


Simple English definitions for legal terms

dangerous situation

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A quick definition of dangerous situation:

Term: Dangerous Situation

Definition: A dangerous situation is when someone is in a position where they could get hurt or injured, and they can't get out of it by just being careful. For example, if someone is driving and they end up in the path of a train, they might not be able to avoid getting hit even if they try to be careful. This is called a dangerous situation.

A more thorough explanation:

Definition: A dangerous situation is a circumstance where there is a risk of harm or injury to a person or property. In legal terms, it refers to a situation where a plaintiff operating a motor vehicle has reached a perilous position that cannot be escaped by the exercise of ordinary care, under the last-clear-chance doctrine.

Example: A driver is texting on their phone while driving and fails to notice a pedestrian crossing the street. The pedestrian is in a dangerous situation because they are at risk of being hit by the car. If the driver does not take evasive action to avoid hitting the pedestrian, they may be held liable for any injuries or damages caused.

Explanation: The example illustrates a dangerous situation where a person's safety is at risk due to the actions of another person. The pedestrian is in a vulnerable position and cannot escape the danger on their own. The driver has a duty to exercise reasonable care to avoid causing harm to others, and if they fail to do so, they may be held responsible for any resulting injuries or damages.

dangerous-proximity test | dangerous-tendency test


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chosen anderson goated temple owl and haason reddick
@CTCSH: Sounds like a lotta excuses lmao
gonna pop out next year and get into yale watch this space
Chosen anderson is him
anyone know how i can update schools on my April LSAT Score? Can i call?
Well it’s sent to them automatically
they automatically get it, just email them to make sure they are on the lookout for it
[] ararara
@babybunny: are you reapplying?
thank you!
@ararara: looks like it! my fault for applying feb lmao
As a Feb applicant I feel that
@BarryZuckercornEsq: i wish these people all the success, even the urm 155/3.3 HYS sweep application lol Just pissed my plans have changed drastically, but it is all good lol Life plan happiness is more important than momentary isolated phases of happiness lol I can still be rich and do all the other things I want without law school so oh well, did not succeed with the timeline i had made. But enough lsd therapy session! Where is pug, let’s word fight! Lol
why would someone choose a school because of a mediocre headcase WR
i'm blackpilled since nyu. i have really good public interest softs :(
did you guys see that Reddit video edit of the person who had a 4.0 and 179 and got waitlisted at ASU lol
You're below both medians. It is, heavily, a numbers game. Sucks but you can try to change it if you want
ASU's standards were bizarre. It got easier to get in there as the cycle went on.
@CTCSH: I wish you well! I would not have any real earnings potential without the LSAT, so I am grateful to it
@crybaby2024: excuses, reasons, stuff that doesnt matter - call it whatever you want, idc lol Moving on!
oh fr? I was planning on submitting all my apps on the 1st day but im a Kjd with barely any softs so I hope ASU still accepts me
@CTCSH: okay! Don’t let the door hit you on the way out!
i applied on a whim because they gave me a CAS waiver, expected an R because i was inside of the right angle at the time i applied but i got in and got 105k. then they started letting in people beneath the medians in larger numbers so i felt less special lmao
@ctcsh im not arguing online with a 40 year old, worry about your cholesterol instead of me
It's better to be early at most schools. Sometimes there's an odd school that realizes it isn't going to hit its medians targets late in the cycle that gets more lax, but those are outliers
like look at UGA this cycle if you applied in November or earlier vs. December or later. Night and day
@pug: 👏 👏
Yeah applying early is WAY better for you than late at most schools. Also with your stats I wouldn't worry about ASU Guiltless
@GuiltlessPuffyDog: i got into asu, with zero supplemental essays and 100k with a 3.5/174 so i think you’ll be fine
no supp, 3.83/166 and got an ASU A seriously i wouldn't sweat them
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