


Simple English definitions for legal terms


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A quick definition of infringement:

An infringement is when someone does something they are not supposed to do. This can happen in many different situations. For example, if someone uses something that belongs to someone else without permission, that is an infringement. In the world of patents, an infringement is when someone uses an invention that is protected by a patent without permission. If an infringement happens, the person who was harmed can take legal action against the person who did the harm. If the court decides that an infringement did happen, the person who did the harm may have to pay money to the person who was harmed.

A more thorough explanation:

Definition: Infringement is when someone violates a law or a right, or does something without permission. This can happen in many different situations, such as breaking a contract or using someone else's invention without their permission.

For example, if a company sells a product that is protected by a patent without getting permission from the patent owner, they are committing patent infringement. This means they are using the invention without the owner's permission, which is against the law.

If someone is harmed by an infringement, they can take legal action against the person who caused the harm. The person who caused the harm is called the defendant, and the person who was harmed is called the plaintiff. If the court decides that an infringement did occur, they will order the defendant to make things right for the plaintiff.

In the case of a patent infringement, the patent holder can recover damages from the infringer, such as lost profits and attorney fees. However, before a court can determine if an infringement has occurred, they must first determine if the patent is valid. If the patent is not valid, then there can be no infringement.

Overall, infringement is a serious matter that can have legal consequences. It is important to respect the rights of others and to always get permission before using someone else's work or invention.

infraction | infringement (of copyright)


General chat about the legal profession.
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no im a big boy
i am like 1.5 years out of school lol
mfs think im gonna age out of nutsack jokes u must be out ur damn mind
i made sure to work in my max time gooning and i only got As and WLs
@xXxPoonDestroyerxXx: balled so hard they thought you were a nutsack
then I'll sneak a mention of my pet in there lol "I was by my bedside next to my loving cat when I had an epiphany"
greater than four hours = auto A
grimace shake 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
i'm choosing to believe the x's mean you're straight edge
ha virgin
Nah just a feature of my sick new LSD clan wanna join and have matching gamer tags
[] ararara
Use this website for guidance! Everyone else, make sure to leave behind helpful resources for the future users!
@ararara: Thank you so much!!!
[] ararara
Ofc thanks! I one hundred percent faxxxxx wouldn't have had my success without the users here that are long gone.
@ararara thats what im here for but it doesn't seem to be the reality
[] ararara
@cclaw: wait what's going on?
the cycle is bout over brodie nobody on here anymore
[] ararara
Yeah I don't go on reddit really but just saw there are only 39 people on LSA right now
and me and you are 2 of them
[] ararara
It's a beautiful thing though. Even people here rn getting ready to apply next cycle are kind of too early. They're setting themselves up to be stressed waiting for the most part.
good thing ive been here since march
and dont apply till next cycle
[] ararara
A strong app is a strong app. Outside of a few schools (Duke) timing really doesn't matter all that much,
i think its normal, especially for splitters
I will say money is less available later in the cycle
and seats
[] ararara
@SplitOnMe: true true but also yes and no! Initial offers will go down but the money's still there.
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