


Simple English definitions for legal terms


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A quick definition of criminogenic:


Definition: Criminogenic means something that can cause or lead to criminal behavior. It is used to describe factors or situations that increase the likelihood of someone committing a crime. For example, living in a high-crime area or having a history of abuse can be considered criminogenic. The word comes from the combination of "crime" and "genesis," which means the origin or creation of something.

A more thorough explanation:

Definition: Tending to cause crime or criminality.

Example: A neighborhood with high unemployment rates, poverty, and lack of access to education and resources can be considered criminogenic.

Explanation: The example illustrates how certain environmental factors can contribute to the likelihood of criminal behavior. In this case, the lack of opportunities and resources can lead individuals to turn to crime as a means of survival or to fulfill their needs. The term "criminogenic" is used to describe these types of environments or situations that increase the risk of criminal activity.

criminative | criminology


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lool fair, are you able to visit Howard maybe see if you can get to chat with someone in person
i think even starting a email chain with a legit question could help your name stick out at this point in the game
also my lol was to the fuck no i understand needing to get out from home
let me think of a question then. I just ont anna rub them the wrong way what so ever. Im def banking on them atp. Elon was attractive in the sense of its 2.5 yrs and i lived in gboro before (cheap). Im a muzzie so my mom dont fw me moving out before a ring is on the finger
what is a muzzie? and you can ask about how touring works with them being done with their academic calendar. Even if you don't actually visit I think its a Q worth reaching out for
wouldnt bank everything on howard if you dont even know your getting the A yet
^^ and true thats a valid exuse to email them let me go ahead and draft it. and @glove, im clearly not banking everything on them if i deposited else where. Im keeping my options open to them possibly giving me an A
HUSL would be nice though.
i believe your mom not fw you moving out before a ring on the finger is a cultural thing, not a muslim thing lol
I gotta hear back today I need to find out if I have to move lmao
lol its a combination... def pushing the religion aspect of it though because thats what MY mother refers to it as . Thanks :)
im muslim myself although she may say its religious her statement has no islamic basis just wanted to put that out there
Well I did a timed LR section and only missed 4
out of 26
We lit
crazy username wth lol
thanks typed it myself
@aziza: make sure you mention how youre excited to be an applicant and optimistic about being there in the fall
WID lets make an LSD clan
where everyone has matching usernames
LSD clan is crazyyy
crazy dope maybe
can you confirm that I know you from a previous username i think i know who this is lool
its glove lmaooo
thought u realized that
LMAO i knew it was someone i knew
glove i love this new identity
thanks i wanted something a lil more sophisticated
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