


Simple English definitions for legal terms

final-offer arbitration

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A quick definition of final-offer arbitration:

Final-offer arbitration is a way to solve a disagreement where each side has to give their final offer to an arbitrator, who then chooses only one. This makes both sides want to make a fair offer or risk the arbitrator choosing the other side's offer. It's used to prevent the arbitrator from making a compromise decision that's not satisfactory to either side.

A more thorough explanation:

Definition: Final-offer arbitration is a type of dispute resolution where each party must submit a "final offer" to the arbitrator, who can only choose one. This type of arbitration is used to counteract arbitrators' tendency to make compromise decisions halfway between the two parties' demands.


  • In a labor dispute, the union and the employer may agree to final-offer arbitration to resolve their differences over a new contract. Each side would submit their final offer to the arbitrator, who would choose one of the offers as the final decision.
  • In a legal dispute between two companies, they may agree to final-offer arbitration to avoid a lengthy court battle. Each company would submit their final offer to the arbitrator, who would choose one of the offers as the final decision.

These examples illustrate how final-offer arbitration works. Each party has an incentive to make a reasonable offer because the arbitrator can only choose one. This type of arbitration can be useful in situations where the parties are far apart in their demands and need a neutral third party to make a final decision.

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Now i need to find a basic linear game...
khan academly should have some good free ones
oooo good idea
give them maximum difficulty parallel reasoning questions
one time in middle school our teacher gave us a logic games puzzle and it totally shut us all up for like half an hour
God that's the dream
I tried that last year. It didn't work on my students.
you guys ever wonder why you werent enough for some people
no i know why
I'm not enough for myself most of the time
i'm voluntarily moving to ohio like i get it
ohio isnt so bad my dog is from ohio
I'm voluntarily moving to St. Louis
^^*cries in super splitter*
Actually, it's not really voluntary. It's not like I have other options
i'm so sorry barry. st louis style pizza needs to be prosecuted at the hague
have you heard of a st paul sandwich
i have no idea what st. Louis pizza is tbh. Is it pizza but with BBQ sauce replacing tomato sauce?
one side of my family is from the part of illinois that identifies with st louis i know the struggle
@BarryZuckercornEsq: it's like absurdly thin pizza with provel cheese instead of real cheese
it reminds me of like. when people try to make pizza out of matzah
yeah it's like "yeah sure i'll have the pizza that's just fake cheese on a cracker why fucking not?"
Yea no thanks
its also usually cut into squares so it reminds me of when people are like "lets make a healthy pizza by putting pizza ingredients on a tortilla and cutting it in really small slices"
its one of those things i feel like people only ate because they had to and now that they dont theyre just kinda used to it re:british food
personally i think it's just them trying too hard to be the opposite of chicago
"i'm gonna make the thinnest possible pizza that doesn't even have real cheese!"
at least the cheese is on top of the sauce tbf
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