

Applicant search - Georgetown University

Found 186 matching applications.
Result User LSAT GPA Scholarship
Waitlisted CuddlyNormalElf 176 3.86
Waitlisted CarefulOffbeatNewfoundland 174 3.9
Accepted WorthyAngel 176 3.92
Waitlisted law04324015732143 174 3.93
Accepted toast8152 174 3.92
Accepted LSATuration 174 3.93
Accepted cwentzdagawd 175 3.85 $127,500
Waitlisted BryceNa 174 3.91
WL, Withdrawn RealHonorableRobin 176 3.9
Accepted teacher27 176 3.92
Accepted funnyusername 174 3.87 $105,000
Accepted BlahDeBlah 174 3.92
Accepted PuzzLurker 175 3.86 $120,000
Waitlisted Roastbeef23 176 3.92
Accepted mimosa12 174 3.92
WL, Withdrawn austinsibly 175 3.89
Accepted NGRock 174 3.86
Accepted IbnBattuta 174 3.9
Accepted anemometry 175 3.92
Accepted Anon101 176 3.86
Accepted Anga2145 174 3.93
Accepted squarerootofi 175 3.92 $120,000
Accepted iwantthattrophy 174 3.9
Accepted buffalowings16 175 3.93
Accepted 987 176 3.9
Accepted skrrrt 174 3.85
Accepted PlusItsABummer 174 3.86 $0
Accepted caseide 175 3.94
Accepted rjs95 174 3.86
Accepted Greenjacket95 174 3.88
Accepted stateschool123 176 3.91
Accepted Hapatater 174 3.86
Accepted hshaw98 175 3.91
Accepted CorgisRLyfe 175 3.86 $135,000
WL, Withdrawn CryingSmartPlatypus 175 3.88
Accepted CBZ 176 3.95 $135,000
WL, Withdrawn Warmfettucine 175 3.87
Accepted Newfoundland 176 3.94
Accepted therealmikeross 174 3.89
Accepted FrequentPermissibleMarmoset 174 3.86
Accepted DebonairGiraffe 176 3.87
Waitlisted dylhm1224 174 3.85
Waitlisted LovingPluckyCoyote 174 3.92
Accepted eatinggoodnoodles 175 3.92
Accepted SoftRainyGopher 175 3.89 $150,000
Accepted egn2020 175 3.92 $120,000
Accepted JoblessParchedGibbon 176 3.89
Accepted BigOlBoPeep 174 3.91 $120,000
Accepted scoobertdoobert 176 3.89 $135,000
WL, Withdrawn ShinyMeanHuman 176 3.95
Accepted BoredUnbecomingBracke 176 3.9 $90,000
Waitlisted LawSchoolPenguin 176 3.9
Accepted BriBritheMathGuy 176 3.85
Accepted Aspiringlawyer24 174 3.88
Accepted JusticeWolf 175 3.86
WL, Withdrawn ChivalrousRabbit 175 3.89
Accepted lemonpoppyseed 175 3.93 $0
Accepted svkgrl 176 3.85
Accepted jared-not19 174 3.88 $150,000
Accepted TheFictiveTortoise 175 3.92 $1
Accepted 2020applicant123 174 3.88
WL, Withdrawn AleaIactaEst2 175 3.95
Accepted forty54five 175 3.92 $120,000
Accepted InspiringElleWoods 174 3.89 $157,500
WL, Withdrawn UghSad 176 3.94
Waitlisted crankylesbian 176 3.95
Accepted Judicialicious 176 3.91
Accepted Quaker2 175 3.95 $150,000
Accepted NauseatingCulturedMeerkat 175 3.88 $150,000
Accepted UppityMeanSquirrel 175 3.88
Accepted elli25 174 3.93
Accepted CastlereaghQC 175 3.89
WL, Withdrawn AuspiciousDangerousLemming 174 3.94
Accepted HilariousGapingSeahorse 175 3.9
Accepted HurriedProudCorgi 175 3.86
Accepted Lurking 175 3.87
Waitlisted HexagonalKing 174 3.88
WL, Withdrawn mangoty 174 3.95
Accepted ScarceStandingMonster 175 3.92
WL, Withdrawn IncensedCeruleanWombat 176 3.92
Waitlisted ElfinMagnificentWildebeest 176 3.88
WL, Withdrawn OhioBuckeyes18 175 3.89
WL, Withdrawn jutletmeinnow1 175 3.92
Accepted ExoticScreechingDugong 176 3.95 $150,000
Waitlisted RightfulStandingIguana 175 3.95
Accepted Rhb24 176 3.93
Accepted correl 174 3.91
Accepted Grilliam1 175 3.94 $165,000
Accepted TheBookThief 174 3.9 $120,000
Accepted bananabread626 176 3.87
Accepted lkc428 174 3.86
Accepted CarebearWannabe 175 3.94 $135,000
Accepted Tovia7 174 3.9
Accepted PossibleTightCaiman 174 3.91
Accepted QuixoticSharpWalrus 174 3.93
Accepted spookyc 174 3.89
Accepted SilentCumbersomeCrane 174 3.85
Accepted waiting123456789 174 3.87 $135,000
Accepted DisgustedUnderstoodMaltese 175 3.85 $165,000
Accepted DrearyDangerousSillyGoose 175 3.88
Accepted LestTheOldTraditionsFail 175 3.9
Accepted KitKat95 174 3.87
WL, Withdrawn bogo 175 3.91
Accepted HangingUpbeatJackal 175 3.9
Accepted mailman 174 3.9 $105,000
Accepted kenchube 176 3.93 $150,000
Accepted MiscreantNumbat 175 3.94
Accepted LionelTribbey 174 3.85
Waitlisted Eyeball-Rancher 175 3.89
Accepted Legallyblondes 174 3.91 $135,000
WL, Withdrawn AdventurousLlama 174 3.92
Accepted NondescriptRichTang 174 3.88 $120,000
Accepted wishingandwashing 175 3.91
Accepted Kaleeeeee 174 3.91
Accepted LilLawBoi 176 3.9 $105,000
Accepted LeftMouseButton 175 3.94 $150,000
Accepted WindyClearCrocodile 175 3.94 $135,000
Accepted ltermart 176 3.87 $120,000
Waitlisted FrozenTropics 176 3.94
Accepted Edelgard 175 3.92 $150,000
Waitlisted Eagles1990 175 3.91
Accepted otinbarley 174 3.93 $120,000
Accepted AbnormalResonantKingfisher 176 3.85 $120,000
Accepted HappyHamster 174 3.88 $180,000
Waitlisted LazyTruculentSkunk 174 3.95
Accepted MrDonut 174 3.87 $105,000
Accepted LTJB 174 3.88
Waitlisted SquealingProudKudu 174 3.88
Waitlisted TinyChaoticPenguin 174 3.9
Waitlisted PurpleMankiller 176 3.95
Accepted hanshotfirst 174 3.9 $120,000
Accepted BriefFinickySetter 176 3.92
Accepted LikeNumerousOcelot 176 3.87 $134,000
Accepted WhimsicalTranquilUmbrellabird 174 3.85 $142,500
Accepted lawhopeful2021 175 3.94
Waitlisted anonimusdatapoint 174 3.92
Accepted depressed 175 3.87 $120,000
Accepted T14Steelbeam 174 3.93 $150,000
Accepted MessyQuestionableWestiePoo 174 3.91
Waitlisted rancorousrobin 176 3.9
Accepted LawAbidingSophisticate 174 3.87 $110,000
Accepted DapperSoftGolem 174 3.9
WL, Withdrawn generic-username 174 3.87
Accepted Fluffyracooooooon 174 3.91
Accepted AstonishingScatteredCuscus 175 3.89
Accepted legallyS 175 3.94
Accepted AcidicOverwroughtGoose 176 3.87
Accepted carnationsarefine 175 3.89
Accepted Character and fitness issuesEmeraldBayLane 176 3.95 $135,000
Accepted myrrh 175 3.92 $215,000
Accepted DOOMERKING 174 3.94 $135,000
Accepted PreviousToothsomeDragon 175 3.85 $75,000
Waitlisted Harambelikedporridge 176 3.9
Accepted TastyDecorousMeerkat 174 3.94
Accepted LiveFruitfulStork 174 3.87
Accepted MistyWanderingCaterpillar 175 3.88 $165,000
Accepted LumpyInvincibleWallaby 174 3.9 $75,000
Waitlisted RuthlessAwesomeKiwi 175 3.92
Accepted RangerCriticalDice 174 3.95
Accepted CoolSparrow 176 3.9
Accepted imsoverytired 176 3.95 $120,000
WL, Withdrawn NostalgicThoughtlessPenguin 174 3.95
Accepted CravenUppityIguana 176 3.87
Accepted siwwis 175 3.95 $135,000
Accepted MessyAshamedCabbage 174 3.88 $100,000
WL, Withdrawn EarsplittingSuccinctGrasshopper 174 3.85
Accepted PetiteAbandonedDemogorgon 175 3.95
Accepted humdeafeningiguana 174 3.89
Accepted rellymimi 175 3.9
Waitlisted jnjkhj 175 3.86
Accepted SmilingAwareMilk 175 3.93 $135,000
Accepted SorePossum 174 3.95 $165,000
Waitlisted AcceptableUnadvisedTurtle 174 3.88
Accepted kardashionion 175 3.89
Accepted TabooIrateClam 175 3.9
Accepted military serviceWoodmanfromHilda 174 3.93
Accepted MoistMcNugget 174 3.9 $120,000
Accepted lilackitty 175 3.9
WL, Withdrawn Thplat 176 3.91
Accepted ExcitedKitten 176 3.87
Accepted SpikyBizarreAnteater 174 3.87 $105,000
WL, Accepted chandelierqueen 174 3.91
Accepted BoLoBao4Eva 176 3.87 $105,000
Accepted military serviceUnfathomableRudeHawk 176 3.95 $120,000
Accepted Krs13 174 3.89 $105,000
Accepted MountDana 176 3.89
* The data in this table is user-reported and may be inaccurate.


