


Simple English definitions for legal terms

domestic violence

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A quick definition of domestic violence:

Domestic violence is when someone hurts or threatens to hurt someone they are or were in a relationship with, like a spouse, boyfriend/girlfriend, or someone they live with. It can also include violence against someone they share a child with or someone who is protected by laws against domestic violence. Domestic violence is against the law and can be punished by the government.

A more thorough explanation:

Domestic violence is a type of violence that happens between people who have a close relationship, like spouses, partners, or family members. It can be physical, emotional, or sexual abuse. Domestic violence is against the law and can be punished by the criminal justice system.

  • When a husband hits his wife
  • When a boyfriend threatens to hurt his girlfriend if she leaves him
  • When a parent yells at and belittles their child

These examples illustrate how domestic violence can take many forms and can happen in different types of relationships. It is important to recognize and report domestic violence to protect victims and hold abusers accountable.

domestic relations | domicile


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i think as always its going to depend on a number of factors. $110k in nyc really doesnt go as far and people would say that is similar to making like 50/60k in chicago or pittsburgh
very true. thanks!
if i have a non law related summer job lined up but i am on some waitlists should i try to find a law-y project of some type to work on
110k only doesn’t seem like that much bc of the whole culture of nyc being a whole “keeping up with the jones’” vibe
Everyone needs that doorman apartment. Everyone needs a bottega bag. Everybody needs to eat out 4 times on the weeks and drop $30 on a cocktail. Obviously not everybody needs that but that’s as much of the problem of nyc as living expenses and why ppl think money doesn’t go as far as it can
my brother in christ have you seen the cost of rent
I lived in New York ik but a lot of the issue is exaggerated like 110k in New York is not 60k in Chicago lol
[] ararara
Have a great Saturday everybody! Flap those angel wings LSD ❤️.
The various cost of living calculators (including the Forbes one above) are bad because these websites cobble them together in a week for clicks
As a result, they just take the same "basket" of goods and multiply it by price data for every city (easy) instead of adjusting for stuff like "people in NYC buy less gas than people in Nashville because why on earth would you own a car in NYC?" (hard)
And, incidentally, show NYC is more expensive (Manhattan is 33% above U.S. average, Brooklyn 16%, Queens 15%) but not super different from Chicago (5% above average), so $110K in New York is about $83K in Chicago
*110K in Manhattan = 83K in Chicago
from my experience food cant be differ by that much but rent is way way way higher in manhattan
Guys I just did a timed practice and got a 178 I think I’m gonna cry
did anyone get a response from fordham
I asked this earlier and forgot to look at the answer before it disappeared but what should be the difference between my 1st and 2nd LOCI? It’s the only school I applied to and they know I will 100% attend and what I’ve been up to since I applied
At that point just reaffirm you’re still interested and everything you said holds true I think
Thank y’all
i’m kinda like the honor levy of my generation
Hey guys.
1.91 gpa, 160lsat.
ive been working on my shit, practice pting at about 160 now. any places i could apply or is my gpa fucking me so hard im gonna have its baby?
Do splitters need something sexy on their apps? 176 but 3.4 GPA and nothing really compelling. Decent essays, but nothing out of this world
im fucked
Squadala im fucked
[] ararara
@SpitefulAcceptablePheasant: I’m not sure what your goals are but it’s always helpful to have a strong application! You have a whole summer to add on to your profile! I think another helpful exercise could be using the search function here to see what apps with your numbers did in their wisdom to be successful at your goal schools.
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