Are you are looking to go to one of the law schools in Washington, D.C.? There are 6 ABA accredited law schools in Washington, D.C..
The highest ranked law school in Washington, D.C. is Georgetown University, which was ranked 14 by US News in 2024. The school has an LSAT median of 171 and a GPA median of 3.91.
The best law school in Washington, D.C. depends on what you're looking for. Every law school is different, just like every person is different.
Other schools in Washington, D.C. include GW Law School, Columbus School of Law The Catholic University of America, American University Law School, Howard Law School, UDC David A. Clarke School of Law. If you want to go to law school in Washington, D.C., you should consider these schools.
theres some stat that every point better you do on the lsat earns you tens of thousands of extra scholarship dollars. with a 3.4 and a good lsat you wil have several full ride options especially if you set your sights on your regional schools
yeah. i guess i really just need to commit to studying but i'm being lazy. gym schedule in swing first. then lsat schedule. i've been telling myself this for like 3 years though.... ugh
I was able to work two jobs and keep a consistent gym routine while studying for the LSAT by spreading out my LSAT studying over a manageable period of time
so many bodies made a hobby at the er
that's me now i go to the gym like three hours a day
just to keep my mind off this shit
I'm going to the gym twice a day now bc I don't have a bf