


Simple English definitions for legal terms

ad hoc

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A quick definition of ad hoc:

Ad hoc means "for this purpose only." It is used to describe something that is created or done specifically for a particular situation or problem. For example, an ad hoc committee might be formed to deal with a specific issue that other committees are not equipped to handle. Ad hoc decisions are made based on the circumstances of a particular case, rather than following a set policy or plan.

A more thorough explanation:

Definition: Ad hoc means "for this purpose only." It comes from the Latin phrase "to this." An ad hoc committee or commission is created for a specific or one-time purpose to address issues that fall outside the scope of other existing committees or commissions. Ad hoc decisions are made based on the circumstances of a particular case.

  • An ad hoc committee was formed to plan the company picnic.
  • The school board created an ad hoc commission to investigate a recent bullying incident.
  • During a crisis, the government may form an ad hoc committee to address the situation.

These examples illustrate how ad hoc committees and commissions are formed for a specific purpose and are not permanent. They are created to address a particular issue or situation that falls outside the scope of other existing committees or commissions. Ad hoc decisions are made based on the circumstances of a particular case, rather than following a coordinated policy.

actus reus | ad litem


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When ara was on a power trip a few weeks ago
banning anyone who didnt blindly agree horsey and I should be banned
oh damn i just thought the cycles results were hitting her super hard and she was taking a break or something
the pug told me that she was unfairly banned
bc she said lol in the chat while driving and didnt scroll up to see what she was lol-ing at
totally not projecting my own insecurities onto strangers on the internet or anyhting
did u miss the day where a moderator i won't name banned pretty much every active poster on here?
pugs in therapy thinking about her actions and repenting
hopefully pug will become a better person after this.
pug is engaged she's doing better than any of us
i dont think i missed that day i just didnt realize pug was also banned
very sad that no one's commenting about how witty and funny i was
ok im realizing what i said might have come off bad yes pug is doing great and has great results and is also engaged and i
i think the bunny was beautiful and smart and hilarious
the pug's results were dogshit. no pun intended
I miss bunny
*i didnt mean to say anything other than that i just know when im stressed about results and waitlist stuff i avoid coming here
bunny was so funny and cool
I miss bunny too
@serenity--now: ilyyyy
and hot
ive been told the pug has had many sleepless nights over the NU R and has spent many hours wondering what killed her app
this is just what the pug tells me tho.
Quietest day all year?
I told NU I would give them a big suck for a WL A pray for me
but she also bought super cute red cowboy boots so she's doing ok
@Hellwoods2025: you're so shadowbanned it's crazy
i dont know any of the lore here but it sounds juicy
@serenity--now: okay yay those boots sound amazing i need to see
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