


Simple English definitions for legal terms


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A quick definition of retaliation:

Retaliation means hurting someone back because they hurt you first. In a work setting, it means when a boss punishes an employee for doing something that is allowed by law, like reporting harassment. This punishment can be things like getting fired, getting paid less, or being moved to a worse job. The law says that bosses can't do this. In international law, retaliation means when one country does something bad to another country because that country did something bad first. In landlord-tenant law, it can mean when a landlord kicks out a tenant for complaining about something wrong with the apartment.

A more thorough explanation:

Retaliation is when someone harms another person in response to an actual or perceived harm. In the context of employment, retaliation is when an employer punishes an employee for engaging in legally protected activity, such as making a complaint of harassment or participating in workplace investigations. This can include negative job actions like demotion, discipline, firing, salary reduction, or job or shift reassignment.

For example, if an employee reports sexual harassment to their employer and is then demoted or fired, that would be considered retaliation. Similarly, if an employee participates in an investigation into workplace safety violations and is then given a lower salary, that would also be retaliation.

At the federal level, the Fair Labor Standards Act makes it illegal to retaliate against an employee for filing a complaint or participating in an investigation related to the Act. This includes both written and oral complaints, as well as participation in National Labor Relations Board investigations. However, the complaint must be clear and detailed enough for a reasonable employer to understand it as an assertion of protected rights.

In international law, retaliation refers to the use of diplomatic measures or force in response to a similar use of force. For example, the tit-for-tat tariffs between China and the United States during the Trump presidency involved retaliation.

In landlord-tenant law, retaliation may refer to retaliatory eviction, which is when a landlord evicts a tenant in response to the tenant exercising their legal rights, such as reporting housing code violations.

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gene gives me 3 wishes one of em is wishing for ernest Hemingway to grow up in southside Chicago in the early in like 08 and be boys with kanye
u think ernest would be gang-affiliated?
and im making Robert Frost a crip from LA
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okay honestly i can see that
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@WhatItDoBayybeeee: did i ever show you the weird rapper who's like deep fried chief keef but all the lyrics are about bad horror movies
idk why this guy exists
ee cummings would be into mumble rap.
rip mary shelley you would’ve loved vaping
@mount no but im intrigued
@classy im weak lool
ee Cummings = playboy carti
carti mentioned!!
Dorothy Parker might have been into Chino XL.
bring that money home daddy waitin for it bring that money home
i didnt know who that woman was so i googled her and apparently they turned her childhood home into a vapeshop
please start the rapture father
dude imagine the rapture happens and it's just like one dude left behind
Last Man On Earth? At least the pilot, before all the other people show up.
you probably
never heard of it
i'm picturing this as a waiting for godot esque surreal comedy
i kid you not i had an org event at my Christian college and I legit couldn't find anyone oddly at where the event was supposed to be and no one was responding to my texts and i legit thought wtf did i miss the heaven call up
Fair enough. I think it only had two seasons, so most people never watched it.
i also only usually watch series like 5 years late
i wanna make sure shit doesn't end on a cliffhanger
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