

Law Schools in Ohio

Are you are looking to go to one of the law schools in Ohio? There are 10 ABA accredited law schools in Ohio.

The highest ranked law school in Ohio is Ohio State University, which was ranked 22 by US News in 2023. The school has an LSAT median of 164 and a GPA median of 3.86.

The best law school in Ohio depends on what you're looking for. Every law school is different, just like every person is different.

Other schools in Ohio include Case Western Reserve University School of Law, University of Cincinnati Law School, University of Dayton School of Law, Cleveland Marshall College of Law, University of Toledo Law School, Ohio Northern Law School, University of Akron School of Law, Capital University Law School, (Part-time) Cleveland State University. If you want to go to law school in Ohio, you should consider these schools.

ABA accredited law schools in Ohio

  1. Moritz College of Law
  2. Case Western Reserve University School of Law
  3. University of Cincinnati Law School
  4. University of Dayton School of Law
  5. Cleveland Marshall College of Law
  6. University of Toledo Law School
  7. Ohio Northern Law School
  8. University of Akron School of Law
  9. Capital University Law School
  10. (Part-time) Cleveland State University

You can also check out law schools in the states that border Ohio: Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Pennsylvania, West Virginia.

Detailed information on Ohio law schools

Moritz College of Law

Columbus , Ohio
Rank 22 (US News 2023)
  • Ranked: 22 by US News in 2023.
  • LSAT percentiles (25/50/75): 159/164/166
  • GPA percentiles (25/50/75): 3.58/3.86/3.95
  • Acceptance rate: 37.1
  • Bar passage rate: 93.7

Case Western Reserve University School of Law

Cleveland, Ohio
Rank 80 (US News 2023)
  • Ranked: 80 by US News in 2023.
  • LSAT percentiles (25/50/75): 153/160/162
  • GPA percentiles (25/50/75): 3.38/3.66/3.82
  • Acceptance rate: 39.2
  • Bar passage rate: 78.9

University of Cincinnati Law School

Cincinnati, Ohio
Rank 84 (US News 2023)
  • Ranked: 84 by US News in 2023.
  • LSAT percentiles (25/50/75): 156/158/161
  • GPA percentiles (25/50/75): 3.52/3.73/3.91
  • Acceptance rate: 44.8
  • Bar passage rate: 85.6

University of Dayton School of Law

Dayton, Ohio
Rank 111 (US News 2023)
  • Ranked: 111 by US News in 2023.
  • LSAT percentiles (25/50/75): 152/154/157
  • GPA percentiles (25/50/75): 3.3/3.58/3.77
  • Acceptance rate: 28.3
  • Bar passage rate: 70.5

Cleveland Marshall College of Law

Cleveland, Ohio
Rank 111 (US News 2023)
  • Ranked: 111 by US News in 2023.
  • LSAT percentiles (25/50/75): 151/154/157
  • GPA percentiles (25/50/75): 2.95/3.39/3.65
  • Acceptance rate: 48.5
  • Bar passage rate: 84.6

University of Toledo Law School

Toledo, Ohio
Rank 141 (US News 2023)
  • Ranked: 141 by US News in 2023.
  • LSAT percentiles (25/50/75): 149/152/155
  • GPA percentiles (25/50/75): 3.23/3.55/3.79
  • Acceptance rate: 43.7
  • Bar passage rate: 77.5

Ohio Northern Law School

Ada, Ohio
Rank 146 (US News 2023)
  • Ranked: 146 by US News in 2023.
  • LSAT percentiles (25/50/75): 146/148/151
  • GPA percentiles (25/50/75): 3.08/3.42/3.67
  • Acceptance rate: 59.4
  • Bar passage rate: 70.7

University of Akron School of Law

Akron, Ohio
Rank 150 (US News 2023)
  • Ranked: 150 by US News in 2023.
  • LSAT percentiles (25/50/75): 151/153/155
  • GPA percentiles (25/50/75): 3.02/3.45/3.68
  • Acceptance rate: 62.9
  • Bar passage rate: 68.1

Capital University Law School

Columbus, Ohio
Rank 175 (US News 2023)
  • Ranked: 175 by US News in 2023.
  • LSAT percentiles (25/50/75): 148/151/155
  • GPA percentiles (25/50/75): 2.96/3.33/3.64
  • Acceptance rate: 67.5
  • Bar passage rate: 77.6

(Part-time) Cleveland State University

Cleveland, Ohio
Rank (US News )
  • Ranked: by US News in .
  • LSAT percentiles (25/50/75): ?/?/?
  • GPA percentiles (25/50/75): ?/?/?
  • Acceptance rate:
  • Bar passage rate:


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thats awesome
I hope the valedictorian gives her speech somewhere else, she deserves the chance to speak. or, you know, they actually let her speak
there was an nyu a today?
sorry don’t wanna intruppt the convo
idk I'm too stupid for NYU
I agree
That is some crazy cls tea
Suspending students before arresting them to give them the maximum legal fucking is pretty crazy
Cornell would never
yea that’s sus and there’s also a columbia prof (maybe also cls) who has been very active in the pro israel convo, even inciting protests etc which seems innapropriate
Was assailed by pro-palistine protestors during the NYU law visit. I'll never understand how people expect to gain support by actively getting in your face and yelling at you for simply going about your day.
@farfar: cry about it
its a small inconvenience for you meanwhile people are living through a genocide
I'll just commit to Columbia instead, glad they're doing something about it
do you think they care LMAO
is there a c/o 2028 discord yet
I'm glad you're placing your personal propriety over people protesting an active genocide
Speaking of this topic, anyone else worried about how many students, including law students, are being doxxed and harassed for supporting Palestine/being appalled by genocide?
I’m tired of it being called pro-Hamas or antisemitic to say it’s bad to kill thousands of children
i hate the pro israel media bias
Yep, every Palestine rally is called “antisemitism” and there’s basically no coverage of Islamophobia
@JFCLetMeIn: im worried but also my undergrad school is like that rn too, ppl getting arrested
im at a super PWI though
@JFCLetMeIn: personally I’d direct most of my ire towards the group that parachuted onto a group of civilians attending a concert and then proceeded to slit the throats of every man, woman, and child within the area and surrounding vicinities, but yeah sure let’s forget about that part
For those of you who are unaware: unprovoked government backed coordinated murders of people purely on the basis of shared sociological features is literally genocide. Last time I checked, the impetus for the ongoing escalation occurred when Hamas (the presiding Palestinian governmental body) backed *Palestinians* murdered a bunch of Israeli civilians. If we’re gonna be tossing around the word “genocide” so casually, then let’s at least acknowledge that Israel isn’t exactly the only group complict in genocide.
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