Simple English definitions for legal terms
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Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is a government agency that makes rules to keep our air, water, and land clean and healthy. They also make sure that people follow these rules and work with states and local governments to protect the environment. EPA was created in 1970 to help keep our planet safe and healthy for everyone.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is a government agency that works to protect the environment. It was created in 1970 and is responsible for setting standards to control pollution in areas such as air, water, solid waste, pesticides, radiation, and toxic materials. The EPA also enforces laws that are designed to protect the environment and coordinates efforts with state and local governments to reduce pollution.
For example, the EPA might set a standard for the amount of pollutants that can be released into the air by a factory. The agency would then monitor the factory to make sure it is following the standard. If the factory is found to be releasing too much pollution, the EPA can take legal action to force the factory to reduce its emissions.
Another example is the EPA's work to protect water quality. The agency sets standards for the amount of pollutants that can be in our rivers, lakes, and oceans. It also works to prevent oil spills and other types of pollution from harming marine life and the environment.