


Simple English definitions for legal terms

family court

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A quick definition of family court:

Family court is a special court that deals with problems that happen in families. This court only handles certain kinds of problems, like when parents get divorced, when they fight over who gets to take care of their children, or when someone in the family is being hurt or abused. Each state and city has its own rules for how family court works. Sometimes, family court also helps decide who should take care of someone who can't take care of themselves, like an older person or a child with special needs.

A more thorough explanation:

Family court, also known as domestic court, is a type of court that deals with cases related to family law. This court has limited jurisdiction and only hears cases that involve family law matters. Examples of cases that are heard in family court include:

Family court is governed by state and local law, which means that the procedures and rules can vary depending on the jurisdiction. For instance, some jurisdictions may have family courts that handle guardianship and incompetence hearings, while others may leave these matters to probate courts.

The examples given illustrate how family court deals with cases that involve family law matters. For instance, if a couple decides to get a divorce, they would need to go to family court to settle issues related to property division, child custody, and spousal support. Similarly, if a child is being abused by a family member, the case would be heard in family court to determine the best course of action to protect the child.

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And, incidentally, show NYC is more expensive (Manhattan is 33% above U.S. average, Brooklyn 16%, Queens 15%) but not super different from Chicago (5% above average), so $110K in New York is about $83K in Chicago
*110K in Manhattan = 83K in Chicago
from my experience food cant be differ by that much but rent is way way way higher in manhattan
Guys I just did a timed practice and got a 178 I think I’m gonna cry
did anyone get a response from fordham
I asked this earlier and forgot to look at the answer before it disappeared but what should be the difference between my 1st and 2nd LOCI? It’s the only school I applied to and they know I will 100% attend and what I’ve been up to since I applied
At that point just reaffirm you’re still interested and everything you said holds true I think
Thank y’all
i’m kinda like the honor levy of my generation
[deleted by ararara]
[deleted by ararara]
[deleted by ararara]
Do splitters need something sexy on their apps? 176 but 3.4 GPA and nothing really compelling. Decent essays, but nothing out of this world
[deleted by ararara]
[deleted by ararara]
[] ararara
@SpitefulAcceptablePheasant: I’m not sure what your goals are but it’s always helpful to have a strong application! You have a whole summer to add on to your profile! I think another helpful exercise could be using the search function here to see what apps with your numbers did in their wisdom to be successful at your goal schools.
[deleted by ararara]
[deleted by ararara]
[deleted by ararara]
[deleted by ararara]
Oof what happened here?
Did someone say a bad thing?
lmao what happened
All I saw was someone said they had a 1.6 GPA and were considering applying to law school
[] ararara
Hahaha 😂 ⚰️ 👻 sorry just a troll being weird! This is really not a good part of the cycle! Hope everyone is having fun though!
@ararara: haha all good! good riddance if it was a troll
[] ararara
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