


Simple English definitions for legal terms

ongoing earnings

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A quick definition of ongoing earnings:

Ongoing earnings refer to the revenue gained from labor or services, investment of capital, or assets that a company continues to earn over time. It is a type of business income that is calculated by including income items and excluding various business expenses. However, this term is often used interchangeably with operating earnings, which is not a reliable measure of a company's financial performance. Other types of earnings include gross earnings, net earnings, retained earnings, and surplus earnings.

A more thorough explanation:

Definition: Ongoing earnings refer to the revenue gained from labor or services, investment of capital, or assets that a company continues to earn over time.


These examples illustrate ongoing earnings because they represent the revenue that a company continues to earn over time. Operating earnings are calculated in violation of generally accepted accounting principles and are often unreliable. Retained earnings are the income that a corporation has accumulated over time and has not distributed as dividends. Surplus earnings are the excess of corporate assets over liabilities within a given period.

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@Hellwoods2025: I’d assume WL culling would start now or after their early June wave but idk why it would go under review again if they plan to cull when it’s probably easier to just R off the rip (but I could be reading into what the lawhub movement means way too much)
@shereallysaidmeganslaw: damn i think ara shadowbanned u i had to refresh lol
@TruthTheX: last time i recall this happening it was WL -> A
its pug btw im rooting for you to get off this WL even tho i have beef with gulc
@TruthTheX: yeah no idea, I forget if people said their status changed before A last wave, I know it went up for them
How’re you???
hahah how did you spot me
@serenity--now: he's in too deep nowadays
he has to keep up the bit
good luck to u as well! manifesting an A for you as well
Honestly it being a decision either way will be a blessing I mean I’ll be really really REALLY sad if it’s an R but then I don’t have to wonder anymore I can just make my firm locked in plans
No more having to answer the “so where did you decide to go question” with a “well it depends”
thats very understandable
its been a huge weight off my shoulders to tell people and do things like apply for housing now that i know exactly where ill be
even little things like finding a sushi spot etc, makes me feel a lot more comfortable about starting school again
Lmao I envy that status
That’s exactly what I hope for. Plus it’ll be suuuuper nice if I get any kind of decision in like the next three or four days cuz my aunt is gonna be in town and she’s coming to visit primarily to help me start packing, make a locked in list of apartments to try and tour/look at, and otherwise help me plan the logistics so it’ll be nice to only have to make ONE PLAN!!!!
so sick of answering my coworker with maybe when asked if im going to school next fall
truth i have a good feeling i think its gonna happen
I’m so incredibly nervous I didn’t realize it happened until I did my daily check of Reddit and one of the fellow WL limbo applicants I’ve been DMing daily asked me, then I checked immediately, and only after that did I see the post on Reddit mentioning it happened/check here and see it’s starting again
Like when they asked I expected to have the daily “no change for me wbu” interactions we’ve had for like two weeks hahaha and then when I saw it changed I felt like I was gonna puke and I’ve been pacing around my apartment since
well I am very happy you found out and hoping that means good news incoming for you!
hoping you get word before your aunt arrives!
Me too I’m excited and nervous and just gotta remember to be patient
it could be tmrw for what its worth!!
i think i recall last time this happened, you got an update the next day
Im thinking 3-10 days but I certainly will be happier if it’s tomorrow (or today 🤪). But the last time this happened in May it was a three day turnaround and the email they sent a week ago said June so idk
The funny thing is this last week was the first week I made my peace with waiting my screen time literally went back to normal after being literally double towards the end of last month and I finally got it down
… so much for that effort
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