

Law Schools in Virginia

Are you are looking to go to one of the law schools in Virginia? There are 8 ABA accredited law schools in Virginia.

The highest ranked law school in Virginia is University of Virginia, which was ranked 8 by US News in 2023. The school has an LSAT median of 171 and a GPA median of 3.94.

The best law school in Virginia depends on what you're looking for. Every law school is different, just like every person is different.

Other schools in Virginia include Antonin Scalia Law School, Washington and Lee Law School, William and Mary Law School, University of Richmond School of Law, Regent University School of Law, Liberty University School of Law, Appalachian School of Law. If you want to go to law school in Virginia, you should consider these schools.

ABA accredited law schools in Virginia

  1. UVA Law School
  2. Antonin Scalia Law School
  3. Washington and Lee Law School
  4. William and Mary Law School
  5. University of Richmond School of Law
  6. Regent University School of Law
  7. Liberty University School of Law
  8. Appalachian School of Law

You can also check out law schools in the states that border Virginia: Kentucky, Maryland, North Carolina, Tennessee, West Virginia, Washington, D.C..

Detailed information on Virginia law schools

UVA Law School

Charlottesville, Virginia
Rank 8 (US News 2023)
  • Ranked: 8 by US News in 2023.
  • LSAT percentiles (25/50/75): 166/171/173
  • GPA percentiles (25/50/75): 3.69/3.94/3.99
  • Acceptance rate: 12.9
  • Bar passage rate: 94.8

Antonin Scalia Law School

Fairfax, Virginia
Rank 32 (US News 2023)
  • Ranked: 32 by US News in 2023.
  • LSAT percentiles (25/50/75): 158/166/167
  • GPA percentiles (25/50/75): 3.45/3.83/3.93
  • Acceptance rate: 19.6
  • Bar passage rate: 90.6

Washington and Lee Law School

Lexington, Virginia
Rank 40 (US News 2023)
  • Ranked: 40 by US News in 2023.
  • LSAT percentiles (25/50/75): 159/164/166
  • GPA percentiles (25/50/75): 3.47/3.66/3.78
  • Acceptance rate: 32.7
  • Bar passage rate: 86.7

William and Mary Law School

Williamsburg, Virginia
Rank 45 (US News 2023)
  • Ranked: 45 by US News in 2023.
  • LSAT percentiles (25/50/75): 160/165/166
  • GPA percentiles (25/50/75): 3.5/3.75/3.85
  • Acceptance rate: 46.0
  • Bar passage rate: 93.8

University of Richmond School of Law

Richmond, Virginia
Rank 60 (US News 2023)
  • Ranked: 60 by US News in 2023.
  • LSAT percentiles (25/50/75): 158/163/165
  • GPA percentiles (25/50/75): 3.33/3.75/3.87
  • Acceptance rate: 33.7
  • Bar passage rate: 84.8

Regent University School of Law

Virginia Beach, Virginia
Rank 125 (US News 2023)
  • Ranked: 125 by US News in 2023.
  • LSAT percentiles (25/50/75): 153/157/160
  • GPA percentiles (25/50/75): 3.26/3.63/3.9
  • Acceptance rate: 41.3
  • Bar passage rate: 76.8

Liberty University School of Law

Lynchburg, Virginia
Rank 135 (US News 2023)
  • Ranked: 135 by US News in 2023.
  • LSAT percentiles (25/50/75): 150/152/155
  • GPA percentiles (25/50/75): 3.19/3.49/3.74
  • Acceptance rate: 55.2
  • Bar passage rate: 88.3

Appalachian School of Law

Grundy, Virginia
Rank 180 (US News 2023)
  • Ranked: 180 by US News in 2023.
  • LSAT percentiles (25/50/75): 144/146/149
  • GPA percentiles (25/50/75): 2.79/3.21/3.51
  • Acceptance rate: 48.5
  • Bar passage rate: 34.0


