


Simple English definitions for legal terms

personal services

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A quick definition of personal services:

Personal services are special abilities and talents that only certain individuals possess and cannot be easily replaced by someone else. These services are highly valued and include things like acting, singing, and sports. When someone agrees to provide personal services, they have a duty to do so and cannot work for a competitor. However, if there are disputes or problems, the law may not force them to continue providing these services. In some cases, companies that provide personal services may be classified as a special type of corporation.

A more thorough explanation:

Definition: Personal services refer to the unique abilities and talents of individuals that cannot be replaced by another person's abilities. These services are highly valued and are different from general labor. Examples of personal services include actors, singers, and athletes.

In contract law, a contract for personal services imposes a duty to render the service and forbear from rendering the service to a competitor. However, a promise to render personal service will not be specifically enforced, according to the Restatement (Second) of Contracts § 367. This is because it may not be desirable to further personal associations between parties if there have already been disputes leading to a loss of confidence and loyalty. Additionally, the quality of the personal services performance may be lowered if an individual's sole motivation for performing is because they are compelled to fulfill a contract obligation under law.

For example, an actor may have a contract with a movie studio to star in a film. If the actor breaches the contract and decides to work on a competing film, the studio may not be able to force the actor to fulfill their obligation. This is because the studio may not want to continue working with someone who has breached their trust, and the actor's performance may suffer if they are forced to fulfill the contract.

In some states, such as California, if a company's primary activity is the performance of personal services and owner employees substantially perform those personal services, they may be classified as a special type of corporation called a personal service corporation.

personal service | personalty


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i wish i were competent so bad
but that makes sense ty
lmao me2
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can you put a good word in for me with adcommns?
@georgiapeach88: Where did you transfer from? And why did you transfer?
Oh, I see from your profile: Maryland. Still, why did you transfer?
[] ararara
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[] ararara
@georgiapeach88: I actually remember you from some of the first times I was on this site
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@georgiapeach88: not sure if you're still there but im also curious bout why you transferred, especially since your application says you were eventually admitted to GULC off the waitlist?
do we think GULC is done
@BelligerentMagicalWarthog: last year they were accepting people off the waitlist from mid june up to a few days before classes start. so just off that and vibes I don't think they're done
Hi Guys
gulc said they'll get back to me by the week of june 17th
i hope they give me the a or r. i just want an answer 😭😭
has anyone on GW waitlist heard anything?
@menherachan: praying for your WL A
@menherachan: i hope they give u that A as well
tysm! i hope so too lol
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