


Simple English definitions for legal terms

derivative defense

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A quick definition of derivative defense:

Derivative Defense: A type of defense that is based on another defense. For example, if someone is accused of stealing, they may use the defense that they were given permission to take the item. This defense is based on the derivative defense of consent.

A more thorough explanation:

Derivative defense refers to a type of defense that is based on another defense. For example, if a defendant claims self-defense, but the prosecution argues that the defendant was the aggressor, the defendant may use the defense of defense of others as a derivative defense.

  • Derivative Entrapment: This refers to a defense that is based on the claim that the defendant was induced to commit a crime by law enforcement.
  • Derivative Estate: This refers to an estate that is created from another estate, such as a life estate or a remainder interest.
  • Derivative Evidence: This refers to evidence that is obtained as a result of other evidence, such as a confession that is obtained after an illegal search.
  • Derivative Instrument: This refers to a financial instrument that derives its value from another asset, such as a stock option or a futures contract.
  • Derivative-Jurisdiction Doctrine: This refers to the principle that a case cannot be removed from state court to federal court unless it falls within the federal court's subject-matter jurisdiction.

For example, if a defendant claims that they were induced to commit a crime by an undercover police officer, they may use the defense of derivative entrapment. This defense is based on the claim that the police officer's actions were illegal and therefore the defendant's actions should not be considered criminal.

derivative conveyance | derivative lease


General chat about the legal profession.
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and I thought it would be crazy to take that
it's just way to expensive for the outcomes
Im actually a bit offended on your behalf that you didnt get more
Idk the gov con program is extremely good and pays well plus the professors I’ve talked to have a ton of connections and will basically find you a job as long as you’re putting in the work and everything
like I have worse GPA and LSAT and got the same offer
Tbh I applied really late and my work experience is shit. My hard sell was having two disabled parents (one of which is a ward of the state now) and then my scores
i dont think the concern is that youre going to stay unemployed....
I think a good student at UGA will have close to the same opportunities as most GW students provided they network etc
and will have paid SIGNIFICANTLY less to go
I mean in DC
idk it’s too late to change my results now so I try not to dwell on what ifs if ya know what I mean
I’m not familiar enough with UGA’s programs so I can’t speak to them but all in all I’m happy with my outcomes all things considered
sure. I think UGA has a semester in DC thing
Sure it’s not ideal, but for a barista from middle of nowhere Ohio that applied in February I don’t think I have the right to complain.
sure yeah, itll work out
@TruthTheX: that isnt very genz of you lol
you all have great offers and will do great things with them
@CTCSH: real and based tbh
so how’s everyone today? Last Sunday before deposit deadlines
[] ararara
Follow your heart where it goes people! Congratulations on a great cycle and get ready to work so hard you fall off the face of the earth!
[] ararara
@TruthTheX: doing alright, you?
[] ararara
Wherever it goes*
I’m okay. A bit overwhelmed tbh but I think that’s to be expected so trying to remain positive! How about yourself my friend it’s been a bit since I last saw ya! Anything new with you?
[] ararara
@TruthTheX: what’s overwhelming for you? Overwhelmed in a good way I hope! Thanks! I actually about to go exercise please look at for my delayed responses!
[] ararara
I’m* sorry can’t type this morning haha
[] ararara
Just the whole WL process. The nerves and pressure and whatnot. I’m gonna join ya on that working out soon though! Debating if I wanna do back today or cardio and stretching
And you’re good it’s still early I can’t even talk before I have coffee most days hahaha
[] ararara
Never drink coffee probably why I’m dumb actually haha. Calm that mind! See you on the other side!
I drink way too much of it cuz I work at a coffee shop! And will do! Maybe I’ll do a bit of back and then cool down with some stretching I got nowhere to be today so might as well take my time and enjoy the process! Have a great gym session!!
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