


Simple English definitions for legal terms


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A quick definition of Testamentary:

Term: Testamentary

Definition: Testamentary refers to something that is related to a will or testament. It is often used to describe something that was created, appointed, or provided for in a will. For example, a testamentary trust is a trust that is created through a will. Testamentary capacity refers to a person's ability to make a valid will, and testamentary power of appointment refers to the ability to appoint someone to receive property after death through a will.

A more thorough explanation:


Testamentary refers to something that is related to a will or testament. It is often used to describe something that was created, appointed, or provided for by a will.

These examples illustrate how the term testamentary is used to describe things that are related to a will. A testamentary trust is a type of trust that is created by a will, while testamentary capacity refers to a person's ability to make a valid will. The example of John's will shows how a testamentary power of appointment can be used to give someone the authority to distribute assets according to the wishes of the person who made the will.

testacy | Testamentary Capacity


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bold of you to assume i have anything coherent to say
i saw ONE reddit say they got the A, otherwise no movement this week
one person logged an A here too iirc but it could be the same person
yeah or it could be old
for feeler calls will they come from the listed number for the schools admissions? Or could it be any number
im a little nervous because people on reddit said that their feeler calls were jthe day before their A so waiting this long makes me wonder if i uh messed it up
last time i think I saw thursday calls
and i think the lack of results reported today/yesterday is good
anytime a school called me it showed up as the school in @SameSuperLeopard: caller ID and had that school's area code
but I have no idea
idk if it was actually the same number listed on michigan's website though i can check later if youre still curious
yeah hoping for the best for both of us lol
I don't think it is, I got a weird number and she left a different callback in the voicemail
ah hell okay
i think correct area code but it wasn't like a listed school number
i got a phone call from a weird number today, but they didnt leave a voicemail so hopefully it was just spam or something
It doesn't matter anymore but is it not sooo insane that USC still hasn't rendered all its decisions lol
weryuvbreivyb throwback to when my heart skipped a beat because i got an LA phone number calling me and it was just uber eats telling me my driver couldnt find me
Only reason I pop back in every few days is to see if they are awake and they never are
they should leave a voicemail but as someone who worked in a call center i would triple check that your voicemail box is open/able to receive messages
so many people missed important ass shit because they just didnt have a voicemail box set up and then they call like "why did no one get to me" and im like "we TRIED"
i kinda hate feeler calls, simply because i have MASSIVE phone anxiety, especially if its a number i dont know. Going to have to suck it up and just start answering
my voicemail box is all set up though
it is such a good time to be a robo or scam caller who was sold my phone number because i have been picking up almost all phone calls
y'all see the reddit post about new interest rates going up by 1% most likely
@manifestT14acceptances: so real
hey fellas long time no see. did anyone go to the vandy waitlist info session? Its during work for me so i missed it
did my HLS WL interview today.... thought it went well so really hoping that comes through
wishing the best for all of you on your WL journey!!
these students are about to make me lose my ever loving mind
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