


Simple English definitions for legal terms


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A quick definition of incorporeal:

Definition: Incorporeal means something that cannot be touched or seen, like a right. In law, it is often used to describe property that has no physical form, such as intellectual property or rights of inheritance. The opposite of incorporeal is corporeal, which refers to things that can be touched or felt, like land or money. Examples of incorporeal property include easements, profits, and rent charges.

A more thorough explanation:

Definition: Incorporeal refers to something that is intangible and has no physical existence, such as a right. In law, it is primarily used in the context of property. According to Louisiana Civil Code Article 461, incorporeal things have no physical appearance or body, such as the rights of inheritance, servitudes, obligations, and intellectual property rights. In contrast, corporeal things have a body that can be felt or touched, such as land or money.

Examples: An example of an incorporeal hereditament is an easement, which is a right to use someone else's property for a specific purpose. Another example is a rent charge, which is a payment made by a property owner to the owner of an incorporeal hereditament. These examples illustrate the concept of incorporeal property because they are intangible rights that are attached to physical property and can be inherited.

incorporator | incorporeal ownership


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@manifestT14acceptances: ugh I hate that for you
i hate it for me too but i also wanna say its cute that your SO got you coffee without asking
@manifestT14acceptances: you'll find someone who deserves someone as awesome as you <3
omg stoppppp tyy <3
@manifestT14acceptances: loool
WID how are you this fine morning
awful my tummy hurts cause i ate chipotle at 10pm
wbu brother
awww I'm sorry bayybeeeee
dont feel sorry for me feel sorry for the poor bastards that have to use the single stall bathroom after me
ooooof lmao
thoughts and prayers thoughts and prayers
anyone else super excited for bridgerton season 3 this week
@WhatItDoBayybeeee: sounds like you're weak my tummy can take chipotle any time of day
oh im weak af
barely a man
reesecups and sour patch kids taste like a pb and j thank me later
i feel like youre probably wrong
also i want chipotle now
guys i have to officially withdraw from Georgetown today
but why is it so stressful lol
wait is that a good thing or a bad thing
Good im going to UCLA
but i just am stress about having to say no
ahhh gotcha
but at least it's for a good reason!!
as someone trying to get off the waitlist might i suggest you give me a shout out
but more seriously congrats
i do not think uva is going to give me anything from reconsideration but oh well
withdrawing from gulc hope the spot goes to one of y’all <3
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