

Class of 2027
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School apps

Result App type FW Resident Schol... Sent Sent raw Received Received raw Complete Complete raw UR UR raw UR2 UR2 raw II II raw Decision Decision raw
27 Boston University Accepted, Wi... RDregular decision $90,000 Oct 20 2023-10-20 Jan 17 2024-01-17
8 Columbia University Waitlisted RDregular decision Oct 31 2023-10-31 Nov 09 2023-11-09 Apr 01 2024-04-01
13 Cornell University Accepted, At... RDregular decision $84,000 Nov 01 2023-11-01 Dec 11 2023-12-11 Jan 11 2024-01-11 Jan 26 2024-01-26
5 Duke University Waitlisted RDregular decision Oct 31 2023-10-31 Feb 28 2024-02-28
15 Georgetown University Accepted, Wi... RDregular decision $112,500 Nov 01 2023-11-01 Nov 09 2023-11-09 Dec 13 2023-12-13
5 Harvard University Waitlisted RDregular decision Oct 31 2023-10-31 Feb 13 2024-02-13
5 New York University Accepted, Wi... RDregular decision $30,000 Oct 31 2023-10-31 Jan 24 2024-01-24
10 Northwestern University WL, Withdrawn RDregular decision Nov 30 2023-11-30 Dec 15 2023-12-15 Apr 01 2024-04-01
1 Stanford University Rejected RDregular decision Oct 31 2023-10-31 Mar 05 2024-03-05
14 UCLos Angeles Accepted, Wi... RDregular decision Nov 01 2023-11-01 Nov 06 2023-11-06 Jan 30 2024-01-30
3 UChicago Waitlisted RDregular decision Oct 31 2023-10-31 Dec 08 2023-12-08 Jan 25 2024-01-25
10 UMichigan Waitlisted RDregular decision Nov 01 2023-11-01 Oct 24 2023-10-24 Feb 09 2024-02-09
4 UPennsylvania Waitlisted RDregular decision Nov 30 2023-11-30 Nov 30 2023-11-30 Jan 22 2024-01-22 Jan 26 2024-01-26 Feb 05 2024-02-05 Feb 27 2024-02-27
16 USouthern California Waitlisted RDregular decision Nov 01 2023-11-01 Mar 05 2024-03-05
8 UVirginia Rejected RDregular decision Oct 30 2023-10-30 Nov 09 2023-11-09 Nov 13 2023-11-13 Feb 07 2024-02-07 Feb 13 2024-02-13


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thank you I'm honestly still kinda rattled because this blows up everything ive planned so far. They offered 15k a year which isnt a lot but not nothing
yah, why would decades of discrimination need to be addressed in a substantive way thats so crazy, its not like that was something that in that past would have been considered a negative to an application or anything (like classy heron said, context more than a plus)
actually i think it's useful to ensure a class is the optimal level of gay
sorry that was such a rude way to say it
i was being a shit and not serious i didn't intend offense
im just saying in the sense that if u like to fuck butthole instead of vagina or vice versa you could be higher ranked in a holistic soft tier type of way
not denying the existince of homophobia in the past lmao
Of course, glove. "Just asking questions." (◔_◔)
The "soft tiers" in the form described here are not used by any admissions office, they're based on a reddit post that the author themselves cautions is a very broad way to think about this stuff
its literally just try hards trying to come up with new ways of saying who has a strong resume and who doesn't
literally all a resume is is demonstrating your ability to bullshit to make yourself seem impressive
But I wonder whether there are better ways to address discrimination than to give people who are members of groups that have been discriminated against a boost in admissions to law schools on that basis.
Not saying there is. I just wonder...
i mean at this point its human nature to discrimate against people who don't fit the standard
what even is the standard anymore?
I don't think there's a particularly strong case for affirmative action for LGBTQ people in the way there is for affirmative action based on (e.g.) race or first-gen status, you aren't really "born into" being LGBTQ in a way that runs in a family, lines up with geographic inequality (redlining, underfunded schools), etc. But that's not how schools factor LGBTQ status into their admissions anyway.
unless u have the gay gene jb
of course there are, but its not one or the other. These identites have historically been discriminated against in academia, and while overt forms are less common today, its still true that covert implicit bias still exists. Affirmative action is a safeguard against that. and i personally think its very important, but ill leave it at that. Tis my opinion
It's more of a "this is something about a person that might be tied to disadvantages they've overcome, goals they have within the law, etc. in a way that's not super common and thus valued by schools"
I agree overcoming discrimination of various forms is important. But there are other values, too. And when the value of overcoming discrimination clashes with other values, it's not always obvious the former should win. But 'tis just my opinion.
Anyway, the "soft tiers" are just a shortcut for thinking about how unusual a profile is relative to how interesting it is to schools, and thus how much of a boost it probably will/won't be in someone's application
There are very few Rhodes scholars and lots of schools want to enroll them, major boost
furries t1 soft those mf's definetly facing some discrimination
Diversity also enhances everyone's learning experience. Law classes are based so much on discussion, so it's beneficial to have people from different backgrounds with different life experiences to give their perspective on cases.
There are not that many STEM majors (esp. with solid GPAs) and quite a few schools want to have some number of STEM majors and/or future patent lawyers in their class, so it's a boost
Weird question
I just got an A to my #1, but they told me I have been classified as a Non-Resident
I am in State
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