


Simple English definitions for legal terms

personal service

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A quick definition of personal service:

Personal service is when someone delivers a notice to a person in person. This is one way to serve a defendant, which means to officially notify them of a legal action against them. Sometimes, personal service can be replaced by leaving a copy of the notice at the person's home or business if the plaintiff has tried to deliver it in person but couldn't. However, personal service obtained through fraud or deceit is not valid.

A more thorough explanation:

Personal service is a way of delivering legal notice to a defendant in person. This is important because it establishes jurisdiction over the defendant, meaning that the court has the authority to hear the case.

For example, if someone is suing their neighbor for damages, they would need to serve the neighbor with a copy of the lawsuit. They could do this by hiring a process server to deliver the papers to the neighbor in person. This is called personal service.

Personal service is not always required, though. In some types of cases, like property disputes, the court can establish jurisdiction without personal service.

It's also important to note that personal service must be done legally. If someone tricks or deceives the defendant in order to serve them, the personal service is not valid.

For example, if someone invites their neighbor over to talk about the lawsuit, but then serves them with the papers instead, that personal service would not be valid.

personal representative | personal services


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i wish i were competent so bad
but that makes sense ty
lmao me2
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@georgiapeach88: Where did you transfer from? And why did you transfer?
Oh, I see from your profile: Maryland. Still, why did you transfer?
[] ararara
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[] ararara
@georgiapeach88: I actually remember you from some of the first times I was on this site
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@georgiapeach88: not sure if you're still there but im also curious bout why you transferred, especially since your application says you were eventually admitted to GULC off the waitlist?
do we think GULC is done
@BelligerentMagicalWarthog: last year they were accepting people off the waitlist from mid june up to a few days before classes start. so just off that and vibes I don't think they're done
Hi Guys
gulc said they'll get back to me by the week of june 17th
i hope they give me the a or r. i just want an answer 😭😭
has anyone on GW waitlist heard anything?
@menherachan: praying for your WL A
@menherachan: i hope they give u that A as well
tysm! i hope so too lol
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