


Simple English definitions for legal terms

one-way ratchet theory

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A quick definition of one-way ratchet theory:

The one-way ratchet theory is a principle in constitutional law that says Congress can only increase the scope of guarantees under the 14th Amendment, but cannot take them away. It's like a ratchet that only moves in one direction. This idea was first mentioned by Justice Brennan in 1966, but was later rejected by the Supreme Court in 1997.

A more thorough explanation:

The one-way ratchet theory is a principle in constitutional law that states that Congress, when using its enforcement power under the 14th Amendment, can increase but not weaken the scope of 14th Amendment guarantees as previously defined by the Supreme Court. The term "ratchet" refers to the idea that the enabling clause works in only one direction, like a ratchet.

For example, in the case of Katzenbach v. Morgan, Justice Brennan stated the one-way ratchet theory. However, the Supreme Court later rejected this theory in City of Boerne v. Flores.

This means that Congress can pass laws that strengthen the protections of the 14th Amendment, but it cannot pass laws that weaken or undermine those protections. The one-way ratchet theory ensures that the Supreme Court's interpretation of the 14th Amendment remains the minimum level of protection guaranteed to all citizens.

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Weird, I get an email saying I missed a deadline, but I don't have another email from the school.
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good morning people!!
Good morning
Happy Friday - starting the day listening to Not like us ;)
Rip i was supposed to have a half day at work for a charity event. Now i have a full day at work thanks to the rain 😭
good morning future lawyers
good morning valley
is it just me or has this week felt like it has lasted a gajillion years
nah i feel that
plus my toddler is giving me issues with potty training AND i have to pack up my entire classroom in the next two weeks and I am ~stressed~
law school with a toddler?!! huge respect
lol thank you. I'm very lucky to have a great village of people all ready to step in to help when needed but yeah, wouldn't recommend it for the weak lmaooo
serious kudos to you, Valley
happy Friday folks!
i wish it skips to monday after friday
I dont i need this weekend😭💀
happy friday
Turkey you are simply wrong
Without a weekend I would perish
Only 2 months to go till i can leave this job
Ugh I cannot WAIT
today has to be the day, today my cycle will finally end (i dont actually believe that at this point but what else can i do but hope)
good morning lsd
lool damn when did you send apps in
late af its my own fault for sure
ahh feb isnt even that late, there will be some mid march applicants yelling at the sky about not hearing back yet lmao and its like come on man
i intended to submit november, and then i had an anxiety attack during my lsat and bombed it, honestly i should have waiting another year before applying but you live and you learn
ahh way to keep at it, will you reapply if you don't get fordham or are you okay with Yeshiv
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