


Simple English definitions for legal terms

rule of inconvenience

Read a random definition: de rei gestae veritate

A quick definition of rule of inconvenience:

The rule of inconvenience is a way of understanding laws that says a court should not interpret a law in a way that would hurt important things for the public or make things really hard for people, unless there is no other way to understand the law. This rule is also called "inconvenience."

A more thorough explanation:

The rule of inconvenience is a principle used in statutory interpretation. It states that a court should not interpret a law in a way that would harm an important public interest or cause a serious hardship for anyone, unless there is no other way to interpret the law.

For example, let's say there is a law that requires all businesses to close by 10pm. A restaurant owner argues that they should be allowed to stay open until midnight because they have a lot of customers who come in late. However, if the court were to interpret the law in this way, it could cause a serious inconvenience for nearby residents who need to sleep. Therefore, the court would likely apply the rule of inconvenience and uphold the 10pm closing time.

Another example could be a law that requires all drivers to wear seatbelts. A person who has a medical condition that makes it difficult to wear a seatbelt argues that they should be exempt from the law. However, if the court were to interpret the law in this way, it could jeopardize the important public interest of keeping people safe on the road. Therefore, the court would likely apply the rule of inconvenience and require the person to find an alternative solution, such as a medical exemption or a different mode of transportation.

rule of four | rule of interpretation


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i get once youre admitted to other schools it becomes less worth it depending on what you want
especially if youre risking paying full price yeah
a conditional full scholorship is so crazy lmao
Good morning future lawyers
some people dont lose their whole scholarship they just get ~less~ money if they don't perform as well. i know what you mean though i personally wouldnt go anywhere on a conditional scholarship because im a pessimist
good morning valley and other future lawyers
wishing everyone who deposited at michigan or NU a very decide to go somewhere else
bridgerton alert!!
@manifestT14acceptances: if you can get HLS to move with some more WL acceptances, I may just have a spot to give you
bbl drizzy
bbl drizzayyy
genuinely i don't consider conditional scholarships real scholarships
basically considered the only real part of the GSU scholarship the unconditional $5k
I think that GSU gives you preference on getting the GA jobs but I could be wrong. I asked them when I visited how competitive they are and the tour guide didn't have a good answer
the GSU scholly I mean, giving you preference
sure, but that's a job i have to work to keep the scholarship instead of being a law clerk at a firm or some shit
it removes flexibility from my life
That's true, you would have to work, but GSU for nearly free would be worth it to me
full nelson spinebuster tombstone piledriver dead
one of the most underrated schools in the country
idk, i like GSU a lot but the way they do scholarships seriously turned me off
mountaineer do you wanna face mysterio for the intercontinental belt or wait for MiTB to try and get the contract
im booking ur promos rn
idk enough about wrestling to answer but fuck it intercontinental belt
i wish people would use this website again
just have to wait for next cycle to ramp up friend
maybe the real cycle was the friends we made along the way
they not like us ;)
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