


Simple English definitions for legal terms

incorporeal chattel

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A quick definition of incorporeal chattel:

An incorporeal chattel is a type of property that doesn't have a physical form, like a piece of land or a car. It's a legal right that someone has to use or own something, like a patent or copyright. Property can also refer to things that people own, like a house or a bike. There are different types of property, like abandoned property that someone gives up, or income property that makes money.

A more thorough explanation:

Definition: Incorporeal chattel refers to a type of property that is intangible and cannot be physically touched or seen. It is a type of incorporeal property, which is a proprietary right that is not classified as corporeal property.

Examples: Examples of incorporeal chattel include patents, copyrights, trademarks, and other intellectual property rights. These types of property are valuable assets that can be bought, sold, and licensed, but they do not have a physical existence. For instance, a patent for a new invention is an incorporeal chattel because it is a proprietary right that gives the owner the exclusive right to make, use, and sell the invention, but it is not a physical object that can be touched or seen.

Explanation: The examples illustrate the definition of incorporeal chattel by showing that it is a type of property that is intangible and cannot be physically touched or seen. These types of property are valuable assets that can be bought, sold, and licensed, but they do not have a physical existence.

in corpore | incorporeal hereditament


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I would email and ask about scholarship reconsideration and make it clear how important it is to you.
Email seems better. You do this once in your life, the admissions staff do this for 3 months at a time, every year. You don't want to give an off-the-cuff answer that undermines any leverage you have.
Whether by lowballing your ask, taking uncertainty/a nonresponse on their end as a cue to lower your ask, letting on that you would enroll at their current offer, whatever
Same reason people who negotiate car purchases by email do way better than anyone who walks in and plants themselves across the table from a professional salesperson
What if a school gave you no money at all? How do I ask for money?? haha
If you have other scholarhsip offers you use those as leverage
@TwinPeacock: Share a better $ offer from a peer school and/or an A from a better school
Too bad I don't haha
Just ask them about their reconsideration process. Make it clear you actually want to go there if the COA is right.
ok thanks!
And yes other offers always help
Are you emailing financial aid or admissions?
Without other schools, your main leverage is the option to take a gap year and reapply (less bad for rankings etc., but still hurts their yield and any boxes you check in their class). That does less, because a lot of people are set on starting this year, but it's what you have. Agreed with everything @YouJustGotLittUp said as well.
I would reach out to financial aid
@TwinPeacock: You can ask financial aid who the best point of contact for reconsideration is
Thanks all, very helpful!
It's a bureaucracy, they want to direct you to the right person. It saves time for everyone
Anything beats not taking the LSAT and reapplying. Like most of you, my mental health suffered w/ this cycle. Woo!
Fingers crossed for the June LSAT :')
As someone who successfully R&R'ed, I'm gonna play devils advocate. Not taking out 6 figures of student loans for a school that doesn't guarantee even average outcomes is worth retaking the LSAT.
any of you negotiated after paying first seat deposit? I've got two seat deposits down and want to go to the school that gave me less money. Still a solid scholarship, but i might as well try to get more.
@youjustgotlittup, I know! I have new LSAT study materials that just arrived last week! Let me send this email tho lol
a magnificent monday
hope all of you had a great weekend!!
i hope you had an even greater one trees
The WL waiting is killing me
my cls wl is giving me delulu hope
i believe in all of us
i'm not even religious but pray for me 😭
Knowing they can call at any minute man…. I’m sick to my stomach
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