


Simple English definitions for legal terms

dead man's statute

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A quick definition of dead man's statute:

A dead man's statute is a law that says in a legal case, someone who has an interest in the case cannot talk about conversations they had with someone who has died. This is to make sure that the person who has died is not unfairly talked about and cannot defend themselves. There are three conditions that must be met before someone is not allowed to talk about the dead person: the dead person must have had a real interest in the case, the person talking must have an opposite interest, and someone must be representing the dead person's interest. Some states have this law, but it does not apply to written evidence in New York.

A more thorough explanation:

A dead man's statute is a law that prevents a party with an interest in a civil lawsuit from testifying against a deceased party about any conversations they had. This law is in place to prevent unfairness and injustice that may arise from allowing a surviving party to give testimony that is favorable to themselves and harmful to the deceased party, who cannot refute it because they are no longer alive.

For example, if a person is involved in a car accident and dies, their family cannot testify about any conversations they had with the other driver about the accident. This is because the deceased person cannot defend themselves or provide their own version of events.

There are three conditions that must be met before a surviving party or witness is disqualified from testifying under the dead man's statute:

  1. The deceased person must have had an actual right or interest in the matter at issue.
  2. The interest of the witness must be adverse to the deceased person.
  3. A right of the deceased must have passed to a party of record who represents the deceased's interest.

It's important to note that the Federal Rules of Evidence do not include a dead man's statute, but many states have adopted their own versions of this law.

For example, in New York, the dead man's statute does not apply to documentary and other tangible evidence. This means that if there is physical evidence, such as a written contract or a video recording, it can still be used in court even if one of the parties involved has passed away.

de novo | deadhand control


General chat about the legal profession.
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Tell us what's important to you
A gluten intolerance
Seriously tho
For a question like that, maybe a weakness that you're currently working on
1 am working on my writing skills but I do not of I should say that
[] ararara
@GreenJumbledScorpion: don’t overthink this! Be confident! They already like you!
@GreenJumbledScorpion: as long as youre genuine and can communicate that you're introspective in your response then i dont think the actual "Weakness" you pick really matters all that much
and yeah someone said this already but it helps if its something you are working on/have a plan to work on. i guess obvi it would be best to not pick something that makes it sound like you would be super toxic to work with ("i have a temper" or something idk)
my biggest weakness are that i’m too hot and too hard-working
and my
my biggest weakness is that my booty is so thick i cant get through doors 😔
in the words of dasha nekrasova, PLEASE stop sexualizing my tight wet pussy!!!!
if I get banned for this one so be it I have to live my truth
careful big brother ararana is always watching
breaking news: babybunny sent to reeducation camp for thoughtcrime
tbf if you did get in trouble for it that would just serve as proof that your greatest weakness is truly being too hot
My biggest weakness is that I think I'm smarter than I really am, which causes attempts to coast by on talent
Also that I am racist
@saintcamp: are you tucker carlson or something
I am too detail orientated (which is true, I got really invested in the LSAT RC because I thought the passages were fun)
saintcamp lmao
@GreenJumbledScorpion: that is a good weakness to have
My biggest weakness is that I exclusively consume Chinese media
If I get asked about difficult convo I had I am going to say: People at school used to always tell me that chief keef a fake..
lol probably don’t do that
that he makes barber shop music... I had to threaten to throw hands to protect chief Keefs legacy.
@KnowledgeableRitzyWasp: Side note if they ask me whether I would accept and offer from HLS can I say: "It would take an act of god to make reject an offer"
@KnowledgeableRitzyWasp: 你说中文吗?
@GreenJumbledScorpion: these bitches love sosa!
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