


Simple English definitions for legal terms


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A quick definition of registration:

Registration is the act of signing up or enrolling for something. It can be used for things like voting, where you need to register to be able to vote in an election. It can also be used for criminal registration, where someone who has committed a crime needs to register their name with the police. In the world of finance, registration is the process of preparing to sell a new security to the public. Shelf registration is a type of registration where securities are registered but not sold until a later date.

A more thorough explanation:

Definition: The act of recording or enrolling.

Example: The county clerk handles registration of voters.

Explanation: This means that the county clerk is responsible for keeping a record of people who are eligible to vote in a particular area. This is important for ensuring that only eligible voters are allowed to vote in an election.

Criminal registration: The requirement in some communities that any felon who spends any time in the community must register his or her name with the police. Since the late 1980s, many states have adopted strict registration laws for convicted sex offenders.

Example: A convicted sex offender must register with the police in the community where they live.

Explanation: This means that the convicted sex offender must provide their name and other personal information to the police so that they can keep track of them and ensure that they are not committing any further crimes.

Special registration: Voter registration for a particular election only.

Example: People who want to vote in the upcoming presidential election must register to vote before the deadline.

Explanation: This means that people who want to vote in the presidential election must provide their personal information to the appropriate authorities before a certain date in order to be eligible to vote.

Securities registration: The complete process of preparing to sell a newly issued security to the public.

Example: A company is preparing to sell shares of stock to the public for the first time and must go through the registration process with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

Explanation: This means that the company must provide detailed information about the stock they are selling to the SEC so that potential investors can make informed decisions about whether or not to invest in the company.

Shelf registration: Registration with the SEC of securities to be sold over time, the purpose being to avoid the delays and market uncertainties of individual registration.

Example: A company files a shelf registration statement with the SEC for a debt offering, but decides to wait for a better time to release the offering.

Explanation: This means that the company has prepared to sell the securities, but has not yet released them to the public. This allows the company to avoid delays and market uncertainties that can occur with individual registration.

registrar of deeds | registration and community-notification law


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im pathetic ik
dude i had a dream i got off of four waitlists in one day
omg that must have sucked waking up
it really did
Let’s face it. We’re undone by each other. And if we’re not, we’re missing something. If this seems so clearly the case with grief, it is only because it was already the case with desire. One does not always stay intact. It may be that one wants to, or does, but it may also be that despite one’s best efforts, one is undone, in the face of the other, by the touch, by the scent, by the feel, by the prospect of the touch, by the memory of the feel.
y'all I'm so nervous to talk to my boss I feel like he's going to bite my head off
good luck bb
I don't want him to make me cry again lmao
don't let him!! i never cry in front of men!
babybunny what are you quoting
cry in the bathroom after
@SameSuperLeopard: judith butler :)
I don't think my hormones are going to let me lmao
@amlaw: men don't deserve the pleasure they get from making you cry
nah cry in front of him if you feel like it, but dont be ashamed of it. crying is normal and your god given right as a human, dont let some asshole make you feel like its not okay
@babybunny: exactly
okay i can see both sides, feels like it depends on the situation
"never let someone make you feel inferior without your consent" is what I'm going to be chanting to myself in myhead
there you go
don't consent to them making you feel inferior either
yas queen
unless it's a sex thing i guess
your emotions are valid, so be kind to yourself, whatever youre feeling
@babybunny: that made me laugh out loud in class
you can do this, Valley. I know it's a painful and uncomfortable experience but you are SO CLOSE to FREEDOM
@amlaw: anytime
okay here we go
sending good vibes into the void for you @ValleyH
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