


Simple English definitions for legal terms


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A quick definition of relationship:

A relationship is the connection between two or more people. It can be a special bond between family members, like a parent and child, or a professional connection, like a doctor and patient. Some relationships, like an attorney-client relationship, have legal rights and responsibilities. Other relationships, like a confidential relationship, involve trust and keeping secrets. No matter what kind of relationship it is, it's important to treat each other with care and respect.

A more thorough explanation:

A relationship is the connection between two or more people. It can be a legally recognized association that affects the participants' legal rights and responsibilities. There are different types of relationships, including:

This is a formal legal representation of a person by a lawyer. It can be established without any formal agreement and imposes a duty on the lawyer to act in the best interest of the client.

This is the association between a medical provider and a patient who is being diagnosed or treated. The relationship imposes a duty on the doctor to ensure that the patient gives informed consent for treatment.

This is the association between a person employed to perform services for another, who in turn has the right to control the person's physical conduct in the course of that service. It imposes a duty on the employer to provide a safe working environment and to pay the employee for their services.

This is a relationship in which one person is under a duty to act for the benefit of another on matters within the scope of the relationship. It requires an unusually high degree of care and arises when one person places trust in the faithful integrity of another. Examples include trustee-beneficiary, guardian-ward, principal-agent, and attorney-client relationships.

This is the association between an adult and a minor in the adult's care, especially an offspring or an adoptee. It imposes a high duty of care on the adult, including the duties to support, to rescue, to supervise and control, and to educate.

This is an association that involves one person's reliance on the other person's specialized training. Examples include one's relationship with a lawyer, doctor, insurer, banker, and the like.

These examples illustrate how different types of relationships impose different duties and responsibilities on the parties involved. Understanding the nature of a relationship is important in determining the legal rights and obligations of the parties.

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throwback to when i got rejected from nd for undergrad and ACB was sworn in later and my mom was like "this is the school you were upset about???"
everything go smooth for me like i got my masters
lolll ur moms real manifest
I want to call this law school so bad about this waitlist wait but im not💀💀💀💀💀💀
what is the best way to study for the lasts without paying for any courses or tutors?
in the past i would have said Khan Academy but i think theyre moving that course to lawhub now? and so idk if its free anymore
I got 130 on the lsat practice test it was my first time im so screwed
any advice :(
are you able to buy books?
i would go with the powerscore set
from which company?
you're not screwed; you haven't even started yet
if you're eligible for an LSAC fee waiver you can get 7sage's online course for $1 a month
Honestly if you scored a 130 on your diagnostic you probably should get a tutor
its normal to take a diagnostic and then freak out but it's important to remember that you have time to improve
khan academys free resource is a good intro to LSAT
also if you took it with logic games that's no longer relevant to you
good point
i liked the book the LSAT trainer to start idk how much it helped tho
yea thats true
some tutoring companies provide tutoring pro bono for those who cant afford it
7sage helped me a lot. Because of 7sage i went from a 136 to a 150
isn't Khan Academy no longer free tho?
I couldn't stand khan academy for lsat help
I would pay a tutor if its really worth it
i think khan academy is still free but they took the lsat stuff off and moved it to lawhubn
You would do well with developing test taking skills and a tutor would probably be able to help you with that
Ugh my allergies are driving me nuts - I have an awful headache
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