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@ValleyH: try scheduling no guilt full days off from studying
@KnowledgeableRitzyWasp: ugh yeah that's a good idea
you don’t want to be going toooo hard
but like I can't even motivate myself to study anymore. I'm so worn out between finishing the school year and you know, life lol
yeah it sounds like overall life burn out
you might have to start deprioritizing things that aren’t absolutely critical because it sounds like you’re spread too thin
do you have time to spend a week eating junk food and watching reality TV sometime in the near future?
or maybe like 3 days at least
how do you feel about where youre at w PT
Yeah I should this weekend - I can binge watch Bridgerton and then take a practice test on Sunday
that sounds solid
PTs have been pretty good - scoring consistently 169-172
if it’s possible to get pulled of WL that score should be fine
I hope so. Fingers crossed!!
apple sauce
i'm so tired of waitlists
my lsat is way above median
did other people just get their scholarship reconsideration back from emory?
Harvard II reported on LSA
@ValleyH: thats awesome! the break seems well-deserved and if that's what it would take to get you back into studying then thats awesome!
@amlaw: i feel you im sorry :^(
also CLS WL II on LSA
If you did not get an HLS feeler is it over for you?
I don't think they're necessarily done
i have no idea and havent been following the hls wl, but i would be surprised if they were done at this point in the WL season
hoping your call comes soon @scorpion!
yo trees are you on?!?
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