


Simple English definitions for legal terms

ad hoc compromis

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A quick definition of ad hoc compromis:

Ad Hoc Compromis: An agreement between two or more countries to ask an arbitrator or international court to help them solve a problem they have. It's called "ad hoc" because it's made just for that one problem, not for any other problems that might come up later. This is different from a "general compromis" where countries agree to use an arbitrator or court for any problems that might come up in the future.

A more thorough explanation:

Definition: Ad hoc compromis is an agreement between two or more countries to submit a specific dispute to an arbitrator, an arbitral tribunal, or an international court.

For example, if two countries have a disagreement over a border dispute, they may agree to submit the issue to an ad hoc arbitral tribunal. This tribunal would be created specifically for this dispute and would not exist beyond its resolution.

Ad hoc compromis is different from a general compromis, which is an agreement where countries submit all or a definite class of disputes that may arise between them to an arbitral institution, a court, or an ad hoc arbitral tribunal by concluding a general arbitration treaty or by including an arbitration clause in a treaty.

Overall, ad hoc compromis is a way for countries to resolve specific disputes without resorting to violence or other harmful means.

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you miss it they rescind
i got an A yesterday and they want a seat deposit by 5/22, i wont even have my acceptance package by then
you can start a dialogue about an extension
Depending on how lower tier we're talking, and how many people blew off their offers... I wouldn't say "bluffing," but definitely more flexible than they would like.
im talking western new england lol, im planning on calling them later today anyway to talk financial aid so i'll just see what they say
If they want a response within a week, they better have overnighted your offer package or made it available to you online.
i did get my letter through the portal (full tuition babyyyy) but my stress levels are peaking with this time frame
my own fault for being a late applicant but i really wasn't expecting that kind of scholarship
that’s a clutch scholarship
i know!!! i really gaslighted myself into thinking i wouldn't even get accepted anywhere???
lol except you’re actually cracked
imposter syndrome<333
congrats! ive had mixed luck with extensions, one school i asked was like "nope we dont do that" and another school was like "hmmm we can do like a few days" and i got the sense it was more for like, oh i want to deposit but i get paid on friday so can we wait til saturday
i have a feeling wne will be pretty lenient, me and my admissions counselor have good rapport so i'm hopeful. otherwise yolo
Still waiting for Notre Dame and Ohio
The waiting game for decisions is not fun
when did u apply
OSU is brutally slow lmao
Late Feb
I applied late
this iced coffee sat too long and now it tastes bad
gj dunkin
their enrollment confirmation survey is like mid june so there MAY be some more movement around then
when did yall apply if youre waiting for decisions mid may lol
oh i see the late feb message
lori lightfoot #2 fav mayor after eric adams i love her thyroid face and small stature
you guys know when you were little and you were waiting for like an app or website to load and you would pretend not to care or notice in case it would make the app or website load faster
Good times @manifest
good times for sure, also wondering if i should take that approach with my waitlists
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