


Simple English definitions for legal terms

Sony doctrine

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A quick definition of Sony doctrine:

The Sony Doctrine is a legal rule that says if a product can be used in a way that does not break the law, like recording a TV show to watch later, then it can be sold without getting in trouble for copyright infringement. This rule was established in a court case called Sony Corp. of Am. v. Universal City Studios, Inc. in 1984.

A more thorough explanation:

The Sony doctrine is a legal principle that refers to the routine use of a product in a way that does not infringe on intellectual property rights. It is also known as commercially significant noninfringing use. The principle is used to determine whether the sale of a product amounts to contributory infringement.

For example, if a product like a video recorder can be used in a way that does not infringe on intellectual property rights, such as recording a program to watch it later, then its sale cannot be stopped, and the manufacturer cannot be subjected to a court-imposed royalty.

The Sony doctrine was established in the case of Sony Corp. of America v. Universal City Studios, Inc. in 1984. The case involved the sale of Betamax video recorders, which were used to record television programs. The court ruled that the sale of the recorders was legal because they had substantial noninfringing use.

Another example of the Sony doctrine in action is the sale of MP3 players. While these devices can be used to infringe on copyright by downloading and sharing music illegally, they also have noninfringing uses, such as playing music that has been legally purchased or downloaded.

The Sony doctrine is important because it helps to balance the rights of intellectual property owners with the rights of consumers to use products in ways that do not infringe on those rights.

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Help us make LSD better!
Tell us what's important to you
Nah just a feature of my sick new LSD clan wanna join and have matching gamer tags
[] ararara
Use this website for guidance! Everyone else, make sure to leave behind helpful resources for the future users!
@ararara: Thank you so much!!!
[] ararara
Ofc thanks! I one hundred percent faxxxxx wouldn't have had my success without the users here that are long gone.
@ararara thats what im here for but it doesn't seem to be the reality
[] ararara
@cclaw: wait what's going on?
the cycle is bout over brodie nobody on here anymore
[] ararara
Yeah I don't go on reddit really but just saw there are only 39 people on LSA right now
and me and you are 2 of them
[] ararara
It's a beautiful thing though. Even people here rn getting ready to apply next cycle are kind of too early. They're setting themselves up to be stressed waiting for the most part.
good thing ive been here since march
and dont apply till next cycle
[] ararara
A strong app is a strong app. Outside of a few schools (Duke) timing really doesn't matter all that much,
i think its normal, especially for splitters
I will say money is less available later in the cycle
and seats
[] ararara
@SplitOnMe: true true but also yes and no! Initial offers will go down but the money's still there.
stats are important, but not everything in an app, tell a compelling cohesive story through your PS, DS, and interviews
some schools have big enough endowments anyone eligible will get the same award
wash u really be pooping out scholarships
OSU is pretty generous too if you don't mind a filthy T30
a lot of regional schools throw full rides at high lsat scorers source: me
[] ararara
Just to add on to what splitter said if anyone's here who is applying please check out that link I put up there!
[] ararara
It shows that the users who got into the most competitive schools even had errors in their materials! No one's perfect. Not stats wise or even materials wise. Just be cool ✌️ it's gonna be good!
[] ararara
@Mountaineer99: lots of girls at that school! Have fun if that's where you're going mountain! Have the best day everybody!
I wish there was a way for all of us to meet together and get drinks together :')
[] ararara
Hahaha I'm pretty careful on this site because Ive seen some people who can't be trusted but you two are both cool and I would be down to meet up somehow! See ya ✌️✌️ have fun again!!
we are grabbing drinks together ~in spirit~
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