


Simple English definitions for legal terms

plea in estoppel

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A quick definition of plea in estoppel:

A plea is when someone accused of a crime says if they are guilty or not guilty. Sometimes they can say they don't contest or admit guilt. A plea in estoppel is when someone can't change their story because they already said something else before. There are different types of pleas, like a guilty plea or a no-contest plea. A plea bargain is when the accused and the prosecutor agree on a plea. In a civil case, a plea is when someone responds to a claim made against them. Sometimes a plea can be used to delay or defeat a case, but it doesn't challenge the main issue.

A more thorough explanation:

A plea in estoppel is a legal defense that prevents a person from denying something they previously said or did. This defense is used when someone has relied on the person's previous statement or action and would be harmed if the person were allowed to deny it.

For example, if a landlord tells a tenant that they can have a pet in their apartment and the tenant signs a lease based on that statement, the landlord cannot later evict the tenant for having a pet. The landlord is estopped from denying the tenant's right to have a pet because the tenant relied on the landlord's statement.

Another example is if a person signs a contract agreeing to pay for a service and then later tries to deny that they agreed to pay. The person is estopped from denying the agreement because the other party relied on their promise to pay.

plea in equity | plea in justification


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i dont think the concern is that youre going to stay unemployed....
I think a good student at UGA will have close to the same opportunities as most GW students provided they network etc
and will have paid SIGNIFICANTLY less to go
I mean in DC
idk it’s too late to change my results now so I try not to dwell on what ifs if ya know what I mean
I’m not familiar enough with UGA’s programs so I can’t speak to them but all in all I’m happy with my outcomes all things considered
sure. I think UGA has a semester in DC thing
Sure it’s not ideal, but for a barista from middle of nowhere Ohio that applied in February I don’t think I have the right to complain.
sure yeah, itll work out
@TruthTheX: that isnt very genz of you lol
you all have great offers and will do great things with them
@CTCSH: real and based tbh
so how’s everyone today? Last Sunday before deposit deadlines
[] ararara
Follow your heart where it goes people! Congratulations on a great cycle and get ready to work so hard you fall off the face of the earth!
[] ararara
@TruthTheX: doing alright, you?
[] ararara
Wherever it goes*
I’m okay. A bit overwhelmed tbh but I think that’s to be expected so trying to remain positive! How about yourself my friend it’s been a bit since I last saw ya! Anything new with you?
[] ararara
@TruthTheX: what’s overwhelming for you? Overwhelmed in a good way I hope! Thanks! I actually about to go exercise please look at for my delayed responses!
[] ararara
I’m* sorry can’t type this morning haha
[] ararara
Just the whole WL process. The nerves and pressure and whatnot. I’m gonna join ya on that working out soon though! Debating if I wanna do back today or cardio and stretching
And you’re good it’s still early I can’t even talk before I have coffee most days hahaha
[] ararara
Never drink coffee probably why I’m dumb actually haha. Calm that mind! See you on the other side!
I drink way too much of it cuz I work at a coffee shop! And will do! Maybe I’ll do a bit of back and then cool down with some stretching I got nowhere to be today so might as well take my time and enjoy the process! Have a great gym session!!
finals szn babay
Best of luck on your finals!!
[] ararara
@TruthTheX: sometimes having nowhere to be is the best feeling!
1000% gonna enjoy it this summer while it lasts I know once law school starts I’ll be busy until December break haha
[] ararara
@TruthTheX: sounds like you’re on the right page about things! People are different though! Some people don’t burn out so if you’re a work horse that’s okay too!
Yeah I’m honestly pretty excited to be going back to school I got a tad tired of it towards the end of ugrad admittedly but I enjoyed that steady grind and constant flow
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