

Applicant search - Southern Methodist University

Found 4 matching applications.
Result User LSAT GPA Scholarship
Accepted goodlife5071 175 3.9 $105,000
Accepted Warmfettucine 175 3.87
Accepted WorkableCarefulRetriever 175 3.94
Accepted Character and fitness issuesEmeraldBayLane 176 3.95 $106,500
* The data in this table is user-reported and may be inaccurate.


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@aziza: hmmmm our gc has about 130 heads in it but i doubt everyone is coming
simmons was very vauge ab the waitlist reuirments. She said they might not even read your LOCI
Im guessing temple -> GA would not fly as easily lol
yeah would be a harder sell for sure
then again guy who runs the firm i'm at now in ATL went to Cleveland State
is usc gonna do anything this week lol
i just need closure, i need my cycle to be over
@aziza: ima be real I think theyre passive about their WL process because they don't lean on it a whole lot
howard strikes me as pretty passive in general from the few glimpses i've had
I would plan on R&R
Any HLS feelers yet today?
I assumed so. Not alot of people post about getting off the WL
The program im going into is 2.5 years. I may consider transferring but im not sure how that would work since i would be in an accelerated program
i wouldn't enroll in a school i'd be unwilling to graduate from personally
@ExcitingRealSombrero: I got my HLS feeler at around 9:50AM PST yesterday, so expect to wait an hour and a half or so
of course it's possible that some got theirs before me so it could be earlier but just as a point of reference
getting into stanford is easy
nice b8 m8
man its so dead on here now. i imagine bc its may
I feel that many people transfer out of their schools, it isnt a personal things against the school, I would just like exposure to a different community
def a small fraction of students but people do it yes
many try to transfer out of their school
fewer succeed
^ another good point
you need to be willing to have any school you attend on your resume in the worst case scenario
i have many friends who planned on doing so and either their 1L humbled them and they didnt have the grades or they just decided it was so much extra work it wasnt worth it
this is very unscientific but there's a refrain like 80% of 1Ls think they'll be in the top 25% of their class
Yeah 1L will humble you REALLY fast
im part of this 80%
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