


Simple English definitions for legal terms

malicious mischief

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A quick definition of malicious mischief:

Malicious mischief is when someone intentionally damages or destroys someone else's property. This is a crime that was originally a misdemeanor in common law, but some modern laws make it a felony depending on the value or nature of the property. It can also be called malicious injury, trespass, or damage. Essentially, it means doing something bad to someone else's things on purpose.

A more thorough explanation:

Malicious mischief is a crime where someone intentionally damages or destroys someone else's property. It was a misdemeanor according to the common law of England, but some modern statutes make it a felony depending on the nature of the property or its value.

For example, if someone spray-paints graffiti on someone else's car, that would be considered malicious mischief. Another example would be if someone breaks a window of someone else's house on purpose.

These examples illustrate the definition because in both cases, someone intentionally damaged someone else's property without permission. This is against the law and can result in criminal charges.

maliciously damaging the property of another | malicious motive


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Read the room, girlies. I know you hate me
oh noooo im so sorry sparrow that is so uncool
I will continue beating this dead horse bc it's pissing me off and made me feel so dehumanizes
Anger keeps the boredom at bay
Idk investing 300k + interest without guaranteed BL seems on the edge of a scam
if i were an adcom i would create a "beef" dlist where everyone who we fuck over, intentionally or unintentionally, would not be contacted
@OvertReconditeSpider: Schulden sind falsch
@manifestT14acceptances: i mean, if they're interviewing people on the wl i think they're def starting the process to admit people off the wl!
Remember when law schools actually cared about education instead of money
@GoofyFuturistic: so sad because it's not just law schools
Car insurance inflation up 22% year over year lol
And undergrad programs obviously
yeah, when has law school not been about the money
prob not since it was a bastion of WASPs
Money was also a force but it’s gotten worse
The debt to income for any academic degree has gotten significantly worse since the 90s
the debt to income for anything has gotten worse since the 90s except things like TVs
@WillyPetey27: making preparations to take people off the WL isn't the same as taking people off the WL imo but i could be being pedantic. either way i wouldn't say you're necessarily cooked its possible they know they will be needing the use the waitlist without having gone through all their applicants
Obv tuition for law school has always been around. But debt to gain the education compared to expected income is bad
My great uncle always liked reminding us that when he went to Texas law school tuition was $50/class
like if they know they need to fill 50 seats based off deposits so far, but they only like like 30 applicants left, they know they would need to admit from the waitlist
And they will then try taking advantage of some conditional people to fuck over
It’s all part of the grand plan
How much money can we pocket
Yeah my mom always tells me to just take the loans bc she paid sticker for pharmacy school and was fine. Even tho sticker was $45k debt ajd her starting pay was 72k 🤨
@OvertReconditeSpider: I might be in a position to graduate debt free and when I tell you I will cry such tears of joy
@OvertReconditeSpider: https://www.sfchronicle.com/projects/2023/california-voting-law/ just threaten to sue schools districts and they just roll over and pay you to go away for millions
Im not in CA so
@TediousSparrow: i’ll have some COL loans but shouldnt be too bad. I found 2 roommates to keep my rent and utilities down
oh the point was that you can find a way to tap into a niche market to become very profitable
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