that bet and give yourself the chance. as my lovely pal geauxblue said "dreams are worth a lot"
And that that money really isn’t much in the grand scheme of things. And to fulfill that life-long dream we both have of SLS/HLS might be worth that.
That’s very true.
I'd definitely recommend looking at what your monthly loan repayment would be after HLS and maybe doing like a spreadsheet/budget. that helped me a lot this morning to kind of make a fake plan with different salaries and go through the whole process of making a monthly budget while paying off loans/using LRAP/not using LRAP/ etc. Clarifying the "what-ifs" really really helped (and seeing that I CAN live comfortably -albeit a bit tight - even when paying off the loans)
Also might be worth sitting in both the decisions for a bit of time. like split the evening (or split tonight/tomorrow, not sure when your deadline is) to "commit" yourself to both options internally. do a little play pretend of what life would look like/what classes you'd take/etc. and see how you feel with that decision "made"... might maybe help to provide clarity about which option feels best?
good luck with making the choice <3 I'm sure you'll make the best decision for yourself & feel free to message me on discord (if you have it) (@pongleton) if you wanna chat it out any more :-)
Big day coming tomorrow!
[] ararara
Please remember people that sticker is a small price to pay to stunt all over your haters up in their faces
Agreed sticker isn’t much
Follow ur dreams.
Congrats Eve! Did u negotiate and get cold feet for Penn or wasn’t anticipating the quick turnaround deadline?
[] ararara
@FuckYourSofts: your wisdom made me laugh just because of how relative it is to this world we’ve built for ourselves on here lol
Where is softs going
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