


Simple English definitions for legal terms


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A quick definition of Removal:

Term: Removal

Definition: Removal is when a person who is being sued in a state court can ask to move the case to a federal court instead. This can happen if the case could have been brought in federal court in the first place. However, there are some situations where removal is not allowed, and some situations where it is allowed even if the case could not have been brought in federal court originally.

A more thorough explanation:

Definition: Removal is the power of defendants in some state civil suits to move the case to federal court. This means that if the case could have been brought in federal court, a defendant may demand that the case be moved to federal court. There are some exceptions to this rule, and there are also some areas of law where removal is allowed even if the case does not meet the general rule.

Example: Let's say that a person is suing a company for breach of contract in a state court. If the company believes that the case could have been brought in federal court because there is diversity jurisdiction (meaning the parties are from different states), the company may demand that the case be removed to federal court.

Explanation: In this example, the company is using the power of removal to move the case from state court to federal court. This is because the case could have been brought in federal court due to diversity jurisdiction. By moving the case to federal court, the company may believe that it will have a better chance of winning the case.

Remittitur | Removal warrant


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anyone have a good loci template?
there's great ones online
dont lean on the template too much, they've probs seen hundreds of the same type of LOCIs.
this is your last shot to be creative and stick out
But use it as a good idea of what to include
yeah i agree
you can only make a LOCI so special so dont stress too much
this may not work for everyone, but i went back to middle school writing. first paragraph named three reasons i want to attend. then each one got a short paragraph
"in this essay i will beg for you to let me in"
okay real talk the three paragraph essay is GOATed
to the point
gets the job done
epitome of writing for a purpose
i agree. also yall laugh but im at that point im considering sending michigan another loci even though i have zero updates and sent one about 2 weeks ago
have some decorum sir
im trying its just taking more effort than it should
imagine groveling to the wolverine industrial complex
the five paragraph essay is lokey GOATed when conveying information concisely is the goal
lowkey* ugh i can't spell
loki goaded
ngl my LOCI was just an update on my year lmao didn't even dick ride the schools
but i wrote why X essays for all of em
the only LOCI i wrote was basically "come on now I'd be 3rd gen to attend this institution and i'm at the medians you want come on bby" in a single paragraph
Yeah, my LOCI don't include any substantive updates on my year because I don't have any to offer.
it never got acknowledged but they did let me in lmao
anyone not get the northwestern zoom link for td?
i also didnt get it
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