


Simple English definitions for legal terms

constructive notice

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A quick definition of constructive notice:

Constructive notice is a legal idea that says someone has been told about something, even if they haven't actually been told. This happens when certain rules have been followed, and the law assumes that the person knows about it. For example, if there is a paper that has been registered, the law assumes that the person knows about it, even if they haven't seen it. This is different from actual notice, which is when someone has been directly told about something.

A more thorough explanation:

Constructive notice is a legal concept that assumes someone has received notice, even if they haven't actually received it. This happens when certain procedures have been followed, and the law considers the person to have received notice. This is different from actual notice, which is when someone has received notice in reality.

  • If a property is sold and the deed is registered with the government, anyone who wants to buy the property in the future is assumed to have constructive notice of the sale. This means they are legally considered to have known about the sale, even if they didn't actually know.
  • If there is a pending lawsuit that could affect someone's interest, they are assumed to have constructive notice of the lawsuit. This means they are legally considered to have known about the lawsuit, even if they didn't actually know.

These examples illustrate how constructive notice works. Even if someone didn't actually know about the sale or the lawsuit, they are still considered to have known because of the legal procedures that were followed.

constructive fraud | constructive possession


General chat about the legal profession.
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the cycle is bout over brodie nobody on here anymore
[] ararara
Yeah I don't go on reddit really but just saw there are only 39 people on LSA right now
and me and you are 2 of them
[] ararara
It's a beautiful thing though. Even people here rn getting ready to apply next cycle are kind of too early. They're setting themselves up to be stressed waiting for the most part.
good thing ive been here since march
and dont apply till next cycle
[] ararara
A strong app is a strong app. Outside of a few schools (Duke) timing really doesn't matter all that much,
i think its normal, especially for splitters
I will say money is less available later in the cycle
and seats
[] ararara
@SplitOnMe: true true but also yes and no! Initial offers will go down but the money's still there.
stats are important, but not everything in an app, tell a compelling cohesive story through your PS, DS, and interviews
some schools have big enough endowments anyone eligible will get the same award
wash u really be pooping out scholarships
OSU is pretty generous too if you don't mind a filthy T30
a lot of regional schools throw full rides at high lsat scorers source: me
[] ararara
Just to add on to what splitter said if anyone's here who is applying please check out that link I put up there!
[] ararara
It shows that the users who got into the most competitive schools even had errors in their materials! No one's perfect. Not stats wise or even materials wise. Just be cool ✌️ it's gonna be good!
[] ararara
@Mountaineer99: lots of girls at that school! Have fun if that's where you're going mountain! Have the best day everybody!
I wish there was a way for all of us to meet together and get drinks together :')
[] ararara
Hahaha I'm pretty careful on this site because Ive seen some people who can't be trusted but you two are both cool and I would be down to meet up somehow! See ya ✌️✌️ have fun again!!
we are grabbing drinks together ~in spirit~
@ararara: that is a great resource! I feel like stuff like that should be bookmarked in the subreddit
i could teach you all about the virtues of qlipoth the preservation
we could extol the amber lord together
Should I send my second LOCI a few days before or a few days after their deposit date? I’ve made it clear I will 100% attend and wanna say I’ll put down a deposit same day
i believe i sent mine the day of or the day after
i think as long as you can get it in time for them to have it by the time they review WL applicants, i guess if their communications makes it clear that it takes a couple days for that to go through then a couple days in advance
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