


Simple English definitions for legal terms

public interest

Read a random definition: substituted-judgment doctrine

A quick definition of public interest:

Public interest refers to the well-being of the general public that deserves attention and safeguarding. It can also refer to something that affects the entire community and requires government regulation.

A more thorough explanation:

Definition: Public interest refers to the well-being and welfare of the general public that deserves recognition and protection. It is something that affects the public as a whole and justifies government regulation.

  • Environmental protection laws are in the public interest because they help to preserve natural resources and prevent pollution that can harm people's health.
  • Consumer protection laws are in the public interest because they ensure that products and services are safe and reliable for everyone to use.
  • Public health initiatives, such as vaccination programs, are in the public interest because they help to prevent the spread of diseases and protect the health of the entire community.

These examples illustrate how public interest is concerned with protecting the well-being of the general public. They show how government regulation can be used to ensure that everyone has access to safe and healthy environments, products, and services. By prioritizing public interest, governments can help to create a more equitable and just society for all.

public instrument | public-interest exception


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youve been what
that's psychotic sorry
aren't u kjd?
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