


Simple English definitions for legal terms

in jure

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A quick definition of in jure:


Definition: In jure means "according to the law" in Latin. It was used in Roman law to refer to the first stage of a trial, where legal issues were established before a magistrate. Evidence was taken in the second stage before a judex.

Example: The defendant argued that the search was illegal, but the judge ruled that it was conducted in jure.

A more thorough explanation:

Definition: In jure (in joor-ee) is a Latin term that means "in law." It can refer to something that is done according to the law or to a legal proceeding in Roman law.


  • When a judge makes a ruling, they must do so in jure, meaning that their decision must be based on the law and legal precedent.
  • In Roman law, a trial would begin with an in jure proceeding before a magistrate, where the legal issues of the case would be established.

The examples illustrate that in jure refers to something that is done in accordance with the law, whether it is a judge making a ruling or a legal proceeding in Roman law. It emphasizes the importance of following the law and legal procedures in making decisions and resolving disputes.

injunctive | in jure alterius


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let me check the stts
let me check the stts
let me check the stts
hmm, yeah no advantage over UI
L&C is much closer but also lower enough in rankings that it basically breaks even
all of the california schools are really gpa pilled, could you get a 174 and go washU?
could do I think. IDK I think UCLSF or davis might take me with a higher lsat and earlier app
I think late apps really cooked my goose 15/15
Anyone seeing any movement with BAMA or UTKnox?
actually your chances are really good if you get to 168 for all the california schools and apply early
Outside of Hastings, the simplest reading is being below both medians is what hurt you
And being a splitter but on the low end of the GPA range for Hastings
that and late apps yeah. Davis is doable with higher score. I have great pro LORs and I think the rest of my app presented well
Which is a double-edged sword - GPA is set, so part of that is baked in - but LSATs are scarcer and also the part you can still change, so most of that drag could be gone with a retake
thats my thinking exactly. but on the other hand I have some OK options and the opportunity cost is a year of salary. but schools open and close doors. thats why im leaning R&R at this point. I'm mid 20s, not aging out or anything
@headlongflight: I know someone who got into Bama off the WL a week or two ago 166/3.1
Yeah, if current options don't fit what you want to do (as well as options in a year plausibly could), taking one year to get a choice that impacts the next 30 is totally reasonable
100%. Appreciate the thoughts and advice @jb2028 et al
IDK how I'm supposed to last two more weeks with these students. They are getting on every last nerve. Every day feels like a year.
tell the worst one they're adopted
dog do you have any nerves left? do you need to see a neurologist?
@Mountaineer99: lmfaoooo
thank you for making me laugh
for anyone here who was adopted i don't think there's anything wrong with that i am simply providing valley a method to destroy a vulnerable child's self esteem
hi everyone!! how is friday going
@Mountaineer99: thanks
i was adopted and there is something wrong with me
there is something wrong with me and i’m not adopted
everyone send good vibes my way that my boss will let us go home early
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