


Simple English definitions for legal terms

family law

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A quick definition of family law :

Family law is a type of law that deals with things like marriage, divorce, and children. It also covers things like adoption and domestic violence. Each state has its own rules about family law, so it can be different depending on where you live. Some states have special courts just for family law cases.

A more thorough explanation:

Family law, also known as domestic relations law, is a type of law that deals with legal issues related to family relationships. This includes marriage, divorce, child custody, adoption, domestic violence, reproductive rights, and other matters that involve family members.

For example, if a couple decides to get a divorce, family law will govern how their property is divided, who gets custody of their children, and how much child support or alimony should be paid. If a child is being abused by a family member, family law will provide legal protections for the child and may result in criminal charges for the abuser.

Family law is based on English common law traditions, but it has evolved over time to reflect changing social norms and values. Each state has its own family law statutes, which can vary widely from state to state. Some states have separate family courts to handle family law cases.

family court | family limited partnership


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@manifestT14acceptances: Ok good to know thank you
no problem and best of luck!
@Seagulleagle10: they also want you to submit atleast one new letter of rec too if you can
ok what if I submitted a letter of rec just recently from one of their alumni in an attempt to get off their waitlist. Should I use that same letter of rec next cycle or just find someone else again? Kinda screwed myself there
@ararara: Appreciate the link!
[] ararara
Thanks! Rule of thumb of course is a higher test score!! Get above medians! Jump up to the rooftop! Also though, make the most of these next few months! Great time to make connections and gain experience! The application will come together naturally!!
Do yall think Law School outside of the T25 is worth it?
can be, absolutely
of course
chag, love to see you still alive after yesterday's massacre
@NT-GLTY: <33
for how long is the question LOL
got no clue what to expect now
fingers crossed that SMU doesn't kick me off their WL before I can take the June LSAT :')
There are many wonderful law schools outside the t13! Biglaw isn’t everything!
man, all of these schools with me on the waitlist are really messing up, I hope people decline their offers over it so I can go : /
(by messing up I mean the protest responses etc)
Yeah fr. Just have to expect something soon
@SuaveCrouton: what kind of law do you want to do
i feel like umn forgot about my application :/
Columbia please keep arresting students so people w moral compasses withdraw, I personally am a self interested big law shill and will happily attend and buy bombs for Israel
[] ararara
@SadGloriousZebra: idk how long you’ve been waiting or f this will even be helpful but if you click UMN’s page you can see their response times kind of (the data here is a snapshot)
i've been waiting since early feb and it looks like they have responded to most people that have applied around that time
[] ararara
@SadGloriousZebra: this is all for the best though it’ll be on like Donkey Kong soon enough! Early February is not that bad I don’t think! I’m sorry though!!
@SeanStrickland2024: For me Columbia's biggest drawn is that students are getting arrested. My undergrad campus is horribly non-activist and I'd love to have a student body that is willing to actually take action. (Still fuck admin for the arrests)
Students don't get arrested here because they don't leave the library
thanks for the help! hopefully it'll come soon. they just said 8 weeks and its been over 11 now
rn my options all seem to be anti-protest, so im not rly in a position to use that as a decision maker LOL
[] ararara
@SadGloriousZebra: “no news is good news” it’s kinda cool to still be alive at a school like UMN but yeah I know this has to be painful!
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