


Simple English definitions for legal terms

Maritime Law

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A quick definition of Maritime Law:

Maritime Law: This is also known as admiralty law. It is a set of rules that governs activities that take place on the sea, such as shipping, navigation, and marine commerce. It also covers legal disputes that arise from these activities, such as accidents, injuries, and environmental damage. Maritime law is important because it helps to ensure safety and fairness in the maritime industry.

A more thorough explanation:

Maritime Law

Maritime law, also known as admiralty law, is a set of laws and regulations that govern activities and disputes that occur on the sea or other navigable waters. This includes issues related to shipping, navigation, marine commerce, and marine pollution.

Examples of maritime law include:

  • Disputes between ship owners and crew members
  • Claims for damages resulting from collisions between ships
  • Issues related to cargo damage or loss during transportation
  • Environmental regulations related to marine pollution

For example, if a ship collides with another ship and causes damage, maritime law would govern the legal proceedings related to the incident. Similarly, if a crew member is injured while working on a ship, maritime law would dictate the compensation and benefits they are entitled to receive.

Overall, maritime law is an important area of law that helps to regulate and protect the activities and interests of those involved in maritime commerce and transportation.

Maritime Court | Maritime Lien


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Does anyone who has ADHD and took the LSAT have tips how to remember RC? I keep finding it goes in one ear and out the other because I get bored while prepping
Might be because it's not the actual test, I usually test really well because of the adrenaline
@ScandalousSeriousBaboon: i have adhd but i bombed rc, but others with adhd can still do well. it really depends on the person and how their adhd symptoms impact their life
[] ararara
@ScandalousSeriousBaboon: strengths are weaknesses! That’s what I tell my students! Try to use your adhd like a superpower if you can! Filter out the bullshit parts of RC you don’t need!
You can get extended time if you have ADHD or anxiety, etc. it’s super easy you just need a doctor to write a few sentences
@CloisteredDisgustingCheese: i had accommodations, and even then i gave up on rc. plus, they arent always easy to get. i had to prove i wasnt taking adhd meds before i got it approved
@Ijustwannagetinman: can you pm me what your experience was like? mine is tomorrow and im freaking out lol
I've never had an "official" diagnosis, but 100% have it. Might be worth it to attempt to get extra time, especially on RC... would make a good essay to write about living with undiagnosed ADHD and still doing well in school (other than shite HS grades)
@ararara: Ty for the words of wisdom!
@menherachan: Ty for the kind words
Am I reading this right when I see that schools are still waitlisting students for this current cycle?? I am taking the June lsat so I have been checking in from time to time. Am I reading this right??
Like, ASU (my dream school), waitlisted 3 out of their last 4 applications
Is it not a terrible year to apply with the June Lsat?
it’s always a terrible year to apply with a june lsat, but if your score jumps a lot then that’s good, although at that point you might want to wait til next cycle so you can get even better options
If I got pulled off the waitlist at UCI (probably with no scholarship), would it be dumb to go there over USD with 30k a year?
maybe? you’d need to run the numbers and check specific outcomes/connections for your goal. put yes it’d probably be dumb
@ScandalousSeriousBaboon: Tbqh, writing an essay about doing well in school is likely a bad idea
1. Schools can see you did well, they get your transcript 2. unless the story tells readers something besides "but I'm smart and/or a hard worker, so I did well despite ADHD" this is a missed opportunity to share something more interesting
(3. Mentioning anything mental health or neurological is dicey, a lot of schools view that as a risk)
I agree
In my interview they asked me about the most humbling experience. I had one that was health related but did not use it.
is anyone active rn
anyone here still haven't heard from USC
@ScandalousSeriousBaboon: i think an essay topic on your adhd could be good, but i am biased in your favor since i wrote my ps on being audhd lol
@NaughtyTeenyWeenyPebble: I am active what's up
i think you should do it. if the adcomms is ableist enough to deny you admission from their preconceived notions about neurodivergence, it would probably be a shitty environment to study in anyway
I mean implicit bias is still a real thing.
it is, but i still think its better to mention it than not. if admissions can't be as impartial as they can, imagine how the rest of the faculty can be
i cant speak on what a's i could have gotten since my lsat is low for t14 standards, but i'm happy with my cycle
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