


Simple English definitions for legal terms

federal court

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A quick definition of federal court:

A federal court is a type of court that is created by the United States Constitution or by federal law. These courts can hear cases that involve federal laws or disputes between people from different states. There are different types of federal courts, such as the U.S Tax Court, U.S district courts, Courts of Appeal, and the U.S Supreme Court. Federal courts follow federal precedent when dealing with federal law, but they must follow state precedent when the dispute does not involve federal law. It is important for federal courts to have the right to hear a case, or else the case must be sent back to state court or dismissed.

A more thorough explanation:

Federal Court

A court that has the power to hear cases related to federal law or disputes between citizens of different states. Federal courts include the U.S Tax Court, U.S district courts, Courts of Appeal, and the U.S Supreme Court. They may hear cases originally or through appeal.

  • A case involving a federal law, such as a dispute over a patent or a violation of a federal regulation, can be heard in a federal court.
  • A case between a citizen of California and a citizen of New York, where the amount in dispute is $100,000, can be heard in a federal court because it meets the diversity jurisdiction requirement.

These examples illustrate how federal courts have specific requirements for subject matter jurisdiction. They can only hear cases that involve federal law or meet certain criteria, such as diversity jurisdiction. This helps maintain the balance of power between the federal government and the states.

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berkeley form got filled out, chicago is done, now I have Columbia SLS UVA GULC
I need to do the 500 word UVA essay but have been slammed at work and so will do that first
UVA gives you a word count??!!that's crazy
yeah its just a 500 word essay on their form
GULC I need to finish as well but I am on regular waitlist without interview so I do not think much is gonna move there
I want to take my time with SLS and write a great one and figure if I send reply form now and an email to dean deal (we built a nice relationship during the cycle), I could send my LOCI in like 10 days
I think they pull from all their WLs at GULC so it ain't over til it's over!
I think take ur time w/ the ones u care about
that's a smart move
yeah I took 2 months for chicago haha
I just kept thinking and brainstorming and rewriting
where to see loci examples?
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its a pakistani resturant right by campus and it is one of my favs in the bay area
I get an interview at HLS should I be clean shaven?
trees are you indian
you got it trees! and thanks for the rec! I'll definitely check it out when I'm down there
how will lsat changes affect competitiveness of next cycle
I am not indian haha
@Pongleton: thank u!!!
@GreenJumbledScorpion: yes. whole body
@HaplessFierceLynx: average LSAT score will inflate even higher next cycle, should be fun
Seriously I maintain a mustache and a light beard
Its religiously recommended but I not necessary to have
@GreenJumbledScorpion: it's probably fine as long as it is neat tbh
would you shave for a job interview? if you normally would and thats what makes you feel confident then i mean your call but if you normally wouldnt for a job interview then its definitely totally fine
i've had purple hair and kitty headphones for job interviews and i got hired. shaven or not, do whatever makes you feel most confident
Well before my beard sucked so I just shaved now I just keep it light. IDK
Hi, did anyone’s USC blurb change today to include the word May?
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