


Simple English definitions for legal terms

reasonable care

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A quick definition of reasonable care:

Reasonable care means taking the same amount of care that a normal, careful person would take in the same situation. If someone doesn't take reasonable care and someone else gets hurt, they might be responsible for the injury. But if someone does take reasonable care, they won't be responsible for the injury. For example, if someone installs water pipes that can handle freezing temperatures, they're taking reasonable care. If the pipes still burst during an unusually cold winter, they won't be responsible for the damage.

A more thorough explanation:

Reasonable Care

Reasonable care is the level of care that a normal person would take in a given situation. If someone fails to take reasonable care and someone gets hurt, they may be held responsible. On the other hand, if someone takes reasonable care, they can show that they acted responsibly and are not responsible for any harm caused. For example, in the case of Blyth v. Birmingham Waterworks Co. in 1856, the court found that the pipelayers had taken reasonable care when their pipes burst due to an unusually cold winter. They had installed the pipes to withstand freezing conditions that were normal for that city.

Imagine you are driving a car. Taking reasonable care means following traffic laws, driving at a safe speed, and paying attention to the road. If you fail to take reasonable care and cause an accident, you may be held responsible for any harm caused. However, if you take reasonable care and someone else causes an accident, you are not responsible for any harm caused.

Reasonable belief | Reasonable doubt


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it actually hasnt moved for me since it went complete
and i got a WL if it matters
mine was incomplete until today on lawhub
but in the actual nu portal it was complete, it was a lawhub error i checked with them
but today for the first time it shows complete and it moved up
hmmmm im hoping for good news
im gonna throw up at my desk
out of happiness!!
Do schools really track and look at how often people check the status trackers
Cuz I didn’t buy premium lawhub and spending $100 to sneakily check if I’m being put under consideration again for WLs seems overkill
I think they can see it but I can't imagine they care
they already have a million pieces of info on us so why would they add more irrelevant data?
Ya know what… good point
I guess tbh I could just wait for my LSD tracker to fix and then sneaky check here lmao
My one weakness in life: my lack of patience. Not the best nerf to have when on a WL hahaha
They are not going to decide whether you get a spot or not based on your status checker neurosis lmao
i dont get the auto trackers i didnt realize this was a thing until recently. i only found out about the lawhub trackers like a month ago
ahhhhhh another person recorded getting off the Mich WL ahh screamikng
Yeah I only found out recently and by the time I found out, it wasn’t worth the price
i didnt realize lsd also provides a status checker i thought it was always manually put in
If I knew last year when I also would’ve taken advantage of the LSAT materials, cool. Idk I wish they had an option for just the trackers and not everything cuz that’s the bulk of the cost
Ohhh yeah hahaha tho sometimes it can be a lil finicky. A few accounts (mine included) aren’t working rn and are on a list to get fixed at some point
yeah it reminds me of the linkedin "see who viewed your profile" where like i would totally pay to just check every now and then i dont need the thing
status check bump
i bet im getting aWL
this sucks lollll
its fine this is fine
Better than an R in some respects tho
fwiw i dont think anyone in the previous E waves noticed lawhub movement
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