


Simple English definitions for legal terms

guilty plea

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A quick definition of guilty plea:

A guilty plea is when someone admits in court that they did something wrong. It's like saying "yes, I did it." This usually happens as part of a deal with the prosecutor. It's important that the person understands what they're doing and that they're doing it on their own. Once they plead guilty, it's like they've been found guilty after a trial.

A more thorough explanation:

A guilty plea is a formal admission made by an accused person in court that they committed the charged offense. It is one of the three possible responses to a criminal charge, the other two being "not guilty" and "no contest."

For example, if someone is charged with theft and they admit in court that they stole the item, they are entering a guilty plea.

A guilty plea is usually part of a plea bargain, where the defendant agrees to plead guilty in exchange for a reduced sentence or other concessions from the prosecutor. However, the plea must be made voluntarily and only after the accused has been informed of and understands their rights.

If a defendant enters a guilty plea, it has the same effect as a guilty verdict and conviction after a trial on the merits. This means that the defendant will be sentenced for the crime they admitted to committing.

Other types of pleas include:

  • Not guilty plea: An accused person's formal denial in court of having committed the charged offense.
  • No contest plea: A plea by which the defendant does not contest or admit guilt.
  • Conditional plea: A plea of guilty or no contest entered with the court's approval and the government's consent, the defendant reserving the right to appeal any adverse determinations on one or more pretrial motions.

guilty mind | guilty verdict


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Good morning future lawyers
anyone have a good loci template?
there's great ones online
dont lean on the template too much, they've probs seen hundreds of the same type of LOCIs.
this is your last shot to be creative and stick out
But use it as a good idea of what to include
yeah i agree
you can only make a LOCI so special so dont stress too much
this may not work for everyone, but i went back to middle school writing. first paragraph named three reasons i want to attend. then each one got a short paragraph
"in this essay i will beg for you to let me in"
okay real talk the three paragraph essay is GOATed
to the point
gets the job done
epitome of writing for a purpose
i agree. also yall laugh but im at that point im considering sending michigan another loci even though i have zero updates and sent one about 2 weeks ago
have some decorum sir
im trying its just taking more effort than it should
imagine groveling to the wolverine industrial complex
the five paragraph essay is lokey GOATed when conveying information concisely is the goal
lowkey* ugh i can't spell
loki goaded
ngl my LOCI was just an update on my year lmao didn't even dick ride the schools
but i wrote why X essays for all of em
the only LOCI i wrote was basically "come on now I'd be 3rd gen to attend this institution and i'm at the medians you want come on bby" in a single paragraph
Yeah, my LOCI don't include any substantive updates on my year because I don't have any to offer.
it never got acknowledged but they did let me in lmao
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