


Simple English definitions for legal terms

favored nation

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A quick definition of favored nation:

Favored Nation: A special agreement between two countries that allows one country to enjoy the same benefits and privileges as other countries under similar circumstances. This agreement usually applies to international trade and results in lower trade tariffs. It is also known as Most Favored Nation (MFN) status.

A more thorough explanation:

Definition: Favored nation refers to a treaty status granted to a nation, usually in international trade, allowing it to enjoy the same privileges that the other party accords to other nations under similar circumstances. This status primarily results in lower trade tariffs.

Example: If Country A grants most favored nation status to Country B, it means that Country B will receive the same trade benefits as any other country that Country A has granted the same status to. For instance, if Country A has granted a 10% tariff reduction to Country C, then Country B will also receive the same 10% tariff reduction.

Explanation: The example illustrates how favored nation status works in international trade. It means that a country that has been granted this status will receive the same treatment as other countries that have been granted the same status. This status is usually granted to promote fair trade practices and to encourage countries to engage in trade with each other.

favored beneficiary | favored-nation clause


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@ValleyH: come one we got this, just gotta make a study schedule and stick to it, will be so worth it when we beat our goal scores and get As + tons of scholly money
(I'm also quite burnt out and can barely get myself through one section after work)
@OptimisticOutlier: Ugh I knoooow. I'm just so tiiiiired
last weekend I decided to do a full test friday and full test saturday, sunday i review, then m-thurs I take off
parting salvo
from ambrose bierce's wonderful work the devil's dictionary
a definition ..
guys is it delusional that i get excited when schools put exclamation points in their email responses
Prolly. Especially since the email reads “you’re rejected!!”
Has anyone heard anything from Penn regarding WL
@LawApplicant6012: just go to umich end ur cycle!! Congrats!!!
people on reddit claiming they got vandy wl->A in a poll, do we believe them??
@OptimisticOutlier: damn, two practice tests in a row?!
yeah its brutal but then I get to enjoy my saturday night
@ValleyH: when are you taking?
@OptimisticOutlier: June
I don't believe em personally but I'll wait to see if they'll reply
maybe tho I just feel like we would have soon movement on lsd or on the reddit
@ValleyH: ok yeah same, I feel like its coming so fast I'm getting so nervous
So what T14 if WL movement have we seen or heard when’s it really hitting
@Seagulleagle10: i'm having trouble believing them just bc I don't think there's been any WL mvmnt on here, but maybe more people use reddit ?
I need to know when trickle down economics will be a proven theory for a whole like 2 weeks
seems like UVA, Michigan, Georgetown and UCLA have moved
HLS has started WL interviews
if HLS is taking some people now i guess that means some spots could start opening at lower t14 now right??? Duke pls i neeed to get in
no same I haven't seen any waitlist movement outside of what we have seen on the reddit and through lsd. So I just feel its unlikely but never know
I’m waiting for the next wave of GULC after the higher T14 start to pull
Plz Dean Andy I beg. I once again am coming to you asking for your love and support
the fact that i'm still waiting on 3 schools in may is crazy
does anyone know anyone who got off washu WL? ik im way below medians but curious
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