Simple English definitions for legal terms
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Legal papers are important documents that show evidence of some sort of agreement or ownership. They can be things like birth certificates, contracts, deeds, or wills. They are used to prove legal rights and obligations. During a trial, documents like complaints or summons can also be called legal papers. They are written by lawyers and are legally valid. They affect the legal rights of the people involved.
Legal papers are important documents that relate to a legal agreement or some other type of legal right. They can be official documents, legal instruments, or other types of evidence that prove ownership, identity, legal status, or some other obligation. Examples of legal papers include:
Legal papers can be used in a trial or in preparation for a trial. They can also be used to prove legal rights or obligations in other situations. For example, a birth certificate proves a person's identity and legal status, while a contract proves a legal agreement between two parties. These documents affect the legal rights of the people involved and are legally valid.