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if we’re talking filmmakers i think it’s kinda embarrassing for harmony korine to be embracing edgelord stuff at age 50. like bro you have a lovely wife and kids
gummo still goated forever though. “i’ll die here on this couch with you”
@ararara: life is as good as can be and hope you’re doing great. Yeah, I thought it was funny simply cuz the Reddit vibe seems to be dismissive of tbe benefits of it. However at the ASDs, people even PI focused seemed to be interested in doing it for a couple years simply to pay off the loans and learn how to become a good lawyer.
There’s an argument to be made that it’s more morally ethical to be a know-nothing new law school grad fucking up corporate deals rather than fucking up public interest stuff! ;)
[] ararara
@SquidwardsHouse: the PI unicorn I worked with did BL out of law school at the firm where a corporation hired over a hundred attorneys to bury one of my heroes haha. In my mind these issues are systemic and if it’s not you someone else will be doing the shady big law things. That being said though I would be less worried about the stigma and more concerned about how you’re actually going to feel doing bad things if you have to.
Yea. I think the value in learning white collar crime/defense could be invaluable for someone looking to become an AUSA (my ultimate goal)
[] ararara
It’s admirable you want to do that. No wonder you care so much!
my day job is m&a consulting and so often we work alongside lawyers
and the most insane thing i have ever seen in my career was this thing the lawyers did
where basically, in places like poland they have something called "ip box regimes" where if you "do R&D" (develop products) domestically (in poland) you get all these tax credits and benefits, like tons and tons of them
[] ararara
lol I actually already know what you’re going to say I think
but if you are acquired by a company outside of poland (or wherever the regime is), you have to pay back the value of the credits you got for r&d. so in this case the target was a polish company being acquired by a US domiciled country
anyways it turned out that the target had to pay something like $5m in tax credits back to the polish government. the legal team on the deal asked my team (i am 100% corporate finance transaction advisory) to prepare this analysis of R&D (i am avoiding being technical because you will feel bored) that, to me, seemed litearlly completely pointless
but then like 6 days later word came down that the legal team had succesfully argued that the R&D -- the R&D that was definitely obviously 100% R&D -- should not qualify as R&D & so they shouldn't be burdened to pay back the tax credit. makes no sense to me! you got the credits, you leave, you pay them back. but apparently not! wtf was that!
anyways you said "white collar crime" and it made me think of that even though that was 100% above board i guess, it just felt like we were doing something wrong lmao
[] ararara
Yeah that’s a major dispensation thanks for sharing!
[] ararara
Lots of money went to waste
yah it was a pretty sick vanishing trick. was 1 of the 2 things that made me think probably being a corporate lawyer is a worthwhile pursuit
[] ararara
What’s the second thing if you don’t mind me asking?? Or did I miss it because I’m stupid?!
yah sure i was kind burying the lede because im an attention seeking lil stinker
[] ararara
Fs and no no attention is everyone’s jam
this story is totally crazy but i swear to god it's 100% true and it's what my personal statement touches on, lol. so in june of 2023 i got involved in a startup, i was 1 of 3 people in it. i did the finance stuff and pitching and everything. fast forward like 2 months and it looks like we are going to raise 3 million dollars, fast forward 1 week one of the original founders goes crazy because it looks like we're gonna have millions of dollars having done very little work. legal battle ensues. me and guy who didn't go crazy do not secure legal counsel. guy who went crazy does secure counsel. we are inundated with contracts trying to fuck us out of % multiple times a week. spent many many hour reading contracts, revising contracts, sending contracts but to the bad guy lawyers. it was honestly like the most exciting thing i've ever done in my life so once we settled and sold our % back to the investors i was like "hmmm maybe i should be a lawyer"
back to the*
also, just like incidentally, i am not really sure how that ranks as a "soft" but i think it's a differentiating essay topic & resume item
damn that’s actually crazy
what kinda startup
hard to explain but.. basically like... a porn ai chatbot, more or less. like erotic roleplay. lmao...
this aspect of the story i am not sure how to explain in my PS so i am avoiding mentioning it
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