



How do you even start the process of going to law school?

There is an LSAC, and an LSAT, and a Spivey, and I want a powerful score, but also 7 Sages sound helpful
Apr 2, 2023

These are all law school application specific terms that are often thrown around on Reddit and on our site. For a full and easy to search list of terms you can check out our term list here.

Table of Contents

  1. What is the LSAC
  2. What is the LSAT
  3. What is Spivey Consulting
  4. What is admissions consulting
  5. Related Articles

What is the LSAC?

The LSAC is the Law School Admission Council, a nonprofit organization that provides services to law schools and prospective law students. The LSAC administers the Law School Admission Test (LSAT), and provides other services to facilitate law school admission. The LSAC also provides information about financial aid and scholarships to help law school applicants pay for their education. 

The LSAC provides a variety of services to help law school applicants pay for their education. The LSAC administers the Law School Admission Test (LSAT), and provides other services to facilitate law school admission. The LSAC also provides information about financial aid and scholarships to help law school applicants pay for their education.

What is the LSAT?

The LSAT is a half-day standardized test that is offered about every other month and is used as an ‘objective’ measure for law schools to compare students. The LSAT is administered by the LSAC and is required for admission to most law schools in the United States, though more and more are accepting the GRE as well. The LSAT is a multiple-choice test that measures reading comprehension, logical reasoning, and analytical reasoning skills. 

What is Spivey Consulting?

Spivey is the most famous and prestigious law school admissions service in the US. From their website: 

“Spivey Consulting Group is the premiere law school admissions consulting firm, with collectively more than 250 years of law school admissions experience across our team. Our consultants are former admissions officers from law schools including Yale, Harvard, Stanford, Columbia, Chicago, Penn, Michigan, Duke, Northwestern, UCLA, and more, and our mission is to help you get admitted to your dream school.”

What is admissions consulting?

Admissions consultants work with individual students to help with their application for getting into a law school. Admissions consultants help the student choose the right school and then help with all of the application process and documents. They may recommend an LSAT prep course and will act as pseudo tutors to help you with your personal statements and other essays.

Admissions consulting is not cheap. In fact it is painfully expensive. I looked into it when I was applying to business school and was quoted $4900 for help applying to one school and $6800 for two. I assume law school services are comparable though maybe a bit cheaper. If you have the money, this can be a great opportunity to make sure that you give yourself the best chance possible to get into a great school. But if you are deciding where you spend limited money, then we recommend putting it towards doing as well as possible on the LSAT because your score matters a lot for getting into law school. 

If anyone has experience with law school admission consulting please reach out because we would love to hear about your experience. (help@lsd.law)

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Windsor MIT '22, Harvard College Advisor

I am the half of LSD that didn't take the LSAT, or go to law school (Sorry about that). But I did go to MIT business school while surrounded by law students and lawyers, so I am somewhat qualified to talk about the intricacies of law school apps and finances.

Windsor (the dog) didn't write this but he WAS a Resident Tutor and career advisor at Harvard College with me, so deserves some credit.




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I am sick of law schools sending out emails without the option to unsubscribe. It's straight up illegal and shows you the quality of education you will get there.
CAN-SPAM Act violation
dude washu has sent me an email at least once per feek for 3 months
it has significantly impacted my opinion on their law school
week* frick
yeah like i've gotten radio silence from them since october
like if you don't want me that's fine but why not reject or WL people? too busy having Zoom seminars
like it's actually so rude that they don't have the decency to R/WL before like April
Lmaoo the Zoom seminars
GW is requesting my fall transcripts (I had intended to apply during the fall semester when I requested them, but had three hurricanes-one with water rescues in my neighborhood-an emergency 2 1/2 week trip to Colorado to say goodbye to my mother-in-law, then I received my service dog, which required another eight days away from school for training), so I ended up applying this month. If I request new transcripts through LSAC, does each school I applied to receive them? I'm hoping to not have to write an addendum of why all of my narrative evaluations mention my busy schedule or that I had to miss classes and whatnot. (My school doesn't do letter grades.)
Yes, they receive them automatically from LSAC
@AnotherUsername1: Thank you! :)
yooo 1a
its eggan
eff i missed him
Do y'all think Berkeley's gonna reject me or waitlist me. An A seems unlikely atp.
i feel the same way
'tis very sad
It sucks cause I feel like I fucked up my video statement but the rest of my app was strong and now the video statement isn't even a requirement
I think as long as you haven't been R or WL, you're still in the running! I don't think they'd leave anyone hanging if they already knew! <3
Tried negotiating scholarships with the school but they basically called my bluff saying I have to share other letters by the deposit deadline to get any $. It feels good to bet on myself though
How's it goin
[M] hw03
how's everyone doing
did anyone have a penn date change? mine went into review early feb, then the date on the portal changed to a couple days ago.. but no email update wondering if anyone else is in the same boat
@1a2b3c4d26z: im ok just waiting on a few more schools
how do you fuck up a video statement when youre well aware its going to happen and its straightforward
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