

Antonin Scalia Law School

Rank 28 (USNWR 2024)
Median LSAT
Median GPA
Acceptance rate

Also known as

  • Antonin Scalia Law School
  • George Mason University

Antonin Scalia Law School is a law school located in Fairfax, Virginia. The school was ranked 28 in 2024 by USNWR. Annual enrollment for Antonin Scalia Law School is approximately 159.

Admissions website: https://www.law.gmu.edu/admissions/

Admissions email: lawadmit@gmu.edu

Admissions phone: 703.993.8010

Can I get into Antonin Scalia Law School with aGPA andLSAT?

Antonin Scalia Law School Key Statistics

Previous year ABA 509 data
Percentiles 25 50 75
LSAT 158 166 167
GPA 3.45 3.83 3.93
Miscellaneous Count Percentile
# Applications 2114 68
# Admissions offers 415 -
Class size 159 46
% Accepted 19.6% 86
% Yield 38.3% 84

During the 2024 application cycle, 2,114 people applied and 415 were offered admission.

George Mason University has a 1L class size of 159, and yield of 38.31%. 159 out of 415 applicants who were offered admission accepted, meaning that 38.31% of the people who were offered admission ended up attending the school.

The 1L class at George Mason University has a median LSAT of 168. The 25th percentile LSAT is 160 and the 75th percentile LSAT is 169.

The median GPA is 3.89. The 25th percentile GPA is 3.53 and the 75th percentile GPA is 3.95.

Antonin Scalia Law School LSAT & GPA graph for 2022-2023

LSD has stats for 339 applicants for the 2022-2023 application cycle.

The graphs show applicant results plotted against GPA and LSAT. The dotted lines on the graphs represent the 25/50/75th percentiles reported by the school in their ABA 509 report from the previous year.

Each data point represents an LSD user that shared their application results for the benefit of future applicants.

Click on a data point to see that user's profile.

25th, 50th, 75th refer to percentiles from last year's admitted class

How much does Antonin Scalia Law School cost per year?

18th percentile
In-state tuition
24th percentile
Bar pass rate
79th percentile
Salary, 25th %
79th percentile
80th percentile
PI Salary
87th percentile
Employment rate
73rd percentile
Grads with debt
19th percentile
Average debt
62nd percentile

Cost of attending Antonin Scalia Law School

In 2024, tuition was $39,684 and the annual cost of attending was $71,158 (tuition plus living expenses).

Cost of Attendance (CoA) is the estimated total amount you will have to spend every year to go to school. Unlike tuition, CoA includes expenses like rent, food, and insurance.

Antonin Scalia Law School employment outcomes

JD graduates from George Mason University make $100,000 (median) upon graduation if they work in the private sector. If they go into the public sector, a grad can expect to make $67,121.

39.7% of law graduates from George Mason University go directly to work for law firms, while 18.6% clerk for a judge. 5.8% of graduates go into public interest.

90.6% of George Mason University graduates pass the bar on their first try.

Some interesting facts about Antonin Scalia Law School

Students at George Mason University, Antonin Scalia Law School, receive an outstanding legal education, are taught to critically evaluate prevailing opinions and pursue new ideas, and ultimately are prepared to distinguish themselves in their chosen fields.

Located just steps away from the nation’s capital, George Mason University, Antonin Scalia Law School, offers students unmatched professional, educational, and cultural opportunities in Washington, DC, and Northern Virginia.

Proximity to the White House, Capitol Hill, and the US Supreme Court—as well as countless government agencies, think-tanks, nonprofits, and law firms—gives students unparalleled access to the top legal minds, organizations, and job opportunities that the nation has to offer. Our faculty is culled from these very institutions, and some of our graduates go on to work at the highest level in those organizations

George Mason University

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It sucks if the doxed some people but we were all thinking the same thing so…
There's a whole lot of entitlement on the LSA sub. Many feel that schools MUST do this and must do that when in fact schools can choose who they want in whatever timeframe works best for them. Many forget that going to any law school, particularly a top school such as GMU is a privilege. Yes it takes a lot of work to get to this point, but we are also very fortunate to even be considered. If everyone was OWED the opportunity to go to a great law school, well then it wouldn't be very special.
Those who are disgruntled are merely expressing their opinion which is guaranteed by The First Amendment.
Although I’m happy with so I’m not pressed for a rush in my decision.
Ghost, I think it’s a stretch to say that GMU is a top law school. Regardless, I hear you. I’ve seen entitlement on the sub too, but I read the comments on the GMU sub differently. It seems to me that people are frustrated by inconsistencies between admissions’ words and actions. Some schools are more transparent than others, which inspires anxiety across applicant pools. But to your point, it shows in unspoken expectation amongst admissions staff to tell the truth and to act the way that they say they will. We cannot say or not say confidently whether GMU admissions staff has acted the way they say they have. We’re just making inferences at this point. That all being said, my personal feeling is that none of us deserve more than anybody else to get into a great school. We have all worked hard and every single one of us is capable of doing great things at a great law school, GMU included.
Did you get your interview though? :) how did it go?
Valid although I disagree on one point, I just believe the best of the best should get in before the lower. Lots of money goes into this situation, for some it involves moving across the country or taking on hundreds of thousands in loans so I don’t think being confused/upset/ skeptical is as crazy as ur making it sound.
I'm not sure yet. I'm actually on several T20/30 WLs. I've got some decent offers so I know I'm going somewhere 😊. Whatever the outcome, I feel pretty lucky to have made it this far.
You’ll end up where you’re meant to be :) we all will! (I say with fear in my heart)
I wasn't referring to any one person in particular, just the wide spread entitlement I've seen on the LSA sub in general. I've also read some posts from applicants that seem really level headed. I've seen a lot of posts from very humble and appreciative 0Ls with As or WLs.
What does an interview at George mason for a transfer student mean?
It means… you’d be interviewed… sorry I don’t think I understand the question. Can you provide more context?
Has anyone heard of any WL movement since the most recent info session? Saw on reddit one person was released
I just received an email (7/9) that after reviewing my application, theyd like to keep me on the waitlist. Are people getting released or receiving the same?
I received that email too but just saw that someone reported a rejection from gmu???
Maybe they are doing both?
I got released and so did a couple others. They said they will release some and keep others waitlisted. They said they will also do some acceptances.
I’ve not been interviewed though and they’re out next week so…
Looks like the emails are trickling out as well, I’ve seen some who haven’t received any update so far
Oh really?? Have others not heard back about their waitlist status this week?
I haven’t received any correspondence yet
I was released yesterday 7/9. Pretty bummed about this one. Wishing y'all the best of luck!
Sorry to hear that, best of luck. I’m hoping I can get an answer soon since I need to finalize plans
Did anyone get their interview invitation?
I’ve received a confirmation that my July waitlist interest form was received but nothing else
Same. Just got the confirmation on my form
I’ll never understand a top 50 school accepting people with a below average LSAT just to raise a GPA median. If you can’t grasp logical reasoning or rc how do you expect to succeed in law acjopl
anyone hear back for interviews?
No… :(
Maybe try asking on Reddit. More people check there
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